Down through History. God was used. By ruthless men. To ravage. Savage and plunder. And enslave the masses. From Liverpool to Belfast Docks. For the NUDL in 1907. Arrived Jim Larkin. With no time. For sectarian bigotry. He organized a strike. And got the workers. Off their knees.
No more. Irish man nor Planter. They fought the employers. Side by side. Their common aim. A living wage. To feed their families. No matter where they went on Sundays. Or were buried when they were dead.
Supported by Constable Barrett. Who broke ranks with the RIC. Imported blacklegs were battered. An independent Orange order band. Formed with employers money. Broke ranks. Supported the workers. And played. We have no Bananas today. The Landed gentry. Were terrified. By. The united working class. So they paid their thugs. Who rioted with the Papists. Divide and conquer always worked. Free Porter restored. Normality. For uniting Religions. Under the banner of workers. The capitalists. Pressurized Sexton. He recalled Larkin. Betrayed but not defeated Larkin refused to go.
Instead. In Dublin. With James Connolly. And other like minded people. They founded a Union. Focused on the plight of the poor. That became world famous. The ITGWU was a Workers Union. It united workers without a trade. Laborer's with no Learning. To demand a living wage. The employers locked them out. Their Union could not be bought. With Truth they instilled self respect. The employers. Locked them out. The Catholic Church and employers condemned. them.
The Trade Unionists, in Britain offered to feed. Starving Irish Children but the Church retained its grip. And proclaimed. No Protestant. In Heathen England. Would care for or feed. Starving Catholic children. Unbroken was the workers spirit. But children’s lives came first. Workers returning. Had to sign a document. Stating they were not. And would not join. Larkin’s Union. For the time being defeated. To raise funds for the Union. Larkin sailed to America. The Land of the free. And the home of the Brave. And was jailed. For organizing Workers. He... missed 1916. From Liberty Hall. James Connolly led. The Union into History. As the Citizens Army.
They fought. To free. Ireland and its workers. Shot in the leg. Unable to stand. Tied to a chair. Connolly faced a Firing Squad. And believed. The workers spark had been lit. When the Workers Flag is raised. Tomorrow. Ireland will be free. And proud. A united people. Who no longer dance. To the sectarian tune of divide and conquer. The cause of Labour was the cause of Ireland. Was his rallying cry. And he died for it. The yoke was cast off.
When freed years later. Larkin returned. In his absence. The rot had set in. The National Executive Council. Of the Union he founded. Sacked him. Larkin’s pleas to honour Connolly. And what he died for. Fell upon deaf ears. They touched the forelock. And sold out. Connolly’s words proved to be. The bitter Truth. Changing the flags did not lift. The poor from poverty. One hundred years later. The president. Honored. The founders of the union. Ignoring the betrayal. That was committed. Principles. Ethics. Justice. Lies. Became Commodities. Sold to the highest bidder.
Years after. Larkin’s death. To Belfast Docks of all places. The lap dog mentality had spread. A Judas Goat. Of a Union chairman betrayed. The Dockers. With the full sanction of head office. The Judas Goat. Combined the Union with the employers. And established. A Union and Employers Court. To add insult to injury. He abandoned the Union. And became. The Docks labour controller. The Judas Goat filled Dockers heads. With lies. About washing facilities. And hot showers. Which never materialised. The Union and Employers Court. Persecuted and sacked the Dockers.
They were the lucky ones. With regard. Only for employers profit. Many died gasping for breath. Robbed of life by Asbestos fibers. It filled eyes ears noses. And was swallowed. They died in agony. The Judas Goat proclaimed. How could dust kill anyone. One family alone. Has two brothers dead. And another waiting to go. Testimony to their lies. The Union Committee. Became his spies. Objectors to the corruption. Of Trade Unionism wrote to head office and ICTU. They were rail-roaded and sacked. By the Union and Employers Court. For fifty years. The Corrupt Union. And Employers. Have bought. Media Silence.
From Belfast Docks. Clouds of Asbestos Dust. Covered Belfast. Asbestos united Religions. The families. Of every Cancer stricken person. For fifty years. Must ask. Did they die for employers profit? As prosecutor in the Employers Court. The Treachery of the Judas Goat. Knew no bounds. Connolly and Larkin never cost him a thought. For the Wealthy Employers, He did his job. And betrayed the Belfast Dockers. Aided by Head Office. In Dublin. The Judas Goat destroyed. Trade Unionism at Belfast Docks. Plus countless lives in Belfast. Once numbered by the thousand. His workmates like his principles. Are no more.
The Goat - even as an employer. Boasted of his Union Membership. In 2008 the Judas Goat. Was honored by Union President Jack O'Connor. For fifty years of betrayal to the Union. And loyal service to the Employers. O’Connor went to Belfast. Personally he awarded. The Goat. With the Union’s 50 year long service badge.
Obviously Union Head Office. Had changed sides as well. Previously. The biggest insult to Connolly. And Larkin. Was. When the Union changed its name. To suit the Employers. They cast off their workers past. And embraced. So-called Partnership.
With the scandal of Belfast Docks. The Union nodding dogs. Discarded Irish History. On the 100th anniversary. Of the founding of the Union Stories were told to quieten dissent. Of workers beaten to death. By Dublin Mounted Police. Of baton charges. Workers solidarity. And the founding of the Citizens Army. With lies the Employers claim those times have passed. They have. But only for the wealthy. And well paid Union Leaders.
From such a noble beginning. This Union has fallen far. Workers were abandoned. By the well paid Judas Goats. Their actions. Prostitute. Connolly and Larkin’s beliefs. Who in their graves would not rest. If they but knew that O. B. U. One Big Union would be turned into an Employers Joke. Extremely well paid. Union Officials. So called Labour TDs. Hang your wealthy Heads.
The above was written by Hugh Murphy as an introduction to the corruption that took place at Belfast Docks. He was sacked 50 years ago - by an illegal Union and Employers Court at Belfast Docks - because he wouldn’t discharge rotten bags of Asbestos. Documentary details of the Union and Employers Court are covered up to this day by SIPTU, every so-called newspaper in Ireland and the ICTU. Details of the Union and Employers Court which the Wealthy, the Employers and the Oireachtas want to be kept hidden - can be seen on...