Judgement and Inattention
The separation takes place when there is a judgment, conclusion, opinion, and all that. The duality is when judgment, condemnation, likes, dislikes, and choice take place.
In practical work like making a table or cooking a meal judgement works, but in understanding life and society it is inattention and leads to serious illusions.
When a condemnation happens that must come from someone who condemns. When a judgement arises there must be the one who judges. Duality or separation between the judge and judgement exist as long as there is inattention. Seeing the two as the same is attention. The two are the same but in the unawareness, they look like two different things. If unawareness persists and continues, then actions take place under the assumption of that division which further reinforces the division. But as the division is an illusion most actions under that assumption are incomplete or inappropriate.
Humans are caught in this division and this division has become very strong individually as well as collectively. This division has reincarnated as I, me, we, they, this nation that nation, this group that group and so on.
Then humans take actions according to this illusory perception and try to manage these groups or bring them to unity or create peace in the world while accepting these divisions as facts. It is like accepting the rainbow as an object in the sky and then creating the means to reach it and touch it.
What humans should do is to calm down and sit down and look at these divisions and see for themselves the root of it. The root of it is the duality between the judge and the judgement, the condemnation and the one who condemns, the observer and the observed. If one looks closely one can see that all the divisions, follow from this basic division.