Julian Assange freed
It was a long battle for the Australian journalist Julian Assange, kept in the high-security Belmarsh Prison in east London for five years, following his self-exile at the Ecuadorian embassy in London for 7 years.
He won his freedom but lost the legal battle with a plea deal with the US government, a deal, in which he accepted guilty plea deal for felony charges for conspiring to obtain and disclose classified U.S. national defense documents. Prosecutors agreed for sentence of time served for 62 months already spent in prison. Julian is on his way to U.S. federal court in the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. commonwealth in the Western Pacific where the judge has to approve the deal.?
The whole journalism lost by this deal. Because every investigative journalist from now on will be threatened with jail for doing his job, that is exactly that; to obtain secrets and expose them to the public. The journalist has to be corrective to the power and to serve the society by informing them for the wrongdoing of their governments. Assange is not even US journalist, but he is charged of exposing another government wrongdoing. But the US courts are full of people outside of the jurisdiction of our government, which is another sign that something is totally wrong in the Justice in our country. And the prosecution is always right and always wins, that deprives us of the equality in the judicial process. Defendants are pressed to take plea deals guilty or not guilty, that looks more like racketeering from a more powerful opponent. And the trials look like predetermined spectacles with appointed and paid by the government judges and jury to do what they are told to do.
Assange’s ?website was a forum for different sources from around the world to publish obtained information.
Why finally the US government agreed to release him is not quite clear, when they even didn’t want to exclude the death penalty from his charges. It is mostly done for the coming presidential elections in the USA and the Biden administration didn’t want the release of the press to be used as argument for Trump.
Because the most problematic leaks for the Democrats were not about the war in Iraq, but about the Democratic party conspiracy to eliminate Sanders as candidate of the Democratic Party for President 2016 and the leaked emails from the Democratic Party operatives, which federal prosecutors say were stolen by the Russian intelligence.
The Russian connection was denied by Assange. But because there were talks that Trump will pardon Assange in exchange for information about the sources of the Democratic Party emails, now the Democrats hurry up to obtain guilty plea to cut the possibility of further leaks, damaging for the democrats.
It is not a secret that there was a conspiracy at that time of the Democrats to jail anybody who could be a problem for the Clinton campaign in 2016, connected or not connected with the Russians. The Mueller probe of Russian collision named anybody working for Trump Russian spy or connected with Russians, and in this investigation were involved thousands of FBI agents from all over the world. Running for FL Senator 2016 in the Republican ballot, my name right after the name of President Trump on the ballot, I had attached 2 personal FBI agents, who were following me around the world and who were conspiring to find anything dirty around me or anything Russian smelling being myself from Eastern Europe, that could jail me at any cost not to support or help Trump. My candidacy attracted thousands of people in South Florida, including the whole Cuban community.?
The reality is that the persecution against the Trump supporters antagonized further people from the Democrats. And even attracted to Trump people who were not his supporters, but who are free journalists, fighting for the freedom of speech as is Assange, and Tucker Carson, and many others. Using the Department of Justice against political opponents and journalists lead only to tyranny and anybody who cares about the democracy now is in the Republican boat, just to stop the tide, if it is still possible.