July 2020 Update
Dear Sirs
During the month of July we took some steps on the overall portfolio so to consolidate the excellent results recorded during the last quarter. Hence, we have been working on different factors: yields, currency, convexity and sub-sectors exposure.
YTD Dogma Energy and Materials Credit Fund scored the following performance:
The Fund closed the month of July with a +8.03% YTD return that compares against the HY Energy Index at -9.09% and IG Energy Index at +0.18%.
This month, again, Dogma was able to beat the performance of the HFRX Fixed Income Credit Index at +4.38% YTD. Basically the Fund has been able to outperform every metrics again.
The Rolling 3 months Sharpe Ratio stands at about 13x. YTD and 1YR metrics are positive too.
The table below gives and update of the Ranking:
Wish you all safe
Danilo G. Onorino | MD at Dogma Capital SA
Danilo Onorino is an employee of Dogma Capital SA. This communication is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide investment advice or create a client relationship through this communication. No client relationship will exist with Dogma Capital SA