Judiciary in the period of Pandemic COVID – 19 - Electronic Justice

Every day, waking up, we all take a rather serious glance at news, keep an eye, and hope that, someone files a PIL or approach the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India or the Hon’ble High Courts, for any issue we are facing today, including wages and salaries during lock-down, medical facilities and treatment, insurance, basic needs, traveling, burial, essential commodities, masks, PPE’s, family, food, liquor, spitting in public place, social distancing, expenses, etc. etc..

The entire Judiciary and Advocates, along with their staff members have equally been working endlessly, putting at stake their lives. And the layman has been hoping and keeping track on the orders passed by the Judiciary, which can help them in the present crises. The situation where we all are mostly just trying to be alive, and many others, helping others be alive.

The Courts have really stepped-up and in a breath, adapted to the present needs of the society, and shifted their working from physical courts to electronic courts – where now filings and hearing are happening via the electronic medium. So it’s been a fight for months now, and a learning experience, where issues are identified and solved, to the best of every one’s capabilities.

The Hon’ble Judges throughout India have been equally actively working and hearing matters right from their Homes, if needed. The advocates are also filing and going through the hearing via video conference. The entire Judiciary and the Courts are working day and night to make their phase as convenient as possible.

Keeping in mind that, none of us were ever or could ever be ready for something like this, but all have stepped up.

In this difficult time, we as the citizens and people living in India, have been counting on the Judiciary, and they sure have not disappointed us, by adapting to the present need at a Jet speed. Even the Supreme Court hearing is happening through Video Conference. Keeping all the formalities of filing and procedures aside, the Courts have been working endlessly to ensure that in the present scenario also, Justice is Delivered in time,

In all this, at times certain things do get missed. And it is upon us to understand that no one is a Robot or a machine, and everyone is trying their best to be helpful. Its equally important that all dealing with the system, hold patience and understand that though E-Justice has been invoked, its still at the developing stage. So rather that, complaining or making irresponsible statements, via different mediums of connecting people.

Be helpful, keep patience, and be co-operative in this time. Especially those belonging and a part of the Courts. Please understand that every-one is trying really hard to help, and rather than pointing fingers on each other, this is the time to stand together.

The public is looking at our action, and waiting for the orders passed by Courts, to make their life a little easy, whether it is an order against any Government or any instituted or body, doctors, basic amenities, anything. Everyone is still a Human and the issues are solutions, are getting as dynamic as it can get.

They are counting on us.


