Judging Your Success By The Numbers
You just need one person to listen to your message and pass it on to someone else, and you have just doubled your audience.
I want to encourage you today with this thought, and that thought is this... we look to numbers so many times to feel secure about ourselves. We look to the numbers to judge whether we are successful or not. This can become very discouraging.
When you first start out podcasting I guarantee you your numbers will be kind of low. Listeners will begin to trickle in, but they never really come flooding in. They will come in one by one as you are consistent.
In fact, the greatest tip for podcasting is consistency. You can't show up when you want or how you want or any day that you want and expect people to be there. People will be consistent when we become consistent. If we keep reaching one person, and they share it with another person then you have doubled your audience.
When we get to the point of 100 people or 1000 people listening to our podcast and make them positive raving fans, they become part of your tribe, you can guarantee that they are going to take that and deliver it to somebody else.
So don't get discouraged about the numbers, especially at the beginning, judge your success by the message that you are delivering the value that you are bringing. You'll most likely suck a little at the beginning anyways. If you deliver value and connect with others the numbers will follow.