August 2020 to September/October/November 2020 Edition Online Reviews Posted by Sunday August 23 2020

I’m grateful/I feel blessed lucky for all who take the time to come view my online social media postings/writings

The following is my previous Amazon review from July 5, 2019 of the kindlebook Grocery: The Buying and Selling of Food in America by Michael Ruhlman

Extensive Grocery Details

July 5, 2019

I admit that this kindlebook that is Grocery: The Buying and Selling of Food in America by Michael Ruhlman piqued my curiosity even though I am fortunate to reside with my husband in an area with multiple grocery stores within easy access of public transportation: Giant, Whole Foods, Aldi’s, Lidl,Costco, Shoppers,Safeway, etc. A sampling of the details included in this kindlebook include: the author’s father loved to go grocery shopping, the country’s first grocery stores in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries carried about two hundred products, during the final decades of the twentieth century referenced in a 2014 Consumer Reports article the average supermarket had quadruple nine thousand items (by 2008), info on early 1930s origins of the King Kullen supermarket chain, starts on page 59 of a business consultant originally Orlando Florida based who had worked with Bristol Farms in Southern California, Ball’s food stores in Kansas, Lund&Byerly’s in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area,Festival Foods, Roche Bros supermarkets in the Boston area/Dorothy Lane Market in Dayton Ohio, a section on page 92 titled Breakfast The Most Dangerous Meal of the Day, authors reference to a type of salmon grown in the Pacific ocean on page 113, a section that starts on page 140 part III the center aisles which follows another title a few of the twenty thousand new products for your consideration for instance the author’s reference to breakfast bar shelves that include Nature Valley-General Mills, Quaker-Pepsi-Co,the authors experience/take with sampling microwavable frittata, and much more.

Extensive Grocery Store Information

This kindlebook that is Grocery Story: The Promise of Food Co-ops In The Age of Grocery Giants by Jon Steinman contains a prolific amount of grocery/food data pertaining to multiple parts of the United States. The following details include: the morning of December 7, 2016 when a new grocery store is being opened in the author’s hometown of Nelson British Columbia Canada, reference to the author’s Deconstructing Dinner podcast that he started in 2006, By 2012 Deconstructing Dinner evolved into a television and web series, some history on one of the earliest grocery store chains A&P that grew stories in thirty nine states and two Canadian provinces, details on the first supermarket that opened in 1930, some of the reasons why the author considers grocery stores to be living museum’s of earth’s bounty, the author provides stories of food co-ops being established I mixed-income neighborhood and food deserts, and more.

Culinary Contest Parody For Money

This 2017 film version of Cookoff is pretty much a comedic/parody type of film that has the theme of a cooking contest. The foods that the contestants cook for the contest are far from the type of foods that even the non-pickiest eater would want to eat unless they really had to. Still, Cookoff was funny to watch at least for humor. With the cooking competition contestants you have the comedic version of sibling rivalry with sisters Sharon Solfest (Cathy Michon) and Pauline Solfest (Wendi McLendon-Covey), the boyfriend Lager Hagerbakke (Gary Anthony Williams) who puts off getting intimate with his girlfriend and the reasons are at first elusive in the film, contestant Ladybug Briggs (Niecy Nash) who wants to achieve an important first if she wins the contestant with her sons Markus Briggs (Jordan Nash) and Reverend Thaddeus Briggs (Phil LaMarr) witnessing, The mother Victoria Dougherty (Christine Sue Rose) who wants to live vicariously through her daughter Cassandra Dougherty (Jennifer Elise Cox), Amber Strang (Melissa McCarthy) makes an appearance being a later entrant into the contest, Del Crawford (Diedrich Badder ) deciding to connect his name with a sweet/dessert treat in the contest and a simultaneous discreet way to please his partner, David Lord (Sam Pancake) as one of the judges, Timothy Whims (Jack Plotnick) playing one of the judges in the contest, Morty Van Rookle (Stephen Root) is one of the men affiliated with the cooking competition etc. One of the reasons why the cooking competition contestants are treating the contest as a life changing deal because of the potential for one of them to walk away after the conclusion of the competition a newly minted millionaire. Because of this Cookoff film being a parody it is obviously more of the type of film to watch for laughs.

The following is my previous Amazon review from April 10, 2016 of Rockin In The Free World by Neil Young

Strong Guitar Elements

April 10, 2016

This rock song of Rockin In The Free World by Neil Young grew on me after a few times of me hearing it on iheartradio. The guitar riffs and vocals of the song create a tune that is reminiscent of 70’s classic rock.

Meaningful Vocals To Somber Music

This version of “Rockin In The Free World” by Smith & Myers is an acoustic poignant music tribute of the version of Neil Young. Even if you are a novice to either version an eclectic music listener who is receptive to listening to acoustic alternative rock might enjoy this song.

The following is my previous Amazon review from August 1, 2015 of Mission Impossible M:I-2 Music From And Inspired By The 2000 Film

My Husband’s Music Interests

August 1, 2015

Mission Impossible M;I-2 Music From And Inspired by the 2000 Film is another music compilation that I found in my spouse’s music collection. He told me that he has had this cd around the year that it was first released and since the time that he was living in Maine (where he was stationed at through the U.S navy). Anyhow, many of the tunes on this cd are high energy rock tunes and are from various artists. I admit that I enjoyed the songs Take A Look Around and What U Lookin At the most from this cd. However, there is something for many people within this collection because there are some famous and/or eclectic names on this cd from various music styles;Limp Bizkit, Rob Zombie, Metallica, Foo Fighters Feat. Brian May, Godsmack, Tori Amos, Chris Cornell. Buckcherry etc

The following is my previous Amazon review from August 20, 2015 of the O Brother Where Art Thou Soundtrack

My Husband’s Movie Soundtrack Music Collection

August 20, 2015

O Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack is a music set that my husband first purchased (around the time that the movie was released)when he was still stationed in Iceland (during his time in the navy). There are multiple songs on the O Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack that are elevating (my personal favorite song on this cd is Track number 8 Keep On The Sunny Side while my husband’s favorite track from this soundtrack (even with my husband’s naturally optimistic disposition)is number five I Am A Man of Constant Sorrow. Overall, the O Brother Where Are Thou soundtrack is good for either people who are eclectic music lovers and/or those who liked the O Brother Where Art Thou movie.

The following is my previous Amazon review from August 7, 2019 of The Edge music collection

A Great Rock Music Mix

August 7, 2019

I confess that I have actually had this music cd set that is The Edge featuring various artists since at least around 2012 and/or 2013 timeframe and a multiple number of these songs are rock tunes that I luckily first heard either during my teenage years andor during the early to mid 2000s timeframe (during my 20s). There is a strong mix of rock artists/musicians on the The Edge cd set that include: Thirty Seconds To Mars, Finger Eleven, Korn, P.O.D., Panic At The Disco, and more.

Start time of the following reviews by approximate 933 am Monday August 17, 2020

Completion time of remaining reviews by approximately 1132am Monday August 17, 2020 before edits, revisions alterations etc.

A Characters Career/Job/Employment Status That…

The Occupation Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide To Jobs, Vocations, and Careers by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi includes extensive details on how and why the occupation of a character/characters in a particular story factor significantly in story/writing development. For instance, the authors illustrate motivations behind career choice via the Abraham Maslow five basic needs diagram and give an example of how andor why a character may choose a dangerous career choice when fulfilling a basic physiological need and the authors are also candid when giving examples of characters who are choosing a job andor career stemming from the opposite of a happy event (for instance the authors explain a character choosing to be a cop if one of their parents lived a life skirting the law and another example is given why a particular character might choose to be a crime cleaner even if they had a high/prolific interest in studying forensics. Personality traits, talents and skills, hobbies and passions, economic status, jobs as sources of the opposite of peace and harmony, the author’s are also very honest when explaining how much a money a character makes can also color the story through a example they give of story characters involving a married couple, the authors being matter of fact with how jobs can awaken characters to change (through the example of a cattle rancher’s son), the happy example of a social worker story character via the positive experiences at work occupation thesaurus theme, and more.

Habitat For Humanity Volunteer Beginnings And History Of Those Helped

I confess that I actually purchased this kindlebook A Simple Decent Place To Live The Building Realization of Habitat For Humanity by Millard Fuller via Amazon by April 8, 2019 with money made from my most recent university job/place of employment. The author Millard Fuller explains how he and his wife came about spearheading the formation of Habitat For Humanity. Fuller illustrates multiple places across the United States and the globally where a significant number of Habitat For Humanity homes were built. Multiple celebrity volunteers are referenced to have been affiliated with Habitat For Humanity with some of the people referenced having been former prominent United States government politicians/leaders, a reference to a child that was named Habitat as a tribute to Habitat For Humanity, a picture of one of the former U.S. Presidents honored during a ceremony at a Cheyenne River Sioux Indian (Native American) Reservation, pictures of multiple other politicians affiliated with Habitat For Humanity, a picture of actor Paul Newman helping out with Habitat For Humanity, a picture of actress Jane Fonda listed to be hammering a nail at the 20/20,000 Blitz Build in Americus in 1993, a picture of Amy Grant with homeowners Theresa Hathaway and her sons Troy (wearing a Target shirt) and Eric for Christmas celebration of their Habitat For Humanity house, Habitat for Humanity referenced in PriceCostco Corporation’s member magazine via an executive director in Fresno California, a section relating to the philosophy of Habitat For Humanity, and more.

Amusing To Watch With One Caveat

I admit that I decided to take a chance on purchasing The Owl House Volume 1 via Amazon after seeing some details about this Disney series through a Daily Mail UK article (the writer of the persuasively painted a one of a kind vibe about The Owl House). I was also intrigued because I had yet to see this series available on Disney Plus (I admit that I am subscribed all the way up to at least June 2021). The Owl House is definitely a cartoonish series even more different than I expected though in an amusing way because one of the main characters of the series creatively transforms being different into a channel to experience more adventures/exploration. The setting of the series significantly takes place in a world that is outside of earth however previous viewers of Ever After High, Disney Descendants, Winx Club, Tinkerbell,Sofia The First, Adventure Time cartoon series, Howl’s Moving Castle film andor Spirited Away film might like Owl House because of the idea of the characters experiencing adventures in lands/worlds that have a outside the box energy. The only caveat is that this edition of Owl House is indeed more of a volume series because only 10 episodes are currently in this edition of Owl House.

Multiple Recipes However

This book The 1200 Calorie A Day Menu Cookbook Quick and Easy Recipes For Delicious Low-Fat Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners, and Desserts by Nancy Hughes contains a high number of multiple recipes from different categories to include: skillet ham over easy eggs toast ad chilled fresh orange juice, egg and bacon stacks with Dijon cheese sauce, chicken and pepperoncini salad with feta and fresh croutons, baked fish with pasta and Mediterranean salsa and pan roasted pole beans with olive oil, peaches and cream sherbet style, cinnamon steamed apples with caramel sauce, Louisiana blackened chicken salad with toasted Cajun bread, and more. The slight caveat is that there are no pictures/photos to accompany the recipes .

The following is my previous Amazon review from December 29, 2019 of Will Write For Food by Dianne Jacob

Particular Food Writing Ideas

December 29, 2019

I am fortunate/lucky to have had the opportunity to purchase this kindlebook that is Will Write For Food The Complete Guide to Writing Cookbooks Blogs Reviews Memoir and More by Dianne Jacob via Amazon by the January 16, 2018 timeframe with money made from my current job/place of employment. A myriad of the following details/writings are featuring in this kindlebook: what all food writing has in common, writing about the senses, getting passion across, writers describe their own voices, writing exercises, being enthusiastic about research, why skepticism can be valuable with research, a day in the life of a food blogger and food writer who started food blogging in 2006, and more.

The following is my previous Amazon review from July 23, 2019 of The Paid Publishing Guidebook by Jacob Jans

Prolific Magazine/Website Ideas For The Wisdom Seeker

July 23, 2019

I must preface the review of this kindlebook that is The Paid Publishing Guidebook: 1143 Magazines, Websites and Blogs That Pay Writers (New 2019 Edition) by Jacob Jans via making clear that I did pay for this kindlebook with money made from my current job. Additionally, I’m both intuitively and logically aware how blessed/lucky that I am in both my personal and professional life and my purchase of this kindlebook is partially driven more to help me get my hands on whatever resources I can legally get to increase and/or strengthen my wisdom. In other words, I am sharing my review of this kindlebook less from an expert standpoint and more from a consumer intent on knowing about more various online resources where I can expand my knowledge. An example of what I mean by this: I admit that I am still very much a novice when it comes to the areas of finance/money and business and some of the resources that this kindlebook listed that feature an eclectic mix of media include Diversity Woman. Money Pantry and Dollar Stretcher helps give me ideas on some websites to look at to further my knowledge that would have otherwise taken maybe months or years for me to find from my own intuition andor experience. This kindlebook also includes links to the following other media links : Afar (a travel magazine), Pathfinders Travel Magazine, Traveler’s Tales Collection,Hidden Compass, Travel Weekly, TravelPulse, Travel & Leisure, Smarter Travel, Journeywoman, Back to College, Women’s Voices for Change, Author Magazine, Writer’s Digest, Freedom With Writing, creative writing short story links, regional resources i.e. Washington City Paper and the Washingtonian as some of the listed regional examples, Food & Nutrition resources to include Eating Well, Serious Eats, Cooking Detective, Plate magazine, saveur Magazine, Bon Appetit magazine etc.

The following is my previous Amazon review from July 23, 2017 of Spirit Guides by Blair Robertson

Spirit Guide Communication Intent

July 23, 2017

This kindlebook of Spirit Guides; 3 Easy Steps to Connecting and Communicating With Your Spirit Helpers (3 Easy Steps Psychic Series) by Blair Robertson touches on the power of intent when it comes to spirit guide communication. However, this book goes more into connecting with the spirit guides themselves, not so much the spirit realms that they come from. However, for a more indepth description of various realms it would be advantageous to explore works by Jurgen Ziewe such as Vistas of Infinity.

The following is my previous Amazon review from October 9, 2019 of Accidental Writing Lab by Sheila M Sullivan

Candid Author Journey

October 9, 2019

The kindlebook The Accidental Writing Lab: A Collection of Ponder Points by Sheila M Sullivan covers a myriad of details including how some of the experiences of the author’s earlier life with her parents shaped her writing journey and more instances including:the author’s early school year experiences across multiple states, reading some of her late father’s favorite passages of a HitchHiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by November 2016, why the author recommends reading aloud what one has written, when she first met her partner and how they were set to move to Australia due to having had an established life there, a collection of writing exercises, and more.

The following is my previous Amazon review from July 7, 2015 of U2 The Best of 1980-1990

80s Rock Nostalgia

July 7, 2015

U2-The Best of 1980-1990 contains many strong and well known alternative rock hits that encompass the band U2’s musical career (such as New Year’s Day, Sweetest Thing, and Desire etc.). This collection has 15 hits and spans various parts of their musical growth (such as with the 1980’s era songs of Pride In The Name of Love, Sunday Bloody Sunday, New Year’s Day, and Desire etc.). The Sweetest Thing song is a snapshot of their 1990’s musical journey. I’m lucky to have first found out about the 80’s musical hits collection of U2 as a high school student in the 1990’s(thanks to a caring friend I knew since middle school who gifted me with this collection). On a side note, this was partially why I was also elated when my husband bought me the U2 90’s greatest hits cd during the first year of our marriage (2004) (the 90’s greatest hits U2 cd is also enjoyable to listen to as is the 80’s U2 selection). For this reason, I would recommend The Best of 1980-1990 by U2 for those who enjoy greatest hits rock music collections and/or have also liked the Best of 1990-2000 by U2.

Powerful Keep On Going Message

This exciting hard rock song that is Adrenaline by Shinedown has both a motivational and electrifying type of vibe. I understand that there are probably other meanings to Adrenaline, however I take this encouraging melody to have a partial meaning/symbolization of having the emotional energy, spiritual energy/resilience andor physical endurance andor determination to power through life through both challenging and good times, the happy andor empowering Adrenaline spike or boost to keep going while cultivating increased resilience and resolve.

Somber Yet Still Hopeful Energy Of A Song

This classic rock song American Girl by Tom Petty is compelling to listen to. I confess that I have listened to this song multiple times and I still have yet to capture the full meaning However, I am guessing that the lyrics and music appear to be a music story about someone going through some changes andor going through a major transition while coming to terms with their history/past. Regardless of the American Girl meaning, this song grows on me for whatever reason the more I listen to it. The area I grew up in during significant years of my middle school and high school years sometimes played the music of Tom Petty on certain radio stations, however I admit that I became more aware of American Girl post 2016 after hearing it enough times on local metro Washington D.C. radio and via online music.

The following is my previous Amazon review from March 2, 2016 of Chemistry by Velvet

Club And Electro House Mix

March 2, 2016

Chemistry by Velvet is a song that blends house, club, and dance music together. The song chemistry appears to be an emotionally charged song about spending time with someone who ignites romantic electricity a.k.a as romantic passion. This song is also perfect for those who have enjoyed Velvet’s other catchy song Fix Me. From a writer’s standpoint, the whole idea of chemistry could be shown in a way where there is love at first sight followed by the angle of i.e. daring love (such as two people from two different professional career paths who are not suppose to be together).

The following is my previous Amazon review from October 9, 2019 of You Move Me by Garth Brooks

A Moving/Exquisite Song

October 9, 2019

This song You Move Me by Garth Brooks is a distinctive country song that I am fortunate to be previously familiar with because I unexpectedly heard it on local radio around the time was 17 andor 18 years old (during this period my late adoptive mother played country music on the radio she had quite frequently and You Move Me was one of the songs that grew on me each time I heard it for some reason). Anyhow, You Move Me by Garth Brooks is meaningful to listen to if you like joyful andor uplifting love songs.

The following is my previous Amazon review from August 29, 2019 of the music collection Sixty Six To Timbuktu by Robert Plant

Mix of Multiple Music Elements

August 29, 2019

This Robert Plant music collection titled Sixty Six To Timbuktu has a mix of standard classic rock tunes with subtle folk rock hints (for instance tracks 4 Tall Cool One and Track 7 29 Palms), emotional ballad songs (Track 9 Sea of Love and Track 15 Heaven Knows), and bluesy type of songs on cd two. This collection is ideal for eclectic music listeners.

The following is my previous Amazon review from December 11, 2016 of Now That’s What I Call A Workout 2016

Club Music Remixed

December 11, 2016

This music collection of Now That’s What I Call a Workout 2016 is a various artist collection that contains an array of greatest hits from various artists David Guetta, Nicki Minaj, Jason Derulo, Major Lazer, Pitbull, Maroon 5, Zedd etc. However, it helps to hear and enjoy the original versions of the multiple songs on this collection because it would enable the enjoyment of the mixed versions on this collection.

The following is my previous Amazon review from May 27, 2018 of Now That’s What I Call A Workout Throwback Edition

Lives Up To Its Title

May 27, 2018

This music collection that is Now That’s What I Call A Workout Throwback Edition features a multiple number of songs that I first remember hearing by the time I was a teenager of the 90s. There is a mix of hip-hip and club tunes such as through tracks one to six, dance tunes such as tracks 9, 10, and 13 plus other music elements mixed in. Each of these songs go well in some way with the theme of the Now That's What I Call A Workout throwback edition.

The following is my previous Amazon review from July 1, 2018 of Now That’s What I Call A Country Workout

High Energy Country Mix

July 1, 2018

This music collection of Now That’s What I Call A Country Workout 2018 contains among the following entertaining songs; Last Name by Carrie Underwood, The Weekend by Brantley Gilbert, Parking Lot Party by Lee Brice, Dirt On My Boots by Jon Pardi, Snapback by Old Dominion, Seein Red by Dustin Lynch, Move by Luke Bryan, House Party by Sam Hunt, Craving You by Thomas Rhett feat. Maren Morris, and more.

August 2020 To September/October/November 2020 Edition Online Reviews Posted by Friday August 14, 2020

Start time of the following reviews by approximate 734 am Friday August 14, 2020

Temporary pause timeframe 910am Resume time 934 am

Completion time of remaining reviews by approximately 1151am Friday August 14, 2020 before edits, revisions alterations etc.

The Author’s Metaphorical Journey Involving Certain Realms

I confess that I actually purchased this unique/one of a kind kindlebook Subtle Worlds: An Explorer’s Field Notes by David Spangler by around the October 19 2017 timeframe via Amazon from my money made from my most recent university employment. This kindlebook covers the author’s indirect influences of a multiple number of psychic friends when it comes to his work involving subtle worlds, transforming energies and thoughtforms in one’s aura into more positive harmonious energies through positive constructive thinking physical exercise and taking constructive actions to help others, asking for help from one’s own soul and from spiritual allies, cultivating a collaborative partnership with spiritual allies, the relation/connection of a weekend workshop in Britain that the author did with Weekend Bloom that relates to the message of this kindlebook, why it is vital to cultivate love good will and forgiveness in relationships whenever feasible, why the author tries to wait at least three days when feasible to act on inner information/intuitive guidance, what the author symbolizes by subtle activism, multiple resources the author recommends in relation/connection to the message of Subtle Worlds.

Might Creatively Shake/Move Your Mind Like An Etch A Sketch

This kindlebook Architecture Of The Afterlife: The Flipside Code Discovering The Blueprint For The Great Beyond by Richard Martini is an exploratory spiritual journey type of read regardless if you are previously familiar with any of the author’s other book titles andor you are a novice to his work. The author’s work with multiple people in connection with this kindlebook, why a person can shoot for the stars metaphorically speaking and sometimes achieve goals/dreams beyond even what their original life contract was intended for them to do, spirit council members can at times also be a part of other spiritual council groups of other souls still residing on earth, a friend of a friend with a career in law enforcement and their session with their soul council group, a picture of the lobby of CIA which was not the employer of the law enforcement friend of a friend rather symbolism having to do with the author’s connection to the “Salt” film, a session with a friend living in New Zealand, the push the envelope suggestion that some of the mythological beings symbolized in our pop culture/mainstream culture might have been harnessed from the creative memories of one who has had a near death experience and saw an image of a being who looked similar to the myth-like image (the author references one of the Lucky Charms cereal box in connection to this), and more.

Candid Yet A Page Turner

This kindlebook that is Audition by Barbara Walters is very candid in a way that the author definitely has a way of writing of making a reader intrigued to know more. Some of the areas that the author is very forthright though also draws a reader in curious to understand more: the author paints a picture of the dynamics between her parents and how that influenced her views on relationships, the time where Walters had to visit her dad at one of his places of employment and be the one to convince her father to stay married to her mother, the author’s father felt that she took a good interest in her school work during high school, how the author came to choosing Sarah Lawrence to attend college at, for almost two years during her time at Sarah Lawrence the author dated mostly doctors, how the author switched to dating lawyers, why Barbara Walters convinced her parents to buy her sister a television set, the author acing speedwriting school, one of the author’s earliest jobs post college working for an advertising boss, why the author had to make the delicate decision of capitalizing on her father’s career to get offered a chance in the publicity department of a tv channel in New York -an NBC affiliate, why learning to write some publicity releases was invaluable during the author’s earliest years in the television industry, the professional/creative influence of her NBC boss in her earliest publicity job, the author’s next job at another local New York station the Eloise McElhone Show, how the author met and came to marry her first husband, why the author was pleased that her first husband was supportive of her continuing to go to work at a time when very few reasonably well-off married women worked outside of the home, the time when Barbara Walters tried to help her father save his business via her lending him $3,000 in her savings account from her new job in public relations, how all this indirectly influenced the author to teach/train her daughter to always be able to support herself financially/moneywise, the author’s employment in the radio and television department of a public relations firm called Tex McCrary Inc., and more.

An Interesting Science Fiction Story With Caveat Of Push The Envelope Relationship Social Mores

I admit that I have to credit my husband for why I am even aware of Robert Heinlein because around 2009 both my husband and I had gobs/an abundance of free time on our hands. It was also around this time my husband would pull out a written book by Robert Heinlein from a certain Orlando Florida bookstore we would go to and he would gently encourage me to read Heinlein’s work to broaden my reading interests. This kindlebook For US The Living A Comedy of Customs by Robert A Heinlein takes a futuristic science fiction slant. One of the main characters Perry Nelson is a navy officer in the summer of 1939 when his life is dramatically changed when he experiences a major life transition that transports him to a world where the time period is now 2086. However, although For US by Robert Heinlein has some fascinating to read science fiction elements, there are what would be still controversial elements for even this time period because of the way that relationships are lived out and what is common. For instance, one of the women named Diana he meets in this 2086 timeframe has a half brother named Pharion who came about after Diana’s father had a love affair with an actress who was apparently very much in love with him. Pharion far from liked neither his father or mother and he voluntarily grew up in a development center. Diana then shares that she has a half sister Susan from Diana’s mother who was a surgeon who had a love affair with another surgeon. Diana’s half sister Sue has lived with Diana’s surgeon mother all her life and apparently this unconventional relationship arrangement is very commonplace in this new 2086 world that Perry Nelson has found himself in. Diana even shares about one of her male friends who has two females who voluntarily live with him you get the picture. However there is definitely also a utopian slant to this kindlebook story because the world of 2086 in For US apparently has more than enough work/employment opportunities available in ratio to the number of job seekers/people able to work/be employed.

The following is my previous Amazon review from August 19, 2018 of The Apartment Film

Complex Relationship And Work/Career/Employment Dynamics

August 19, 2018

The Apartment stars Jack Lemnon as Calvin Clifford, Shirley Maclaine as Fran Kubelik, Fred MacMurray, and Jack Kruschen in a complex relationship/career saga that really flips the dynamics of workplace interactions inside out. The character of Calvin Clifford unexpectedly connects with Fran Kubelik through work and he also juggles a complex life with loaning out his apartment to other coworkers for certain activities. Despite the character she potrayed, I actually felt a twinge of sympathy for Shirley Maclaine’s character portrayal of Fran Kubelik because of how she showed the right mix of humanity/being heart centered both in her interactions with others and her unadulterated emotions shown in a modest way. I surprisingly learned more about human emotion in this Apartment film. Even as a reviewer with a writing passion who paid for this film out of pocket over just renting it I feel that The Apartment film was well worth the price I paid to watch this film for as many times as I prefer.

Shirley Maclaine’s Career Journey

This kindlebook My Lucky Stars: A Hollywood Memoir by Shirley Maclaine traces the author’s early childhood through her later years of working in Hollywood. The author gives the reader a metaphorical glimpse into the viewpoint of the author’s spirit via sharing: the author being truthful on how she met some of the men who played a significant part of her love life in her 20’s, what the author’s mother went through in relation to her father when being part of a little theater play called Children Of The Moon, the author acknowledging some of what her daughter told her in connection to how she sees her mother in connection to some of the people the author has met working in Hollywood, Maclaine’s friendships with Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra, some shocking moments with Debra Winger and Jack Nicholson, showbiz politics chapter and the author explains why Marlon Brando inspired her to get into political activism, and more.

Spiritual Fiction Parody

This kindlebook Escape From Heaven by J Neil Schulman is a science fiction story that touches on the concepts of spirituality and the afterlife in a humorous/comedic way. For starters when the main character of the story passes away he is apparently escorted by otherworldly beings who apparently look like Playmates, the world that the main character travels to is apparently different from one type of film that is referenced in this story (Defending Your Life which I admit I enjoy watching when I get the chance) and supposedly one of the worlds that the author travels to has architecture that is a mish-mashup from the Blade Runner film, 1940s Astounding image cover, and a mix of the 1964 New York World’s Fair and Disneyland, the main character eventually comes to understand why he is being escorted by his daughter into the afterlife world he finds himself initially upon death even though she is still living out her current lifetime on earth, the main character learns that sleeptime dreams where designed for the human race to use their ability/gift in imagining new worlds into existence, and more.

Purchased Last Autumn To Increase My Political Messages Awareness

I confess that even with my politics, I actually purchased this kindlebook The Fox Effect: How Roger Ailes Turned A Network Into A Propoganda Machine by David Brock, Ari Rabin Havt and Media Matters for America around October 17, 2019 via Amazon in order to further understand how one network channel plays a significant factor in how an election can shape out. One of the 2009 cruise line travels that featured the theme of speakers of similar politics meeting together, the role of the Fox news channel in the 2009 and 2010 elections, references to former President Obama and some of the reasons why he was one of the channel’s favorite/popular topics of discussion, the role of the Fox Channel in the formation of the Tea Party, and more are part of the multiple topics of discussion/writings in The Fox Effect.

Very Intense Yet Informative Documentary

I admit that I actually intend to vote for Joe Biden/Kamala Harris in November 2020. However I actually purchased this documentary Divide and Conquer Roger Ailes around the October 18, 2019 timeframe via Amazon from money made from my most recent university employment in order to broaden my understanding on how political messaging works from multiple political angles including how this might indirectly affect an election. The documentary shows the early origins of where Roger Ailes grew up and how his employment with the America’s Talking tv show shaped Roger Ailes when founding the Fox Empire with Rupert Murdoch. Multiple well known people from various backgrounds are featured andor referenced in this documentary including some well known names affiliated with the current White House administration. The following is an additional sampler of names referenced in this documentary that is Divide and Conquer The Story of Roger Ailes: Kellie Boyle marketing consultant, Roger Ailes harem, E. Jean Carroll former host of America’s Talking, beginning of msnbc, Rupert Murdoch chairman Fox News, David Shuster former fox news correspondent aircraft carriers analogy symbolism, Bill O’Reilly, Brit Hume, Alisyn Camerota former Fox News host, Joe Muto former associate producer the O’Reilly Factor, Kenneth Starr, Roger Aile’s wife Elizabeth Ailes, Alison Rooney copy editor, Michael Turton reporter, Ailes resident Putnam County New York, town council meeting, Richard Shea Town supervisor, Felicia Sugarman former producer ailes communications, Glen Beck former Fox News host, Glen Meehan television producer, Adasa Blanco former Fox news accountant, Sarah Ellison journalist, Warren Cooper and Karen Kessler Evergreen Partners Crisis Communications, Shepard Smith, Irena Briganti head of public relations for Fox, Megan Kelly, Marsha Callahan former model, Cold Spring New York, Tamara Holder Former Fox News Contributor, Ian King Live, the fact listed that since 2004 sexual harassment at 21st century fox has led to payouts of more than $163 million however because settlements require silence the actual number of cases and full money paid is unknown, May 20, 2017 funeral casket footage of Roger Ailes funeral, Lidia Curanaj former correspondent wnyw, Andrea Mackris, Gretchen Carlson, Bo Dietl private investigator former NYPD cop, John Cook journalist, the Abrams report etc.

August 2020 To September/October/November 2020 Edition Online Reviews Posted by Friday August 7, 2020

Start time of the following reviews by approximate 1208 pm Friday August 7, 2020

Completion time of remaining reviews by approximately 131pm Friday August 7, 2020 before edits, revisions alterations etc.

Intuitive Traveler

This kindlebook Become A Psychic Wanderer: Expand Your Mind & Soul Through Travel by Kathryn Harwig and Jean Harwig touches on some of the ways and ideas a person can cultivate, nurture, and increase/grow/strengthen their intuition/psychic abilities regardless if a reader travels outside their immediate area of residence andor within the same neighborhood that they currently reside in. A sampler of the topics written/discussed include: it is explained what being a psychic wanderer symbolizes,being receptive to the lessons that a person unfamiliar in one’s environment may bring, getting intuitive information from strangers exercise, what the authors mean by traveling with protection and why you want to set your intention to only receive information and sensations that have to do with you, creating your own haven, what the authors are communicating/symbolizing with the chapter section on all paths lead to the same God in relation to the Becoming A Psychic Wanderer title, and more. 

Intuition Evolution The Longer One Is Alive On Earth

This kindlebook The Return Of Intuition: Awakening Psychic Gifts In The Second Half of Life by Kathryn Harwig is more of a kindlebook that discusses multiple stories of experiencing the blooming/increasing/strengthening of psychic abilities that include: a woman’s experience when she traveled to China for two weeks and learned that a person becomes an elder at approximately 55 years of age, what the message of this kindlebook has to do with the tradition of native societies in North America honoring their elders, why sometimes the death of a loved one (friend family member etc.) triggers enhanced psychic ability andor intuitive experiences, why major life career life andor personal life events can trigger a psychic awakening (the changing of an employment/career situation, changing of a social life situation etc.), and more.

The Author Was Around 43 When

Some strange circumstances indirectly factored into how I came across some of the works by Nanci Danison. This kindlebook Backwards Returning To Our Source For Answers by Nanci Danison covers some of the spiritual perspectives of the author that are indirectly influenced by some of what she saw after unexpectedly experiencing a close call with death/near death experience. The only caveat is that the fuller totality of the details of what she saw after experiencing her death experience came well after a significant portion of the kindlebook. I confess that some of what made the kindlebook a purchase well worth it for me were her details explaining why it is essential to be more mindful and careful what to focus on in real life and her candid implications on why a person can easily manifest what is a part of their life plan with sometimes much ease and why the opposite can happen if far from a person’s soul evolution/soul growth regardless of the number of previous attempts. I admit that I would have been far from ready for such a message even two years ago. However in light of other circumstances in addition to covid19, I have seen firsthand some of what the author is saying by those 2 passages and why it is even more essential for I to continue to build up and cultivate/nurture my intuition. For instance, my loving husband is openly supportive of me using my manifestation skills when it comes to exercising the freedom to living wherever I want within the United States. However, even with this freedom, I have experienced how important timing and keeping an open mind are when it comes to pursuing certain career and money goals during my active job searching.

The following is my previous Amazon review from December 20, 2016 of the music collection Ultra 2009 (The Riddler & Cato K Present)

Intoxicating Club Mixes

December 20, 2016

I found this Ultra 2009 music set to be exhilarating. I admit that I recognized some of the songs listed right away due to first hearing the original versions back around 2008 when I resided in Norfolk, Virginia (remixed versions of Shake It by Metro Station-Lenny B Remix, Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield-Stonebridge Radio Mix, All I Ever Wanted by Basshunter-DJ Alex Extended). There are other electrifying songs on this collection as well such as Break The Ice by Britney Spears (Kaskade Remix), You Make Me Feel by Annagrace (Extended), Feel Your Love by Kim Sozzi, Come Fly Away by Benny Benassi (Soha & Adam K Remix), Move For Me by Kaskade & Deadmau (Extended Mix), Driving To Heaven by Tiesto (Mat Zo Remix) and more invigorating tunes.

The following is my previous Amazon review from March 11, 2017 of the music collection More From Pitch Perfect

Great If You Like A Diverse Range of Music

March 11, 2017

The More From Pitch Perfect (original motion picture soundtrack ) has a strong collection of upbeat and spirited hits. I was already previously familiar with the cheerful tune Cups (Pitch Perfect’s When I’m Gone) by Anna Kendrick (from the summer of 2013) and the ebullient Keep Your Head Up by Andy Grammer. However, it is also great to see an interesting mix of songs from various artists on this collection (Martin Solveig, Nicki Minaj, Outfit etc.).

The following is my previous Amazon review from December 12, 2014 of the music collection Queen of the Clouds by Tove Lo

Tove lo’s heart music

December 12, 2014

I was unsure on whether or not to get her queen of the clouds cd at first due to her habits song. Please understand that I am aware that the habits song is most likely therapeutic for the men and women who can relate to what she is singing about. However, from my perspective, the habits song can also send out a dangerous message to heal your breakup pain through habits that will have the potential to give the dumper a smug feeling that they are the best you will ever have. In the singers defense, she is only entertaining, and im aware that it can sometimes be easier said than done to convince the dumpee that their heartbreak will pave the way for them to find someone better for them. This is not to say that habits is not a good song, far from it. However, I decided to be open-minded and give her cd a chance after noticing the quality of her vocals after hearing the habits song enough times on the radio. I have the feeling that musician tove lo has the type of vocals that can carry a song with or without autotune. Queen of the clouds by tove lo turned out to be a better cd than I imagined because there are also some club type and uplifting songs to accompany the cd such as talking body, moments, and not on drugs. Queen of the clouds by tove lo is great for those who are open to listening to club music type of cds with brilliant vocals.

August 2020 To September 2020 Edition Online Reviews Posted by Wednesday August 5, 2020

Start time of the following reviews by approximate 517pm Wednesday August 5, 2020

Completion time of remaining reviews by approximately 643pm Wednesday August 5, 2020 before edits, revisions alterations etc

The following is my previous Amazon review from June 11, 2015 of the Writer’s Afterlife by Richard Vetere

A Writer’s Dream In the Higher Planes of Spiritual Light

June 11, 2015

I must preface my review that my interest in media relating to heaven and the afterlife is independent of the fact that I would prefer to live to be at least between 85-110 years old this lifetime and I’m blessed/grateful for my great physical health. At this point in my life, I must avoid explaining why my interest in heaven/afterlife related media (across multiple belief systems) is increasing by the day because I intuitively/logically sense that my reasons may unintentionally get misunderstood at my current level of communication skills. However, I admit that my curiosity into what makes a strong afterlife themed fiction book is what indirectly influenced me to take a chance on The Writer’s Afterlife by Richard Vetere. The Writer’s Afterlife is one of those books that compare to watching a phenomenal supernatural themed film for some of the following reasons;

Pg. 128- The main character of Tom Chillo;s spirit is incarnated into the body of handsome and charismatic Max Foreman. There is a scene where he manages to contact a highly regarded/popular book critic/reviewer to take a look at and review his work. More happens, yet one must look inside the book to truly understand why this is one of the events pivotal to the story.

Pages 182 and 183 as well as pages 186 and 187- These pages question ideas such as how some authors may get published when their work would otherwise have to go through self-publishing and/or other channels (i.e. plays with the controversial idea on how many and/or how often some authors had to pursue romantic affairs and/or special friendships with people connected in some way to the publishing industry). These pages also touch on the notion that sometimes your rival in life can sometimes eventually be your biggest advocate/ally.

Pages 196-197-The main character of the story implies why falling in love has been tricky business for him. It also plays on the idea that people are often different than the way they appear on the physical surface (i.e. physical appearance, mannerisms), basically the implication to avoid judging a book by its cover.

Pages 199-203- Plays with the idea that in order to become famous and/or have a life of recognition and/or financial accomplishment a person has to deal with if they are willing to risk and/or accept being a little fish in a big sea (i.e. moving to and/or living in popular U.S. cities such as Los Angeles, New York City, the Washington D.C. area etc.) or choose to live in the U.S. cites that may not be as popular but with the potential to be a big fish in a small pond.

The following is my previous Amazon review from January 9, 2015 of Akashic Who’s Who of Psychics Mediums and Healers by Victoria Lynn Weston

Detailed glossary of multiple psychics/spiritual lightworkers

January 9, 2015

I have to properly credit psychic elizabeth joyce for finding out about this book that is titled akashic who's who of psychics, mediums, and healers by Victoria lynn Weston. This is because I was researching if the book psychic attack are you a victim by Elizabeth joyce was right for me. I felt a strong psychic impression when she referenced this book and now I understand why I felt intuitively guided to get Akashic who's who of psychics, mediums, healers, and more by Victoria lynn Weston. The difference between a psychic and a medium (starts on page 113), each person is asked their take on what they see may happen in the year 2020 and any books that they recommend such as on pages 34-35 and 196-197. There are also some resources listed in the back of the book and information on the author (pages 331-337). The positive takeaway that I got from akashic whos who of psychics, mediums, and healers by Victoria lynn Weston is how it is important to consistently have faith and ask for heaven's help in a more skilled way in channeling inner power that will grow and reinforce that belief that life is going to turn out for the brighter and more charmed (filled with the fruits of good luck/good fortune/good karma) regardless of what others may say and/or current external circumstances.

Gives Life To Dreams Coming True References

This kindlebook The King’s Seer by L.S. Bethel definitely touches on prophetic dreams with this novel. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs if you believe in the possibility of prophetic dreams or have had sleeptime dreams that have later either expectedly or unexpectedly come true in your real life then this kindlebook is definitely worth a look. One of the multiple reasons relates to some of the sleeptime dreams that one of the characters has of physical background details that are far from usual/familiar in her life initially until certain plot events explain why a multiple number of her sleeptime dreams were metaphoric codes into her future life preview.

My Soul/Spirit Led Me To This For Some Reason…

I confess that I am very much aware that I am outside the target audience for this kindlebook that is From The Eyes of a Prophet because of my multiple spiritual beliefs. Some things are better left unsaid, however I admit that I know that I am far from the target audience of this kindlebook From The Eyes of A Prophet by Crystal Tolbert because of my interest in psychics and belief that each person has inherent intuitive abilities within themselves, some people just have to work at developing/improving upon their intuitive abilities more frequently/actively than others. Still, I was drawn to this unique kindlebook From The Eyes ofA Prophet Scribe Your Way Into Destiny by Crystal Tolbert which contains among the following references: what the author symbolizes by the meaning of a prophetic partner,some encouraging affirmations to keep in mind, what the author is saying with the transition chapter, some details about the author, etc.

The following is my previous Amazon review from January 8, 2015 of the book The Very Rich Book by Jacqueline Thompson

The very wealth book

January 8, 2015

The Very Rich Book; Americas supermillionaires and their money-where they got it, how they spend it by Jacqueline Thompson includes information such as on page 56 on where a person’s financial wealth derived from. Entrepreneurs are also discussed such as on page 78 of the heirs to the Frito lay company. Page 185 lists eight “sure fire upper class indicators” such as the churches were the upper class are known to frequent.

Uplifting Theme of Seeing One’s Beauty/Magnificence

Rock The Curves A Rockstar Romance by Twyla Turner features the story of a woman named Lyris Wright who is a gifted singer who has major hurdles to overcome because her physical appearance and age are outside the mainstream ideal of who typically achieves success in the music world. Armed with her determination, resilience, and self confidence Lyris summons the courage to move away from her hometown and follow her singing dreams knowing full well that multiple people from her hometown far from approve of her plans. Still, she fortunately has a close friend and roommate in her newly adopted home state to encourage and cheer her on while Lyris pursues her dreams. Things get even more soap opera like when she is hired into Gage Walker’s music entourage. I am fortunate that my husband is supportive in a number of goals that I have, however I am happy to have come across Rock The Curves because of the empowering/encouraging message of working towards/being persistent in seeing the beauty and abundant potential within yourself even if your physical appearance andor age is far from the mainstream ideal.

Amusing To Listen To Even If I Have Yet To Piece Together The Total Meaning

This Charlie Patton Highway (Turn it Up) song by Robert Plant creatively melds country western and hard rock music elements. This song reminds of the electric music energy of Shine It All Around. However, even if you are a novice to Robert Plant or country western/rock hybrid music you might still enjoy this song if you have heard and listened to indie rock songs before.

Modernistic Classic and Global Melodies

I admit that I happen to know about the music collection that is Remixed by Bond because around 12 years ago, a coworker gave me a blank cd copy of the Remixed by Bond music collection. The music is a mixture of world music and classic music. Even though this type of music is unique, it is best for eclectic music listeners who are ok with listening to music regardless if it has vocals. 

The following is my previous Amazon review from November 14, 2008 of the music collection Ministry of Sound The Annual 2005 (limited edition box set), I had purchased this for my amazing husband via Amazon by the December 9 2005 as a gift, additionally I have to properly credit my husband for having introduced me to the Ministry of Sound music series by the 2002/2003 timeframe around the same time we unexpectedly met each other in Japan

Annual Fun of 2005

November 14, 2008

I had first heard of the annual collection because my husband had played some songs from an earlier collection of annual set cds he had when he and I were stationed in Japan. Around the holidays of 05 I felt compelled to get this for my husband and admittedly I ended up enjoying this too when he allowed me to play the cds in the house. Some of my personal favorites are "do you know" (track 9 on disc 2) and an interesting dance mix of my neck, my back. My husband seemed to like the cds and I felt what was an added bonus to this was the dvd that came with it. My husband sat down to watch it with me because it had some interesting songs and videos in it. Admittedly I like to listen to music such as this because it allows me to hear some of the music that is popular in the clubs in the UK while in the US. It also allows me the chance to experience these fun sounds as I am in the process of planning my dream to visit the UK. Plus listening to fun music like this takes me back to the positive memories I have of the fun times I had when I was stationed in Japan and started listening more extensively to a wide variety of dance, trance, and various types of music such as relaxing trance. Anyhow these cds are a good set along with the cd and are definitely worth consideration if you love dance and/or trance.

The following is my previous Amazon music review of the song Fire Woman by The Cult from January 13, 2011

A Fiery And Addictive Song

January 13, 2011

I remember first hearing "Fire Woman" back in 2000 when I was stationed in Japan through the navy. This song captivated me when I first heard it, and I still enjoy it to this day. I only wish that I had heard it sooner. I had the chance to recently see the video to this song, and this too was enjoyable to watch because it was easy to see that the lead singer really put forth his heart, soul, and strong emotions into the song. The meaning that I get from the song is that he is singing about a woman that has left a memorable impact on him, and that she is to blame for the fact that he frequently thinks about her. To me "Firewoman" seems to symbolize someone who is fiery, exciting, intense, and passionate to him, and he is in turn enthralled by her. I got the feeling to this during the part of the song where he says that he can feel her, and that she is coming close to him. I enjoy this song so much, that it has definitely piqued my interest to get the cd that has this track. This song is worthwhile to own if you enjoy rock music.

The following is my previous Amazon review from July 4, 2013 of the music collection that is Ultra Chilled 4

Super Cool Chilled

July 4, 2013

I confess that my husband is the main reason why I even became aware of high quality chillout music. "Ultra Chilled 4" is a two disc set that he introduced me to back in 2005. I must plead the fifth on the events surrounding when I first heard this music to prevent supplying too much information. I have enjoyed this type of music ever since and highly recommend the following songs to listen to right away when obtaining Ultra Chilled 4:

"Jericho" by Weekend Players "Sunlight In The Rain" by Kelli Ali

"The Cure" by Miro "Hairy Tree" by Goldfrapp

"Provider" by Nerd (Zero 7 Mix) "Angels" by Wax Poetic feat. Norah Jones

"Beautiful" by Sarah Brightman "Rememberance" by Caia "So Damn Beautiful" by Poloroid

"Ultra Chilled 4" contains 12 tracks on each cd and is good for those who like ambient music that also good for listening to with a partner, spouse etc. and/or just for a calming and soothing music playlist to listen to solo and/or around others.

The Midnight Gospel Itself Is One of a Kind The Music…

I utilized my amazon music subscription to try out the The Midnight Gospel (Music From the Original Netflix series) music soundtrack music by Joe Wong some time after my enjoyment of watching colorful and mind trippy episodes of The Midnight Gospel series (via my husband’s Netflix account). This music is ok for me listening to it for free via Amazon music, however I did find watching the The Midnight Gospel series an entertaining experience even with some of the eccentric plot elements to The Midnight Gospel. However some other viewers of the Midnight Gospel netflix series may enjoy the music more if they are highly into movie/television/online series music soundtracks.

Start time of the following reviews by approximate 1206 am Monday August 3, 2020

Completion time of remaining reviews by approximately 1252 am Monday August 3, 2020 before edits, revisions alterations etc

Regardless Of A Person’s Self Love Level

This audio audible book of Self Love Handbook Magnified With The Law of Attraction: Instantly Shift Into Self Love, Heal Your Life & Create The Abundance of Joy You Deserve by Elena G Rivers is ideal for an audible listener who is receptive to ideas of increasing this own self appreciation, certain beliefs and questions related to self love that also boost self confidence, and more.  Some of the ideas she mentions: rephrasing certain questions via writing them andor saying aloud, the wisdom a person can gain from situations to make themselves stronger andor help more people, what happened for the author when she went after her passion for writing, the benefits of cultivating increased self love empowerment regardless of how long certain career andor money milestones might take,  and more. Luckily, my husband loves me through good and challenging times and he himself has a high level of self love and self confidence which helps teach my soul/spirit/higher self increased ideas about self love. However this audible audiobook is ideal regardless of your background andor relationship status because the author gives ideas on why an audible listener would want to see the magnificence of themselves just as they already are regardless of what is reflected externally. 

Abundant Potential Just Needs More Discussion On Timing

This audio of The Law of Attraction by Elena G Rivers even with my intuitive awareness that I am lucky in multiple areas of my life. The author touches upon various areas related to forgiveness, gratitude,divine mind etc.  The only caveat in this audiobook is that a reader has to tap into their own sense of divine timing andor right timing when it comes to law of attraction especially in light of covid19.  What do I mean by this: for instance a person with certain spiritual goals of finding a spiritual group to belong to might want to find virtual online groups for now until it is safer to gather in higher number of groups of people in person.

Elements of Fascinating History

This book The Private World of High Society Its Rule and Rituals by Lucy Kavaler seems almost tailored for a college student who wants to get ideas andor information on how certain socio-economic classes live where money is frequently flowing andor readers who have worked andor interacted around some of the people that the author mentions in the book. Details on some of the measures that parents, especially mothers took to ensure their children got into certain clubs andor organizations made for some colorful detail, certain cities where certain social gatherings are more common, the international set and café society and more. I came away with a creative idea for some writing from this book even though I intuitively know I am outside the target audience of this kindlebook especially because of the time period that this book is set in. Still, this book The Private World of High Society Its Rule and Rituals by Lucy Kavaler can be interesting to look at for multiple readers of various backgrounds who are curious about how some people lived who had certain social goals in mind. 

Start time of the following reviews by approximate 1040 pm Tuesday July 21, 2020

Completion time of remaining reviews by approximately 1158 pm Tuesday July 21, 2020 before edits, revisions alterations etc

Slight update noticed by 1252 am Wednesday July 22 2020 I luckily/fortunately unexpectedly discovered that Amazon has a previous review of Employee Of The Month on file that I had written by the June 28, 2016 timeframe

Shenanigans While Competing To Be Top Employee

June 28, 2016

The Employee Of The Month movie stars Dane Cook as Super-Club employee Zack Bradley, Jessica Simpson as new employee Amy Renfro, and Dax Shepard as head cashier Vince Downey who takes his job a little to the extreme at times. For instance, the character is shown at times being less than cordial towards Super Club securityofficer Semi (Marcello Thedford). Downey is also extremely aggressive with even the one coworker Jorge Mecico (Efren Ramirez) who is an ally and supports him. Vince Downey’s dominant nature at first catches the attention of Amy Renfro until he lets the rivalry between him and Zack Bradley color how he acts around Amy Renfro. Things come to an even more heated event when Vince Downey finds out that Zack Bradley is also vying for employee of the month. Bradley also happens to have the support of coworkers Russell Gunders (Harland Williams), Lon Neilson (Andy Dick), and Iqbal Raji (Brian George). The two managers of Super-Club Dirk Dittman (Sean Whalen) and Glen Garry (Tim Bagley) seem to actually unknowingly encourage the rivalry between Bradley and Downey. Meanwhile the Dittman character is also extremely sensitive and insecure when it comes to his brother Glen Ross (Danny Woodburn). Wikipedia lists that the Employee of the Month film was actually shown inside a Costco store based out of New Mexico.

Humor And Moments of Friendship Mixed In

This film Employee of The Month features the plot building themes of friendship and workplace competition. The film shows the obvious competitive dynamics between the characters of Zack Bradley (Dane Cook) and Vince Downey (Dax Shepard). Vince Downey becomes the person to compete with workplace competition wise at the Super Club (physical environment similar to the inside of a Costco Superstore) stemming from his multiple stints being employee of the month and with the top prize of a car being at stake. Despite Vince Downey’s workplace accomplishments he has a reputation for being somewhat harsh even with his wingman Jorge Mecico (Efren Ramirez). In contrast Zack Bradley has friendlier rapport with other employees, gets along well with his grandmother and has strong friendships with his coworkers Russell (Harland Williams), Iqbal (Brian George), and Loni Neilson (Andy Dick). Workplace competition between Bradley and Vince heats up further when new employee Amy Renfro (played by Jessica Simpson) arrives on the scene. Bradley and Vince subject themselves to multiple shenanigans to impress their managers at the Super Club Glen Garry (Tim Bagley) and Dirk Dittman (Sean Whalen). Even a friendly athletic game between Super Club and Maxi Mart become a serious case of competition between Bradley and Vince especially because Glen Garry’s older brother Glen Ross (Danny Woodburn) shows up to pay a visit to his younger brother’s store around the same time that Super Club is scheduled to play a sports game with Maxi Mart. Some of the earliest scenes in Employee of The Month involving security officer Semi (Marcello Thedford) foreshadow an eventual essential tie-in involving Employee of the Month. What also makes Employee of the Month comedy relief and enjoyable to watch involves some of the carefree and humorous moments from both the good guys in the film and the villains (for instance a scene where Loni Nelson’s character is walking with his other friends before a contest and another scene where Vince and Jorge are inside the car near where Zack lives and Vince inquires from Jorge where he got a certain article of clothing they were wearing on their face. 

Definitely Required Boldness From The Contestants Because

I confess that my recent purchase and interest in Supermarket Stakeout Season 1 is indirectly influenced from how often I sometimes viewed some scenes of other shows from the Food Network channel from my most recent place of employment which is most likely going to stay with me regardless of where I land next (employment wise). Anyhow Supermarket Stakeout involves the contestants having the fun and adventure of rifling/looking through various shopper’s bags for certain ingredients/foods in the food competitions. There are obviously certain caveats given to add to raise the stakes of the challenge and creativity. For instance, obviously first the shoppers have to agree to have their bag checked, at times only a certain number of ingredients were allowed andor certain food themes. For instance, one challenge allowed contestants plenty of latitude on deciding which ingredients they would purchase from shoppers with the caveat that only three ingredients were initially allowed, another competition where the contestants were given free rein to choose however many shoppers they wish also had to make sure to do so within a certain timeframe while making sure the food was themed after a certain area within a certain continent etc. 

Baking Camp Edition Style

Bakeaway Camp With Martha Stewart Season 1 features contestants who are from different parts of the U.S. and are competing with each other towards baking the best desserts. One of the incentives for the contestants making their best dishes involves obtaining the chance to get mentored by Martha Stewart at her home for certain culinary/baking techniques. The inclusion of a host and judges situated outdoors add the campy/camp theme of Bakeaway Camp with Martha Stewart Season 1.

Spirit Guide Introductory

This spiritually uplifting/insightful kindlebook that is Spirit Guide Connection 101 by Dee Woolridge came across my discovery by happy and unexpected circumstances/ways. One of the author’s memorable sleeptime dreams involving her spirit guides, what spirit guides are and their purpose, the number of spirit guides you have, dominant guide, part-time guides, temporary guides, conduit guides, the author explains why you have a choice when calling upon certain spirit guides for contact/communication and more.

Miracle Concepts

I am very lucky/blessed/charmed in multiple areas of my life and my amazing husband loves me unconditionally through both challenging and good times regardless of my long term career and money prospects. Still, I am both logically and intuitively aware of the many miracles I have also been fortunate/lucky to have and my purchase of The Science of Miracles: Re-membering The Frequency of Love by Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon M.D. was indirectly influenced by my intent to both understand this good luck of abundant miracles and how to keep them flowing. Some of the empowering miracle details included: the author’s travel to 41 countries to share her miracle ideas, the author explains why what you focus on you make room for, the collective consciousness, the science of judgment and forgiveness, the science of giving, and more.

The following is my previous Amazon review from January 23, 2015 of Spirit Allies Meet Your Team From The Other Side by Christopher Penczak

Divine Support System Allies

January 23, 2015

A sense of setting an intent to connect with the spirit realm/higher realms of light, my higher self, and to be a magnet to positive celestial energies prompted me to obtain Spirit Allies; Meet Your Team From The Other Side by Christopher Penczak (author of The Inner Temple of Witchcraft). Connecting With The Gods Within (such as your higher self, starts on page 11), Learning To Play (starts on page 59), and Building A Better Spirit (starts on page 165) are some of the multiple subject matter features included within Spirit Allies; Meet Your Team From The Other Side by Christopher Penczak (author of The Inner Temple Of Witchcraft).

The following is my previous Amazon review from January 23, 2015 of Communing With The Divine A Clairvoyant Guide To Angels, Archangels, and the Spiritual Hierarchy by Barbara Y Martin & Dimitri Moraitis

Communicating With Heaven

January 23, 2015

A desire to forge a deeper connection to my higher self and benevolent celestial energies of the higher realms of light is the main motive that inspired me to obtain Communing With The Divine; A Clairvoyant’s Guide To Angels, Archangels, and the Spiritual Hierarchy by Barbara Y. Martin & Dimitri Moraitis. The pros to this book; Information is included such as details on the main meanings of a spiritual hierarchy (starts on page 11), God And The Holy Ones (starts on page 26), Spiritual Teachers (starts on page 163), and Connecting With The Higher (starts on page 251). Please understand that I’m more than fully aware that there are currently many men women, and children alive who are naturally psychic without even trying and/or were born that way even before meeting certain spiritual teachers/mentors that had a positive impact on their life. My only caveat to this book is Martin’s implication on page 226 that a person cannot learn how to be clairvoyant and/or psychic by reading a book. Additionally, I understand that connecting with the powerful spiritual teachers, mentors, and/or other people can accelerate a person’s spiritual evolution. It is just that I respectfully disagree with Martin because the topic that she discusses in her book is helped somewhat by natural intuition (although high intuition is not necessary yet it helps). A talented critic could argue that such an implication on page 226 would also mean that a person cannot learn to connect with the divine by reading this book and/or any other books. No, I prefer to avoid playing devil’s advocate when trying to make my point that it is just as possible to at least start to develop psychic abilities/intuition by being exposed to various books as it is connecting to angels and other benevolent forces from the heavenly realms/higher realms of light. This is especially in light of recent years where legitimate psychics have been able to join up with other professional psychics/intuitives/clairvoyants and/or other talented men/women via the internet, through high functioning clients, and other avenues to assemble books on developing psychic abilities/intuition/awakening the third eye. Aside from that caveat, Communing With The Divine; A Clairvoyant’s Guide To Angels, Archangels, And The Spiritual Hierarchy is a detail packed and healing book on connecting to positive celestial energies of the light/their own higher selves/souls/spirit in conjunction with manifesting personal goals, maintain resilience,tackling challenges with resourcefulness while mitigating adverse karma, creating more frequent occurrences of happy and/or lucky days, and/or success (on a personal, professional, and/or spiritual level).

Ideal If You Have At Least 8 Weeks Andor More Before Moving/Relocating When Feasible

This kindlebook Moving For Busy Women by Sheila Lindsay Martin is a kindlebook that I truthfully purchased from Amazon by the June 23, 2019 timeframe. It is my understanding from this kindlebook that ideally a person has at least 8 weeks andor more to enact/plan some of the ideas in this kindlebook though obviously the purchase of this kindlebook may still be worthwhile if you have much more than 8 weeks andor even shorter than that though if faced with a more brief time period of 8 weeks the obvious tailored/customized steps from this kindlebook might be possible. However, if possible this kindlebook is ideal if you have at least 8 or more weeks because of some of the ideas mentioned: setting up a smooth move binder, what the author considers a great task list, scheduling strategies, taking inventory of possessions, and more. 

Glad I Obtained Via A Bargain Price

This kindlebook Becoming A Writer by Dorothea Brande is a writing self confidence booster type of kindlebook to look at when a person passionate about writing wants to give themselves some mentorship, creativity ideas, andor encouragement in their writing goals. Cultivating A Writer’s Temperament, the process of story formation, the author’s take on the “born writer andor genius writer” and more. 

Start time of the following reviews by approximate 1126 pm Monday July 20, 2020

Completion time of remaining reviews by approximately 1245 am. Tuesday July 21, 2020 before edits, revisions alterations etc

Even More Intriguing Than I Expected

This kindlebook that is Hollywood Sauna Confidential by Jeanne Rejaunier has the author revisiting some fascinating details of some very accomplished people from the government, military and private sector arenas. The politicians that are referenced during the social get-togethers in Hollywood Hills, the actor she dated and some of the films he was featured in, the names of some of the female friends she had social connections with, and more. 

Might Make For Some Gripping Made For Television Film One Day

This kindlebook that is The Millionaire’s Wife by Cathy Scott is a very gripping read. The motives and multiple characters who sought justice for the person murdered in this kindlebook are laid out in descriptive detail. Multiple family members and friends are quoted in connection with George Kogan and Barbara Kogan. One of the scarier parts of the story relates to the fact that court room testimony from the mistress involved in the story who met Barbara Kogan and George Kogan through her work as a publicist. The kindlebook references that 2008 testimony given by the mistress implied that George Kogan was actually going to eventually give Barbara Kogan what she wanted financially even before Barbara Kogan knew it, however apparently the meeting where George Kogan was going to reveal this to Barbara Kogan did not take place because…..(the reason implied in this kindlebook along with other dramatic details).

Angel And Deva Details

This kindlebook Angels and Devas by Torkom Saraydarian tells of multiple factors that influence the increase to certain environments being more welcome to angelic/celestial contacts, love and compassion, even certain books and other ideas. There are some concepts referenced in this kindlebook I far from agree with, still other ideas I found helpful and my only caveat is that I just wish that this kindlebook would have been longer.

Spirituality From Both Inner and Outer Angles

I am very blessed/lucky in both my personal and professional life and my amazing husband who I have been married to for over 16 years sees the beauty and unlimited good in me through both challenging and good times and regardless of my career/money prospects. Still, I have experienced some circumstances in certain parts of my life that intuitively reminded me that although it is important to be careful about comparing myself to others, that I must make more of an emotional effort to see the potential for improvement and evolution within myself and greater self confidence in myself regardless of what is reflected externally. I am getting better at raising my self confidence, emotional resilience, resourcefulness, and seeing the unlimited potential within myself though I reluctantly admit I am still a work in progress. However, I feel happy to have unexpectedly come across this kindlebook that is The Power of Attention: Awaken To Love And Its Unlimited Potential With Meditation by Sara Mclean  Some of the areas she covers are: The mastery of attention for a particular skill, how she applied the message of this kindlebook for a trip overseas and some of her goals, what Mclean is symbolizing through her message of the field of love, the author’s awakening to love chapter and her own early experiences with love, why she feels that appreciation is an antidote towards an abundant mindset, the author’s walking a new path chapter, and more.

The following is my previous Amazon review from July 17, 2015 of Indie Love Latest and Greatest music collection

Rhythmic Love Collection

July 17, 2015

This Indie Love Latest and Greatest is a various artist collection consisting of a 3 cd set (each containing twenty songs) appealed to me because I enjoy loves songs and the introduction of indie music (thanks to a hairstylist that recommended that I give this music genre a shot back in late 2011 after about some of music interests). The heterogeneous mix includes musicians and groups across various genres and time periods such as; She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5, One Republic Secrets, The Noisettes, Ellie Goulding, Amy Macdonald, KT Tunstall, The Magic Numbers, The Gossip, Feist, Athlete, Starsailor, Semisonic, Lamb, The Cardigans, The La’s. The Cure, Jett, Texas, 10CC, Art of Noise, The Pretenders and many more artists.

The following is my previous Amazon review from July 1, 2008 of the Meteora Music Collection by Linkin Park

Songs even more interesting than the meteora title

July 1, 2008

This is a very strong cd by a group that is one of a kind. I first heard of this cd when I was stationed in California and have been listening to it ever since. In my opinion this cd expressed deep emotions and creativity that are in each of the members of the group in a very artistic and exciting way. Some of the songs that I really feel are fun and grow each listen are "somewhere I belong", "breaking the habit", "easier to run", and "lying from you". One of my coworkers who happens to be an exciting and interesting person gave me a copy of this cd that they downloaded and I am sure grateful they did. This is definitely an album that is worth your time and will grow on you each listen.

The following is my previous Amazon review from December 12, 2011 of the Happy Songs 2010 music collection

Joyful Beats 2010

December 12, 2011

Happy Songs 2010 contain a good mix of happy melodies that are a great antidote for an emotional boost. The following are some of the songs on "Happy Songs 2010":

I'm Yours by Jason Mraz

Fascination by Alphabeat

Sexy Chick by David Guetta (featuring Akon)

Alright by Supergrass

I'm Gonna Be by The Proclaimers

I Got U Babe by UB40 (featuring Chrissie Hynde of The Pretenders)

All The Lovers by Kylie Minogue

This compilation is great for various people who crave listening to musical tunes that enhance happiness.

The following is my previous Amazon review from March 14, 2012 of the music collection Pure Chillout

Relaxing Chillout

March 14, 2012

"Pure Chillout" contains a strong mix of electronica and calming songs that invoke a sense of serenity. The seventeen songs on this cd contain songs that are best for relaxing at home and/or peaceful walks. There is something for everyone on this cd (my overall favorite is "Enchanted" by Delerium. "Pure Chillout" is great to get for those who enjoy a trip-hop cd with electronica and chillout influences.

The following is my previous Amazon review from October 17, 2011 of the music collection that is “Sub-zero: The Essential Chill-Out”

Cool Chillout Collection

October 17, 2011

"Subzero: The Essential Chill-Out" collection is an eclectic set of music from around the world. The back of the cd cover mentions how many of these musical tracks are from places such as: Germany, France, England, Denmark, Norway, Austria, and the United States. Disc One contains thirteen musical tracks and Disc Two contains twelve. My favorite song in this selection is currently "Utopia" by Goldfrapp. "Subzero:The Essential Chillout Collection" is best for anyone that enjoys many songs from the chill-out musical genre, and/or curious to hear some music that is both from the U.S., Australia, and various countries in Europe.

The following is my previous Amazon review from March 25, 2013 of Pure Moods Vol. II Pure Moods 2

A Sampler Who’s Who From The New Age/Chillout Music Genres

March 25, 2013

I originally discovered the "Pure Moods Vol. II" cd in the early 2000's at a music store in Hong Kong. I am fortunate to have purchased a replacement copy in 2011 for only four dollars and twenty five cents. "The Mummer's Dance" by Loreena McKennitt, "Life In A Northern Town" by Dream Academy, "Euphora" (Firefly) by Delerium, "Teardrop" (Edit) by Massive Attack, "Beyond The Invisible" by Enigma, and "The Mystic's Dream" by Loreena McKennitt are some of the multiple pleasant songs available on this cd. "Pure Moods Vol. II" is a compilation for those who like hybrids of new age and chillout music from various artists.

The following is my previous Amazon review from July 1, 2008 of the Pure Moods 1 Collection Pure Moods Vol. 1

This pure moods will surely take you to another dimension

July 1, 2008

I first heard of this cd when it was first advertised on tv in the 90's but honestly thought nothing of buying it. However in 2001 I happened to spot this cd when I was stationed in Japan and am happy to have spent my money on this cd. Due to the variety of the songs I feel that this cd is good to listen to at work , when you are spending time with your loved ones, and relaxing and nurturing yourself when you are alone. Some of the notable tracks that really stand out in a positive way for me are

"return to innocence" by enigma

"orinoco flow" by enya

"sweet lullaby" by deep forest

"tubular bells" by mike oldfield

"sadeness" by enigma

There are other good tracks on this cd that are also enjoyable. This album among the first in the pure moods collection lives up to its name in a positive way and is definitely worth purchasing.

The following is my previous Amazon review from December 14, 2014 of Two Is Enough: A Couple’s Guide To Living Childless by Choice by Laura S. Scott

December 14, 2014

For Those Voluntarily Child-Free

Please understand that I preface the review of Two Is Enough: A Couple’s Guide To Living Childless by Choice by Laura S. Scott by emphasizing that I have nothing against parents and do not have a problem with children (in other words I am far from the kid hater I’m stereotyped to be when I admit to have voluntarily choosing to be child-free). Additionally, I do not wish to convert people to not wanting children when they would otherwise want children. I just happen to believe that there is more than enough room in this world for both men and women who choose to be child-free and those who wish to be parents (whether they want a few children or several enough to rival a football team). My choice to become child-free was actually solidified during my teenage years after I spent a considerable amount of my early years (from age 10 to 18) helping my late adoptive mother look after my younger siblings (who were also adopted) and other children that she chose to take in. I already know the pros and cons to motherhood after helping out my late adoptive mother and understood (during my teen years) that one must be passionate about choosing to become a mother due to the various freedoms that one must voluntarily give up (unless your family is making good money, can afford nannies,has family members who can afford to frequently look after the children, and/or one (whether it is the mother or father) who can comfortably afford to be a stay at home parent). Last, but not least, I also never meant to hurt and still only choose harm-free intent for the rest of my current existence, towards those women who have tried unsuccessfully to become pregnant and do not agree with me admitting on facebook that I voluntarily chose to undergo tubal ligation surgery when I was 23 years old (after commenting and sharing the Huffington Post article of what it really feels like to be a childfree woman by bri seeley on my facebook page). With the preface out of the way, I admit to finding out about Two Is Enough: A Couple’s Guide To Living Childless by Choice by Laura S. Scott through a Yahoo News article titled “I Chose Not To Have Children” by Anne Jones dated October 28, 2014. As a result, I must share that this is a book more for those who have freely chose to be child-free and/or those who have tried unsuccessfully to have children in the past but now accept and come to terms with being child-free. With all of that out of the way, the following are some of the carefully thought out points made in the book: Pages 14-15: profiles of those who are child-free by choice, page 48: two couples who met through the Eastern Virginia chapter of No Kidding!. Chapter 4 (Page 75) starts with the 18 motives that encompass a reason umbrella on why various people voluntarily choose the child-free path such as motive statement 2: I value freedom and independence (page 79), motive statement 5: I want to accomplish/experience things in life that would be easier to do child-free (page 84), motive statement 6: I want to focus my time and energy on my own interests, needs, and/or goals (page 85). More motives and insightful details are covered within this book. The author also includes resources for the voluntarily child-free and there is a brief summary about her background and an inclusion of an acknowledgements page at the back.


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