Joy to the world and Peace to all
Rev. Keith Gaebel BA, Chaplain
Peer Mentor at Breathing Life into Ministry: Professional Development and Stress Management for Clergy
Rejection is the behavior began by satan who rejected God (Spirit) and introduced that rejection mindset to Adam and Eve. A&E found themselves fleshly naked and fearful after rejecting the Spirit-Image of God, hid and tried to cover their lack of Spirit.
Satan introduced the effort to live by knowledge only, without Spirit, in an effort to become a god just like God. Rejection is the original sin.
God's plan to redeem humanity prepared the perfect path (in and through the earthly work of Christ Jesus) so that folks could again use the epitome of humanity and decide individually to be reborn into the Spirit-Image of their Heavenly Father.
Accept Gods plan and experience the Joy and Peace of Spirit Living reintroduced at the birth of Jesus and announced by a choir of angels to the shepherds leading their flocks to good food.