Jules Needed 300.000 XAF to Launch his Business
Newcomer into Youth Self-employed Program by GivHOPE

Jules Needed 300.000 XAF to Launch his Business

Yaoundé, Cameroon, May 5, 2018 — The grantee of this round self-employed youth program under GivHOPE financing is Jules who, after a very tied selection, was granted 300.000 XAF to mount his eggs sale business.

Three young people applied for these funds. Jules wanted to set up a sale-room for eggs and the two others a fast food restaurant. The latter did not comply with the prerequisites of this socioeconomic program, such as showing a secure physical location where the business was to be settled neither did they file a complete dossier comprising their personal ID and other mandatory documents. They were purely and simply disqualified.

GivHOPE can’t help thanking its friends near or far who continually support its actions. We keep looking for building a sound and sustainable partnership with you!

Giving hope, friendship and love to these vulnerable youths by supporting their income generating activities to help them reduce the economic hardship on themselves and their families is a passion, said Hélène Pieume, the Coordinator.

For more information:

Mail: contact@givhopeafrica,org

Website: www.givhopeafrica.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/givhopeafrica

Fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/ppwpyd-give-hope



