Will Judge Barrett Use Her Talent for Good?
Carlos Cymerman
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It is almost certain that Judge Barrett will join the Supreme Court, her confirmation hearings were fast and soft comparably with the last two judges to join the court.
If Judge Barrett holds true to her Notre Dame education...the country is looking at a patriot who puts country before party first.
"Notre Dame wants to educate and inspire its students to be moral citizens within their communities and the larger world, to use their talents to the best of their ability, and to develop the generous sensibilities needed to relieve injustice, oppression, and poverty in all of their manifestations."
Filling in for RBG is not a fair comparison, each Justice has a legacy to live up to. I look forward to seeing Judge Barrett be a fair and just leader whose moral values give her the clarity, strength, and virtue to "ensure the American people the promise of equal justice under law and, thereby, also guard and interpret the Constitution."
What do you think?