Joy to the World
Each week my blog starts as a blank screen. Sometimes there’s an inspired thought from the Universe that starts the wheels turning, other times my thoughts seem as mundane as a grocery list. (I am often so hard on myself, as most writers are.)
This morning I went on my 30-minute walk. Every time I go out for that glorious time with nature, I wave at passing neighbors - folks going to work, others on their own walk maybe with their precious pets.
Smiling and waving at friends and others whom I don’t recognize helps ME feel good. It’s the happy connection. It’s the day starter I love. And I believe it is a happy launch of the day for the receivers. 99 percent of them respond with a smile and wave - young and old alike. Sometimes they wave their coffee cups!!
And then it happened! I returned home to hear on the news that today is an especially joyful day because the news reported that all 12 young Thai soccer players and their coach were rescued from that cave! So many of us around the world held our breath as well as we prayed for this moment. And let’s not forget the strong, expert diving team and planners who made it happen. I think this will forever serve as a model of humanity’s ingenuity and determination to fight all odds and win!
As today’s Daily Word states, “Often I am moved by the actions of others – through their courage, their triumphs, their ability to face and overcome obstacles, their willingness to accept and achieve a goal.”
We are here on earth to be of service to others. In future missives I will highlight examples of friends far and near who exemplify this remarkable human value.
“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”