Judges - God raised them up
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
Judges – God Raised Them Up
???????????God raised up men and women who delivered the nation of Israel out of trouble many times.?It seemed that the nation would follow the leading of the judge for as long as they lived but then, would follow other ways.?The judges were both military and civil leaders.?The book is an account of 14 judges who ruled over the nation.?It is from the time of the death of Joshua until Eli.?The time span of the book is approximately 400 years.?It shows the development of Israel and its religion.?It covers the time from when the tribes were separate until the time of the monarchy.?The problems of the tribes are clearly shown.?This book gives the philosophy of Israel’s history.?It shows that neglect of God will bring grave consequences.?Repentance brings divine favor.?The book portrays a series of relapses into idolatry by Israel, followed by invasion and oppression by their enemies.?It reveals that God deals with nations and individuals and these lessons would be good for all to learn.
Theme:?Eyesight instead of faith sight.?Every man did what was right in his own eyes.
Judges emphasize:?Spirit-filled people are needed to lead in times of emergencies.?
1.?In our struggles God is there to direct us along if we are willing to follow Him.
2.?Do not follow the philosophy that I can do my own thing, follow God and He will give you
????Victory over your many enemies.
3.?God wants to lead us into perfect peace as He used the judges.?He uses the Holy Spirit in the
????Believer’s life.?Unlike the nation of Israel, let us never leave the safety of the Lord’s camp.
4.?Human failure is a stepping stone to divine mercy and deliverance.?
5.?The power of prayer in emergencies is when you cry out to God with your whole heart.
Author:?It is not really known who wrote the book of Judges.?Most scholars believe it was Samuel who wrote it during his retirement.
Note:?This book is a companion book to Galatians.?The relapse of Israel into idolatry is like a Christian who allows themselves to relapse into ceremonial and faithless religion.
Israel captured and serving Baal????????????????????????????????Ch 1:1-3:14
Ehud delivers from Moab??????????????????????????????Ch 3:15-30
Shamgar?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Ch 3:31
Deborah and Barak?????????????????????????????????????????Ch 4:1-5:31
Gideon the conqueror of Midian????????????????????????????????Ch 6:1-8:35
Abimelech??????????????????????????????????????????????????????Ch 9
Oppression of Philistines and Ammonites??????Ch 10
Jephthah and his tragic vow????????????????????????????Ch 11
Jehpthah and his successors???????????????????????????Ch 12
Manoah and the Philistines?????????????????????????????Ch 13
Samson???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Ch 14-16
Micah?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Ch 17
Danites and Micah’s idols???????????????????????????????Ch 18
The Levite tragedy??????????????????????????????????????????Ch 19
The guilty to be punished and a civil war???????Ch 20
The destruction and restoration of?Benjamin?Ch 21
Judges of Israel
1.?Othniel.?Jud 3:9??????????????????????????????????????2.?Ehud.?Jud 3:15
3.?Shamgar.?Jud 3:31?????????????????????????????????4.?Deborah. Jud 4:5
5.?Barak.?Jud 4:6????????????????????????????????????????6.?Gideon.?Jud 6:36
7.?Abimelech.?Jud 9:1????????????????????????????????8.?Tola.?Jud 10:1
9.?Jair.?Jud 10:3??????????????????????????????????????????10. Jephthah.?Jug 11:11
11. Ibzan.?Jud 12:8??????????????????????????????????????12. Elon.?Jud 12:11
13. Abdon.?Jud 12:13??????????????????????????????????14. Samson.?Jud 16:30
15. Eli.?1 Sam 4:18???????????????????????????????????????16.?Samuel.?1 Sam 7:15