The juicy secrets behind landing you your dream role

The juicy secrets behind landing you your dream role

The job market is more competitive than ever and landing your dream role starts with a resume that can get you there. This guide outlines the steps to take today to help you reach your career goals in a post-pandemic world.

The job market is going to be more competitive than ever

The job market is going to be more competitive than ever. Employers are looking for candidates who can clearly articulate their values, and there are simply more people searching for jobs than there are available roles to fill. This means that employers are hiring based on their needs, not yours (unless you're the best fit).

For example: If your current role is in marketing but you want to transition into product management next year, don't waste your time applying for product manager roles on LinkedIn or Indeed! You need to network with someone who knows the hiring manager at this company—and fast—or they'll move on to another candidate before they even know what hit them.

Hiring managers are looking for candidates who can clearly articulate their value

When you're interviewing for a new role, it's important to remember that hiring managers are looking for candidates who can clearly articulate their value. We know that sounds vague, but it's not—it means you'll need to know how your skills and experience will help the company achieve its goals.

The value you bring should be tied to the company's mission: if they're focused on providing top-notch customer service, for example, then perhaps your experience with improving client satisfaction is worth noting (and demonstrating). The same applies if one of the goals involves growing revenue—if you've been part of a team that has successfully helped an organization increase sales by 25% over three years and have demonstrated an understanding of how this was accomplished, say so! Your potential employer will want to hear about these things.

Companies need to be deliberate about hiring right now

Now is the time to be deliberate about hiring. Now is the time to work harder and get more creative when it comes to selling candidates on your position and company.

If you’re an employer, you need someone who can sell themselves—and you—to their future colleagues. That means having a clear understanding of how they’ll add value in the role, and being able to communicate that clearly and concisely. It means knowing exactly what your company does well; it means selling yourself as well as selling them on why they should join.

There is a strong trend of candidates asking the employer "what’s in it for me"

The job market has changed. Candidates are not only looking for a paycheck. They want to know what's in it for them and how they can grow as an employee.

So, this is your chance! If you want to stand out from the rest, here are some ways in which you can show off your skills:

The interview process will get longer - and more intense

You’re going to have to work harder. The interview process will get longer and more intense, both because you have more competition than ever before and because the hiring managers need to make sure you are worthy of the role before they bring you on board (after all, even if your resume says that you’re experienced, that doesn’t mean anything until someone has actually seen how well you do at the job).

Hiring managers will be asking themselves: “Why does this candidate deserve this position? Does he/she have what it takes? Or is there another candidate who is better suited for the job? After all, it would be a waste of time training someone who isn’t qualified."

Employers need to work harder to sell the candidate on their position and company

Employers need to work harder to sell the candidate on their position and company.

They must be more transparent about what the role will entail, which skills are required, and how they will be taught those skills. They need to be more honest about how much money they can offer, what benefits they’re willing to provide (or not), and whether there are any hidden costs. They should also be upfront about any potential red flags in terms of team dynamics or other issues within the organization that might make this job less appealing than it initially seems. Finally, employers should focus on being compelling in order for candidates to see themselves thriving at the company long-term—and this means showing off how their product or service has impacted others' lives in powerful ways before they even meet with you!

During the interview - give examples, concrete stories that illustrate your experience and drive home that you are the right fit for this role

Being prepared for the interview can make or break your chances. You want to be able to tell a compelling story about why you're the perfect candidate for this role, giving concrete examples of your experience that show off your skills and drive home how much you care about doing a good job.

The interviewer will be asking questions like "What are some of the challenges in this industry?" or "How has your career evolved over time?" so it's important to have some answers ready. You don't need all of them memorized word-for-word (and even if you do, it's better not to), but having an idea of what kind of stories will best illustrate how well suited you are for this job will help with both nerves and confidence during the conversation.

You have to have an outstanding resume if you want to land any job today but especially a dream role.

You have to have an outstanding resume if you want to land any job today but especially a dream role. The reason for this is because the old style of resume was mainly focused on what you did, it was not focused on who you are and why you are a great fit for the position. Today's resumes are all about selling yourself and your value to an employer. Your resume should be able to clearly articulate how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the job description so that it is easy for them to see how hiring you would benefit their company, as well as helping them understand why they should hire YOU above all others applying for your dream role.

The more confident and relaxed I am in an interview situation, the more people feel comfortable around me—and when people feel comfortable around me, they start talking about themselves (this helps me gather information). On top of asking questions during interviews and networking events, I've also been known to strike up conversations with strangers while waiting at bus stops or sitting next door on airplanes without any sort of formal introduction whatsoever!

You have to have an outstanding resume if you want to land any job today but especially a dream role. See how Hiring Managers see your resume. Get a free resume review.

A resume is an essential tool in your job search. It's the first impression you'll make on hiring managers and HR professionals, and it's crucial for getting yourself noticed. But how do you know if your resume does its job? The best way to find out is by getting a free resume review from someone who knows what they're looking at.

Of course, there are many ways to improve your resume but we won't go into all of those here because I want to focus on the most important thing: making sure that yours stands out among the hundreds (or thousands) of others that get sent in every day. If a hiring manager can't remember yours after reading through hundreds of others, then chances are good they won't call you back or want to interview you further!

So let's figure out how we can make sure this doesn't happen by creating a unique and effective resume that gets read!

Landing your dream job starts with a resume that can get you there.

If you’re serious about landing your dream role, a good resume is essential. It may seem like an obvious piece of advice, but many people overlook this step and don’t realize how important it is until they get caught in the job search process.

A great resume will take you from “unqualified” to “qualified” in no time at all—or so we hope! A lot of people think that resumes are just for entry-level positions and that more senior roles won't require one. This couldn't be further from the truth: even if you have years of experience under your belt, having a well-thought out resume could help land that next big gig.


Ultimately, it’s up to you to prepare yourself for the job hunt of a lifetime. You’ll have to work hard, put in extra time, and be ready with perfect answers when interview questions come your way. Above all else, don’t forget that we can help if you need it—with resume advice from hiring managers themselves! We’re confident that this article has given you the tips and info you need to really land your dream job. Good luck on your next interview!


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