Joyful Recollections of Trauma: A Review
An Autobiography By Paul Scheer
I'm not nearly important or cool enough to receive any kind of commission or credit if you decide to buy this book. I am merely here to share my experience. One of the few things that we all have in common, is that we've faced some sort of trauma or discomfort at some point in our lives. Maybe it was bullying, childhood abuse, or something that we couldn't quite identify having to do with our mental health.
If we can contextualize what we've been through, and even learn to laugh at it, we can go a long way toward healing that which has caused us trauma in our lives. What we've faced might not rise to the level of experiences that Paul Scheer has, but seeing how someone else has struggled and came out of it ok can give glimmers of hope in our own struggles.
In Joyful Recollections Mr. Scheer reflects on a more realistic version of Home Alone, being corned by three angry, drunk grown men in a 7/11 parking lot, and various physical altercations with an abusive stepfather who reshaped how he dealt with conflict and anger within the formative years of his life.
With trauma and challenge comes a sparkling sense of humor that keeps you engaged in what you are reading, and the hopefulness Paul found on the other side.
If you like podcasts such as How Did This Get Made, Christopher Walken, and Disney instigated illness, you might get a laugh, and a tear out of Joyful Recollections of Trauma, highly recommend, just don't expect this to be a clean Churchy read!!!