July 2024 Newsletter
Training Providers, Employers & Support Organisations that are involved in Apprenticeships & End Point Assessment
1. EPA Conference 2024
If you haven't booked on yet - do it quick as tickets and stands are selling fast!
Join us & the conversation at our September Conference. This is our biannual Apprenticeships Conference.
Our Autumn Conference is about EPA, where we delve deeper into Assessments. They are aimed at Managers, Leaders, and Executives within:
What to expect
Our eclectic selection of speakers from across the sector ensures the audience is left with new insights and a different perspective. We're not here to tell you what you already know
Our speakers are leaders from within the sector all of whom are attending with the sole purpose to share their knowledge, expertise and experiences for the good of the sector and spark debate
Our speakers aim to put policy into practice. The sector is full of nuances and interpretation, navigating the industry can be challenging, we all strive to put the learners at the heart of what we do, what better way to learn, than from each other
Greatness is sparked from a conversation - imagine being in a venue surrounded by like minded, passionate professionals, eager to spark a conversation with you
Headline Sponsor: Skilltech Solutions & risr/
Conference Chair: Tad Chapman
Speakers: Karina Hull Melissa Parlour Jan Richardson-Wilde Professor David Wooff Samuel Riley Laura Topliss Jacqui Molkenthin Dan Howard BA. CMgr FCMI, FIEP Jake Tween Steve Smith David Gallagher FIEP Jane Pierce David Gallagher FIEP
Sponsors: Orbital Software Solutions Ltd Occupational Awards Limited Doran Scott Williams (DSW) Skilltech Solutions risr/ NQual Ltd
Exhibitors: S Knights Recruitment EPA HUB Pathway Group Occupational Awards Limited NALP | National Association of Licensed Paralegals Cleverclogs Multimedia LTD Pearson Orbital Software Solutions Ltd DNA Awarding Skilltech Solutions risr/ NQual Ltd eta
2. Highlighted posts from the APPRENTICESHIPS GROUP: (APP4ENGLAND)
APPRENTICESHIPS GROUP: (APP4ENGLAND) - https://www.dhirubhai.net/groups/3721961/
3. Sector News
Jacqui Smith: the new skills, FE and HE minister
Thank you
Thanks for being a part of our monthly newsletter community! We appreciate your support and can't wait to bring you even more exciting news and insights next month. Keep an eye out for our next edition!