jsm) Celebrates 12 years in Business
Joe Social Media
Professional social media management, training, and public speaking)
Joe Social Media is officially entering its 12th year in business!
An incredible milestone for an early adapter who took its fair share of criticism, while blazing the industry's trail.
We've persevered to grow into a very successful, and reputable business who took one small step to make one big change in the media marketing landscape." says owner and CEO, Joe Whitbread.
In 2024, jsm) rebranded after over a decade in business. Alberta's first Social Media for Business marketing agency, jsm) provides content management and executive training to industry professionals and social media managers. The Alberta based marketing company is designed to help business owners, community groups and youth organizations activate a captive, online audience, while fostering positive digital citizenship and community connectivity.
Publicity and promotion of business continues to be a growing opportunity for business owners and one that they're consistently uneasy about tackling themselves.
"We have learned that it's normal for business owners and professionals to feel fearful of promotion using social media." says Whitbread. "Businesses are admittedly amateur at communications and publicity for their business and usually admit they're uneasy posting consistently due to the time it takes and the risk of coming across egotistical."
Joe says the divisions of his company have been unique in the industry.
"Besides the admin, management and training stuff, we have thoroughly enjoyed public speaking and keynote invitations over the years. Having the opportunity to speak at sales training seminars, lunch and learn workshops, brand enhancement sessions and industry conferences has allowed us to dispel some of social medias prominent misconceptions and public uneasiness."
Over the past twelve years, Joe Social Media clients have come from many different industries with many different levels of understanding when it comes to social media, marketing, promotions and publicity for their companies. Customers and clients have included retail, financial, medical and professional services, mainstream media, travel, educational and even fellow marketing and design companies.
"We've had the distinct pleasure of helping train young and old employees and entrepreneurs too. Says Whitbread. "We've worked with CEOs, owners, franchisees and business managers as well as eager inventors and first time business owners."
As the industry grows and develops, artificial strategies are becoming more prominent to go along with human account activation. And many similar social media businesses have started to crop up, with traditional media channels like radio - once against social media - have introduced social in their sales portfolio, over a decade after jsm) introduced it.
"We're humbled and reminded how a good idea, diligence and brand consistency can create a successful local business and launch a reputable, award-winning, and accepted media partner for others to grow and learn from." says Joe. "I'm grateful the for the past and excited for the future"
Joe Whitbread continues to own Joe Social Media Media in Lacombe, Alberta with a number of skilled people on his creative team. Watch for his work and follow along on LinkedIn, BlueSky, Instagram, and Facebook.
@JoeWhitbread JoeSocialMedia.com and JoeWhitbread.com