Judge Them By The Friends They Keep
It is often considered unfair to judge people by the company they keep, but in the world of cryptocurrency ICO's it is often the best indication of likely future success. On an almost day daily basis I sift through the upcoming ICO's trying to find the diamonds among the muck. The first thing I always look at is the people behind the deal and the people they have attracted to support it. More than any other single indicator I have found that when quality people are attracted to the project it is more likely to prove to be a profitable investment.
Last week I came across a great example of the kind of companies I look for. The company is HackVC and they not only are run by a team that has a great deal of experience in creating successful start ups but they have attracted a great deal of support from other entrepreneurs and tech venture capitalists. It is one of those rare beasts among the ICOsphere that has actually attracted the sort of people I would hire if it was my project.