July 2024
Lifelong Learning Platform - European Civil Society for Education
The voice of education & training NGOs in Europe
33rd EfVET Annual Conference 2024, Amersfoort, The Netherlands?
Registrations for the Annual EfVET Conference are open and you shouldn’t miss it! The topic of this year is “Training the Gen Z: New horizons for VET”. Check the conference website for more information and registrations. If you register until the 31st of July, you will be able to enjoy the early bird fee. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact them at [email protected].
LLLP - The Erasmus+ Implementation Survey Report 2021-2023 is out!
Read here the main results of the Erasmus+ Implementation Survey addressing the experience of Erasmus+ programme beneficiaries, their recommendations for improvement and more.
LLLP - Continuing the European Education Area
In the context of the interim evaluation of the European Education Area, LLLP released a statement providing the civil society perspective. Read all about it here.
LLLP - European Parliament's new Committees: what's new for education and training
Read here the outcomes of the newly elected members of the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) and the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL).
LLLP- Call on the new EU Commission to prioritise development cooperation
Seven EU level organisations including LLLP, joined to call for the new European Commission to strengthen civil society engagement and development cooperation. Read the joint letter here.
iBox upcoming online training & e-learning platform
Learn how to make your organisation more inclusive: register now to the online training courses taking place from September and explore our e-learning platform - see here how to enrol!
DigiCards - Are you a counsellor? Help us test the new digital competence card tool!
The new digital competence card tool is meant to be used by educational and career counsellors in their counselling process. Test the tool and share your insights with us!?
FIELDS- The future of skills development in the European agri-food & forestry sectors
The FIELDS project closes with the publication of a forward looking strategy for skills development in the European agri-food and forestry sectors. Read all about it here.
STRIDE in the LLLAB: Working for equal opportunities in education and training
We shared the ways in which STRIDE will provide a new, comprehensive and comparative knowledge-base on effective education reforms, policy initiatives and interventions. Read here.
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