July 29 - Vignettes in Prayer
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
July 29 - Vignettes in Prayer
????Jesus made a promise to us in Matt 28:20, that He would never leave or forsake us.?That means we have the presence and essence of God with us always.?Paul tells us in ! Cor 6:19-20, that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit.?This means we have the presence of God with us always by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.?This means we can experience a daily, moment by moment communion with Him.?This awareness of His presence is that part of prayer that we can take with us throughout our day to strengthen and encourage us.?This has been called practicing the presence of God.?Practicing God’s presence is something that must be learned and cultivated for the rest of our Christian life.?This is growing in the grace of God.?Paul calls it praying without ceasing.?