"How many Google Update rollouts do you have to survive?"

This newly launched Google Update has plummeted the rankings of 1000's of ironclad SEO'd websites that once flew high on Google's SERP's...and could soon be coming for yours!

But what if there's a chest of secrets that Google themselves have mistakenly blown wide open!

Just when the SEO world was recovering from the penalties of the second Medic update, Google rocks the kasbah once more.

This comes as an unwelcome surprise as many of our black-hat tactics were already taken off, hung up, and already showing signs of dust. Parting with the bag of tricks that boosted SEO massively should have been enough to please Google, right?

Apparently that's just neatly organized clutter to them. The Google gods want them completely gone. They are adamant on a complete mop-up. An extinction of sorts. And this is more evident with the reactions coming after the Google Rocket Update went live just a few weeks ago.

A thick smog in the form of a devastating double bill of updates encompassed the month of June. The seemingly unanticipated 'ArmaGoogledon' update was loaded on the 3rd of June. It was quickly rolled out through all of Google's servers perched across the globe by the 8th. Many companies are left flattened by the impact whilst their competitors roll in laughter, more so out of disbelief than out of spite over the turn of the tables in Google ranking & search-visibility. Which makes it more natural to ask; “could this have been prevented?”

Watch out for those sneaky Google broads.”

Google search division adviser Danny Sullivan has been warning those who don't employ Google's approved white-hat strategies in his SearchLiason tweets for a while. It was Danny's due diligence lightly divulging on the forthcoming roll-out of algorithm changes on the 2nd of June. It came in the form of yet another tweet. A rare one at that. Yet, when the broad core Rocket & the Diversity Update came into town on the same week, the effects were still soberingly surprising for the world wide web.

This is akin to ignoring the trail of gasoline under your feet when your neighborly arsonist distracted you by waving innocently at you with a heart-warming smile, a thumb clenching a gun-lighter to the palm of his one hand, and a tank in the other. You can’t help but think: what a lovely chap, right before he sets your digital world on fire. And wave back you did.

Don't kick ourself just yet. Besides, there was little you could really do about it anyway. This leads us to the next burning question.

Could your websites SEO strategy survive or at the worst; recover from potential Google penalties in the next coming weeks?

High-Rollers rolled-out of the SERP's

“I swear, It was all fine just a week ago.” - by the bemusement of many search engineers.

Search engineers and digital natives part-taking in online commerce & information dispensation are used to letting Google do it's own thing and catching up to the effects later. It's not like Google used to announce these updates beforehand, right?

So when Google made the pre-announcement, no one paid much attention to the disgruntled caveman ascending atop the mountain behind their business premises when he shouted out loud: “I am going up the mountain.” They just nodded and carried on with minding their business as usual.

Mind you, no one dared to think he would push against the gigantic rock tauntingly placed at the edge that could end their livelihoods with just a nudge. Or more befittingly for this instance, no one read the bold statement written in bold letters “watch out for those sneaky Google broads.”

Thanks to one ear firmly placed on the unforgiving cyber-streets, here is some info on who they are really after.

Who was on the list of targets before the Rocket Update launched?

Authority health and news websites which fall under the YMYL (Your Money Your Life) umbrella are the ones left most bloody after this roll out. Websites like Mercola, DailyMail, and CoinDesk make up the list of authority websites penalized by the recent update. There is tons of speculation that has set alight a Google Webmasters forum. The web of conspiracies ensues up to this day. To avoid any entanglement, let's focus on the website that got the sharpest edge of the blade, CCN.

CCN has reported a drastic loss of visibility on SERPs they used to dominate. It also confirmed an overnight loss of more than 90% of its revenue when the algorithm came into full effect. A shock for an independent company which has accumulated mammoth success in just their sixth year of business.

All their clout as the news site with the highest traffic in the world couldn't help them shield the double-blow. Neither could their impenetrable authority or their hard-earned traffic consisting of visitors who have stuck with them through many other updates.

Those who were paying attention when Google rolled out the Medic update should remember that Google's guidelines suggested adapting MPA and implementing mobile advertising through their platform could help user-experience- which should ultimately improve user intent. It's quite unfortunate how these good user-intentions paved a path to a digital hell for CCN. Part of what alluded to their shut-down was announced to have been prompted by a loss of mobile traffic. A seismic pill to swallow considering how running mobile ads fuelled 71% of their overall revenue.

Their last digital footprints spurred the last ditch effort of seeking counsel on Google's Webmasters forum- which turned into a rodeo of raging comments puffed out by Google webmasters. I suggest you stay updated to make sure you don't find yourself in a stand-off in the “Wild web” pitted against Google.

The next practical guide on how to keep from being at the mercy of Google's whims...ahem- “changes” should be enough.


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