JSX Basics
Rany ElHousieny, PhD???
Generative AI ENGINEERING MANAGER | ex-Microsoft | AI Solutions Architect | Generative AI & NLP Expert | Proven Leader in AI-Driven Innovation | Former Microsoft Research & Azure AI | Software Engineering Manager
Table of contents:
Start Here
You can clone the Github project to follow along.
git clone --single-branch --branch JSX-Basics https://github.com/ranyelhousieny/new-react-app.git
cd new-react-app
yarn install
yarn run start
Browse to https://localhost:8080/ and keep it to see changes
We will be working on src/index.js
What is JSX?
JSX stands for JavaScript XML. JSX is a syntax extension of JavaScript. It allows us to write HTML in React (within JavaScript code) directly.
const template = <h1>Welcome to JSX.</h1>;
Let's update our index.js, accordingly
Rule 1: JSX Elements Must be Wrapped in an Enclosed Tag
If you want to add multiple tags. For example:
<h1> Welcome to JSX. <h1>
<p> 1. JSX has to be in one parent tag </p>
The code above will fail with the following error:
Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag. Did you want a JSX fragment <>...</>? (8:4)
? ?6 |? ?
? ?7 |? ? ?<h1>Welcome to JSX.</h1>
>? 8 |? ? ?<p>
? ? ?|? ? ?^
? ?9 |? ? ? ?{' '}
? 10 |? ? ? ?1. JSX has to be in one
? 11 |? ? ? ?parent tag{' '}
This is because you need to have one parent tag as follows:
const template = (
<h1>Welcome to JSX.</h1>
{' '}
1. JSX has to be in one
parent tag{' '}
Let's add an ordered list.
var template = (
<h1>Welcome to JSX.</h1>
<h3>JSX Rules: </h3>
{' '}
Rule 1: JSX Elements
Must be Wrapped in an
Enclosed Tag{' '}
<li>RUle 2: ? </li>
JSX JavaScript Expressions
You can include JavaScript Expressions inside jsx tags between {}. Let's change the template to have a name and a profile website link, as follows:
const userName =
'Rany ElHousieny';
const website =
var template = (
<h1>Welcome to JSX.</h1>
{' '}
My Name is {userName}
Please, visit my profile
at {website}
Here we added variables inside the tags using {}
You can add any JavaScript expression inside those {} as we will see. This is one of the powerful features of JSX.
Example: We can convert the name to upper case using .toUpperCase
Similarly you can use Objects, as follows:
Using Functions
You can run functions inside JavaScript {}, as follows:
Note: I changed the font color to blue in styles.css because the red was driving me crasy :)
Of course, this function is JavaScript and you can add any JavaScript code. Let's add a condition
Conditional (ternary) operator
We can have all of that in one line using Ternary Expression as follows:
{user.profile ? user.profile : "Not Available"}
condition ? expressionIfTrue : expressionIfFalse
&& Operator
Of course, it does not look good to show "not available". Let's see how can we print to the screen only when there is a profile using the && operator as follows:
{ Condition && jsx to Render on Screen }
{user.profile &&
Please, visit my
profile {user.profile}
In this case, if there is a profile it will print it:
If there is not profile, it will just stay silent :)