July 22, 2020 - Day 10
July 22, 2020
Today’s centering thought: As I let go of the need to arrange my life, the universe brings abundant good to me.
Today’s share is from my daily email from, Harvard Business Review Management Tip of the Day; Turn Rejection into a Learning Opportunity.
No one likes being rejected. We like to be agreed with. We like to be accepted. We like being praised. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen and when you hit the figurative wall, it can be hard to bounce back.
This tip talks about exploring and reframing the “rejection”. It highlights the importance of stepping back and looking at what we can learn.
Lessons learned sessions are often a key deliverable in project management methodologies. This is an organizations way of continuous improvement. In group settings, we often recognize the importance of assessing what could have been done better so that we can apply those principles next time. It can be easier to do in a group setting because there is some anonymity. The feedback and rejection may not feel so personal.
Yet, when we are alone, it can feel more difficult. Rejection often comes along side expectations and patience. When we apply for a job or go on a first date, we want to know what’s going to happen and we want to know it immediately. Will we get the job? Is this “the one”? Our expectations are way far out ahead of the present moment. But, the present moment is all we can control.
With each interaction, we get to prepare. We have the opportunity to do whatever is necessary to arrive as our best selves. In the moment, we have the chance to do our best. That’s it. That’s what we can control. The more prepared we are, the more likely we are to put our best foot forward. But there isn’t a guarantee that we get what we want.
This is the idea of detachment. We get attached to the outcome we want. We have an expectation. But we don’t get to control the outcome. We get to control the preparation. We get to experience the journey.
Today’s Resource Share:
HBR Management Tip of the Day.