Judas got the money!
Results Coaching
Expand your horizons and achieve more than you ever thought possible!
I’m sure I wasn’t alone when I say that I found myself with a paintbrush in my hand over the weekend. Whenever I’m doing a spot of painting I like to put on an audio book to wile the time away so I thought I’d throw an oldie but a goodie – Jim Rohn. If you’ve ever listened to or read any of Jim Rohn’s work you’ll know what I’m talking about; his thoughts are full of timeless wisdom and they are always presented in such an amenable way you can’t help but get sucked into his message.?“Judas got the money” is a short tale that he tells and it’s about, you guessed it, Judas’s betrayal of Jesus Christ to the Romans and it reminded me about the real essence of what goal achievement is all about.
With the new year creeping up on us and new opportunities opening up all around us I thought I’d share my thoughts on?how to turn goal setting from an academic exercise to one of goal achievement. Let’s start off on a positive note…well kinda…
Why people fail to achieve their goals
The research suggests that the two most common?unsuccessful?choices people make in goal-setting are:
“You can have many great ideas in your head, but what makes the difference is the action. Without action upon an idea, there will be no manifestation, no results, and no reward.” ~ Miguel Ruiz
So how do we set effective goals?
Firstly we’ve got to make it real to ourselves. You’ve got to be able to see yourself in the final state of having achieved the goal and using all the body’s senses is simply the best way to this.
Whatever your goal I’ll bet it feels pretty real already! Remember to put a date of accomplishment on your goal because I’m sure you’ve heard it said many times before,?a goal without a deadline is simply a wish.
Going a little deeper…
What choices will achieving this goal open for you in any and every area of your life??Expand your thinking because everything we do opens up new opportunities for our future; how will achieving this goal change yours?
Next I’d like you to consider if this goal is something that you want and not someone else’s goal/desire for you. If it’s not yours then the likelihood of following through is poor; how is this goal important for you?
This next step is what Judas failed to take into account.?You see, Judas got the money…which was his goal…so he should’ve been happy but the storyteller tells us that when Jesus was arrested Judas tried to give back the money but the Romans threw him out on the street saying, “You got what you wanted and we got what we wanted…scram!” Judas failed to consider all the aspects of his life that achieving his goal would touch. So here are a couple of questions to consider:
Don’t overlook this step!?By studying the ecology of achieving your goals you can avoid the mistakes that Judas made.
It’s time to take action…MASSIVE ACTION!!!
Okay, so now we’ve thoroughly defined our goal and we’ve looked at the how achieving this goal will change our future so it’s time to make it a reality! Let’s get started…
Congratulations! You’re nearly there. Here are just a couple of more things to think about to?make this year your year!
“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” ~ Tony Robbins
I’d like to leave you with this important point. In reality, it’s not the achievement of the goal that, in the end, is important.?What is really important is who you become in the acquisition of that goal?because…after all…Judas got the money.