July 22 – He Loves me – Psalm 91:14
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
July 22 – He Loves me – Psalm 91:14
??????There are three promises that David points out in this little verse and also statements of facts.?
First, the Lord loves us.?1 John 4:8 states that God is loves.?1 Cor 13:13, states that love is the
foundation for faith and hope.?Love is who God is and what He is all about.?It is His love that gives us
salvation.?It is love that covers a multitude of sins.?Love is foundation of all major victories in this
????The next thing this verse reminds us is that the Lord will rescue us.?Daniel discovered that when he
was rescued from the lions dens.?The three Hebrew children had that experienced.?Noah was rescued
from the flood and Jesus save His disciples from the storm.?God will recue His children.?Whatever you
face today God will rescue you.?
????Lastly, the Lord will protect those who acknowledge His name.?Jesus said if you acknowledge Him He
Will acknowledge you.?If we are ashamed of Christ He will be ashamed of us.?So today remember you
are loved rescued and protected.?Three great promises to reflect on today.
July 23 – Three Promises – Psalm 91:15