Juergen Teller / Leg, snails and peaches
Exhibition dates: 13 Jan. - 06 March, 2018
Galerie Suzanne Tarasieve, 7 rue Pastourelle, 75003, Paris
In 2014, shortly after he had started teaching photography at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Nuremberg, Juergen Teller recalled a piece of general advice he had given his students:
“From the beginning, I told them their work should be about loving life. It shouldn’t be so much about the photography. To take photos, you have to love life – then you can photograph anything.”1
The thirty-odd works in “Leg, snails and peaches” certainly constitute an ensemble “about loving life.” Teller’s photography is characterised by its benevolence and humility, two feelings that always come across in the way he deals with his subjects. His manner depicts a period structured by power and trials of strength by making radical use of strategies based on the exact opposite.
1: Juergen Teller, interview with Hans Ulrich Obrist, System, no. 3, 2014
Extract from the exhibition's press release, by Eric Troncy