Judgement Day

Judgement Day

How are we Judged after Death?

The Egyptian Book of the Dead tells us that we are judged through the Weighing of the Heart Ceremony after we die

Yet, we MUST NOT wait until Death to be judged.

Judgements occur on a regular cycle EVEN AS WE ARE STILL ALIVE

In the Weighing of the Heart Ceremony, the dead person's heart is weighed against the feather of Ma'at, the Goddess of truth and balance.

If the heart is equal in weight to the feather, it indicates that the person led a life in accordance with Justice and Truth.

He/she will be allowed to take their right place amongst the Gods.

If the heart is heavier, it means that the soul had led a life of sin, and the heart will be devoured by Ammit, a crocodile deity made up of various animal parts.

This is symbolic of the fact that the soul had led a depraved life that is NO DIFFERENT FROM AN ANIMAL.


While not 100% accurate - this depiction is one of the MOST HELPFUL and IMPORTANT symbolic explanations of post-life judgement.

He who consciously lives with this understanding will make great soul progress in life

Yet, what is missed out is that Judgements are cyclical.

EVERY NIGHT, our souls hold a similar mini-Judgement against our own selves.

An larger annual Judgement is also held every Winter Solstice. This is called Hoor-pa-kraat - meaning the birth of "Horus the Child" or CHRIST the Child.

This is why our religious myths tell us Jesus Christ was born on Winter Solstice when his actual birthday was in March.

It is an occulted (meaning 'hidden') explanation of the fact that only after we are able to pass this yearly judgement can we then begin our baby steps into our Christhood

In a future post, I will go into details on how we can prepare for the daily and annual judgement

For now -

How many of us will pass the Weighing of the Heart Ceremony scheduled for this coming Solstice?


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