Js meaningful stuffs

1. Playing with Binary Data

  • ArrayBuffer: A low-level binary data buffer that can be used to represent a generic, fixed-length raw binary data buffer.
  • Example:
  • TypedArray (Uint8Array, Int16Array, Float32Array): Views on an ArrayBuffer that allow reading and writing of binary data in specific formats.
  • Example:
  • DataView: A view that allows reading and writing of multiple number types in an ArrayBuffer without needing a typed array.
  • Example:
  • Blobs: Represents raw binary data as an immutable object, typically used for file handling.
  • Example:
  • Base64 Encoding/Decoding: Converts binary data to a base64 string for safe transmission over text-based protocols.
  • Example:
  • Binary Parsing: Reading binary data formats, often used in file formats or network protocols.
  • Example: javascript const buffer = new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2, 3]); const value = buffer[1]; // Accessing binary data

2. Network

  • Web Sockets: A protocol for full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection.
  • Example:
  • Streams (ReadableStream, WritableStream): Interfaces for reading and writing data streams.
  • Example:
  • WebRTC: A technology for peer-to-peer connections, enabling audio, video, and data sharing.
  • Example:
  • HTTP/2: A major revision of the HTTP network protocol, improving performance and security.
  • Example: Uses multiplexing and header compression to enhance speed.
  • QUIC: A transport layer network protocol designed by Google, built on UDP for improved performance.
  • Example: Used in modern web applications for faster connections.
  • Fetch API: A modern interface for making network requests, replacing XMLHttpRequest.
  • Example:
  • Axios: A promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js.
  • Example:
  • CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing): A mechanism that allows restricted resources on a web page to be requested from another domain.
  • Example: Configured on the server to allow specific origins.
  • Server-Sent Events (SSE): A server push technology enabling a server to send updates to the client.
  • Example:
  • Long Polling: A technique where the client requests information from the server and the server holds the request open until new data is available.
  • Example: Used to simulate real-time data fetching.

3. Media

  • Media Stream API: Allows access to media streams from devices like cameras and microphones.
  • Example:
  • Media Recorder API: Enables recording of media streams to file.
  • Example:
  • Screen Capture API: Captures the content of a screen or application window.
  • Example:
  • AudioContext/Web Audio API: Provides a way to process and synthesize audio in web applications.
  • Example:
  • Picture-in-Picture: Allows a video to be played in a small window overlaying other content.
  • Example:
  • Subtitles and Tracks: Supports displaying subtitles and other text tracks in video elements.
  • Example:
  • HTMLMediaElement: The base interface for all media elements like <audio> and <video>.
  • Example:
  • Video and Audio Enhancements: Techniques to improve media playback, such as adaptive bitrate streaming.

4. DOM

  • DOM API: The programming interface for HTML and XML documents, allowing manipulation of the document structure.
  • Example:
  • Shadow DOM: A web standard that allows encapsulation of DOM and CSS styles.
  • Example:
  • Intersection Observer: A way to asynchronously observe changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element or with a top-level document's viewport.
  • Example:
  • Mutation Observer: A feature that provides the ability to watch for changes to the DOM tree.
  • Example:
  • Resize Observer: Observes changes to the size of an element's content or border box.
  • Example:
  • Custom Elements: Allows the creation of new HTML tags with custom behavior.
  • Example:
  • Event Delegation: A technique to handle events at a higher level in the DOM rather than on individual elements.
  • Example:
  • Form Validation: Techniques for validating form inputs before submission.
  • Example:
  • Web Components: A suite of different technologies allowing you to create reusable custom elements.
  • Example: Combining custom elements, shadow DOM, and HTML templates.

5. Data Storage

  • Cookies: Small pieces of data stored on the client-side, often used for session management.
  • Example:
  • Session Storage: Stores data for the duration of the page session.
  • Example:
  • Local Storage: Provides a way to store key/value pairs in a web browser with no expiration time.
  • Example:
  • IndexedDB: A low-level API for client-side storage of significant amounts of structured data.
  • Example:
  • Cache API: A storage mechanism that allows you to cache network requests and responses.
  • Example:
  • Service Workers: A script that runs in the background, separate from a web page, enabling features like push notifications and caching.
  • Example:
  • File Reader API: Allows web applications to asynchronously read the contents of files stored on the user's computer.
  • Example:
  • Clipboard API: Provides an interface for reading from and writing to the clipboard.
  • Example: javascript navigator.clipboard.writeText('Hello, World!');

6. Performance

  • Web Workers: A way to run scripts in background threads, allowing for parallel execution of code.
  • Example:
  • Service Workers: A specific type of web worker that intercepts network requests.
  • Example: Used for caching resources and enabling offline capabilities.
  • Web Vitals: A set of metrics for measuring user experience on the web.
  • Example: Tools like Google’s Lighthouse can measure these metrics.
  • Lazy Loading: A design pattern that postpones loading non-critical resources at the point the page is initially loaded.
  • Example:
  • RequestAnimationFrame: A method for creating smooth animations by allowing the browser to optimize rendering.
  • Example:
  • Memory Management: Techniques to optimize memory usage in web applications.
  • Example: Regularly clearing unused variables and objects.
  • Async and Defer: Attributes for script tags that control how scripts are loaded.
  • Example:
  • Bundle Analysis: Tools like Webpack Bundle Analyzer help visualize the size of webpack output files.
  • Example: Using Webpack to generate a report on bundle sizes.

7. Graphics

  • Canvas API: A powerful API for drawing graphics on the web.
  • Example:
  • WebGL: A JavaScript API for rendering interactive 3D graphics.
  • Example: Used for complex visualizations and games.
  • SVG Manipulation: Scalable Vector Graphics can be manipulated with JavaScript for dynamic visuals.
  • Example:
  • CSS Animations: Animations defined in CSS that can be applied to HTML elements.
  • Example:
  • Web Animations API: Provides a way to create complex animations through JavaScript.
  • Example:
  • Image Sprites: A technique that combines multiple images into a single file to reduce HTTP requests.
  • Example: Using CSS to display specific parts of the sprite.
  • Dynamic Image Rendering: Techniques for generating images on-the-fly using JavaScript or server-side languages.

8. Security

  • Content Security Policy (CSP): A security feature that helps prevent XSS attacks by specifying which dynamic resources are allowed to load.
  • Example:
  • CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing): An important security feature that allows or restricts resources requested from another domain.
  • Example: Configured on the server to allow specific origins.
  • XSS Prevention: Techniques to prevent cross-site scripting attacks.
  • Example: Input sanitization before rendering.
  • Trusted Types: A security feature that helps prevent XSS by enforcing a policy where only trusted types can be used in certain contexts.
  • Example: Enforcing safe HTML generation.
  • Mime Sniffing: A technique used by browsers to determine the type of content being served.
  • Example: Browsers should respect the Content-Type header.
  • Input Sanitization: The process of cleaning user input to prevent malicious data from being processed.
  • Example: Removing or encoding special characters.
  • Permissions API: Allows web applications to request permission to access certain features like geolocation or notifications.
  • Example: javascript Notification.requestPermission().then(permission => { if (permission === 'granted') { new Notification('Hello!'); } });

9. Build

  • Treeshaking: A term for dead-code elimination in JavaScript, removing unused code from the final bundle.
  • Example: Used in modern bundlers like Webpack.
  • Code Splitting: A technique to split code into smaller chunks that can be loaded on demand.
  • Example: Using dynamic imports in ES6.
  • Hot Module Replacement: A feature that allows modules to be updated in the browser without a full refresh.
  • Example: Commonly used in development environments.
  • Transpilers (Babel): Tools that convert modern JavaScript into a version compatible with older browsers.
  • Example: Configured with presets to target specific browsers.
  • Polyfills: Scripts that provide modern functionality on older browsers that do not support it.
  • Example: Using polyfills for Promise or fetch.
  • Webpack Configuration: Customizing Webpack to optimize builds for performance.
  • Example: Setting up loaders and plugins for asset management.
  • Vite/Rollup: Modern build tools that focus on speed and efficiency.
  • Example: Vite uses native ES modules for development.

10. Asset

  • Prefetch, Preload, Preconnect: Techniques to improve resource loading performance.
  • Example:
  • Gzip Compression: A method of compressing files to reduce their size for faster transmission.
  • Example: Configured on the server.
  • Brotli Compression: A newer compression algorithm that often achieves better compression ratios than Gzip.
  • Example: Also configured on the server.
  • Dynamic Image Loading: Loading images only when they are needed or in the viewport.
  • Example: Using IntersectionObserver for lazy loading images.
  • Lossy and Lossless Compression: Techniques for reducing image file sizes with varying degrees of quality loss.
  • Example: JPEG for lossy, PNG for lossless.
  • Pixel Density Optimization: Techniques for serving different image resolutions based on the device's pixel density.
  • Example: Using srcset in <img> tags.
  • Responsive Images: Techniques for serving different images based on screen size and resolution.
  • Example: html <img src="small.jpg" srcset="medium.jpg 600w, large.jpg 1200w" alt="Responsive image">

This structure provides a comprehensive overview of various web development topics, complete with examples and descriptions to illustrate their usage.


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