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Ravana stood in Dandakaranya forest, dreaming of conquering all of Bharata.
In their constitution, the country is called "Bharata." This is a reference to Bharata, an ancient mythical emperor whose story is told in part in the Indian epic Mahabharata. The Puranas, which are religious and historical texts written in the 5th century CE, say that Bharata took over the whole Indian subcontinent and ruled it in peace and harmony. The land was, therefore, known as Bharatavarsha (`the subcontinent of Bharata"). The Indian subcontinent has been inhabited by humans for more than 250,000 years, making it one of the oldest places on Earth where people have lived. Archaeological digs have found things that early humans used, like stone tools. This shows that people lived and made tools in the area a very long time ago.
He has set up a complicated network of demons in the forests of Dandakaranya and Naimisharanya that stretches from Bharata to Aryavrata and Devabhumi. These forests were populated by demon tribes. Ravana began to travel the length and breadth of the forests and began mapping everything from mountains to rivers to fountains to ponds that came along his path. This forest was now home to his sister, Soorpanakha, where she was deployed along with an army of 14,000 strong demon warriors, along with two skillful and mighty generals called Khara and Dushana. In the forest, an Yaksha called Tumburu also lived. He was very cunning, a cannibal, and a brave misdemeanor demon. Under the protection of Ravana and his sister, she was almost invincible. The forests were infested with wildlife too, like tigers, boars, elephants, and rhinos. These two forests were very difficult and dangerous, yet few ascetics lived in them. Prominent among them were Sharbhang and Sutikshna. Sutikshana had established a beautiful colony along the banks of the Mandakini River. There was another colony that was established by Mandkarna, but the most popular of them all was?Agastya. Sage Agastya was the only sage who had killed several demons, including Vatapi and Ilval.
Ravana did not fight with the sages; instead, he and his sister used his military camp to spread their culture throughout the area. Ravana used to throw meat and bones into their religious ceremonies and fire sacrifices to make them stop. His men would forcibly remove helpless sages from their ashramas, sacrifice them, and eat their meat. Ravana adored the forest; he used to enter the ashramas of the sages disguised and had learned a great deal about the kingdoms that existed in and around the forests.
There was once a yaksha named Suketu who had no children. Craving for children, he performed a yagna. He was blessed by Brahma, who said Suketu would have a girl child who would have the strength of 1,000 elephants, and that girl was Tataka. When Tataka attained marriageable age, she was given in marriage to Sunda. Sunda was killed by Agastya's curse. Enraged, Tataka went with her son Mareecha to kill Agastya. The sage cursed Mareecha and said he would become a demon. He said Tataka would become ugly and a cannibal. She would repel people with her looks. From then on, Tataka became a ferocious demon and began to destroy the beautiful land that had once been prosperous because of the boon of Indra. Unfortunately, Ravana roamed the same land where Agastya resided.
Mistakes often happen because of flaws in the system, a lack of expertise, inefficiency, or inadequacy. Businesses might also be operating based on outdated and incorrect models and theories. Every aspect of life—including the personal, professional, technological, and judicial systems—is subject to error. The aviation industry has a lot to teach the medical field about conducting thorough investigations, learning from mistakes, and taking all reasonable precautions to avoid repeating them. In fact, people in the medical field tend to stick together and hide mistakes. The auto industry also doesn't have a good reputation in this area. Systems, budgets, and controls can be created in a corporate setting to identify mistakes and prevent them from happening. Low staff and management turnover can reduce stress at work and cut down on the number of business mistakes. Trainers can use simulators to help people get better at important skills and feel more confident, which makes mistakes less likely to happen. A company can use knowledge management systems to help it learn from its past mistakes. If we don't learn from our mistakes, we'll keep making them, which will cost us opportunities, money, clients, time, efficiency, and productivity. The majority of successful people will admit that their failures taught them more than their successes did. If we make mistakes, people who have been hurt or lost money could take us to court to get their money back. People no longer hesitate to question high-status authority figures to hold them accountable for their errors as a result of scandals in all spheres of private and public life. Losing trust also meant losing respect. In their interpersonal and professional interactions with others, people now place a high value on qualities like keeping their word, being honest, having integrity, and being fair. Sometimes the upside of mistakes is enormous and unexpected. People have intentions but end up accomplishing unexpected results. When someone found something they weren't looking for, they often made some of the most amazing discoveries in history. In addition to many other fields that are too numerous to list, these have been made in astronomy, industry, consumer goods, and medicine. Due to our carelessness and inherent fallibility, we make mistakes. Mistake learning is a type of incidental learning. It frequently happens as a result of a significant unforeseen, accidental, or unexpected event. After all, life is a process of learning by doing and full of unexpected occurrences. The most crucial thing is to take note of them, learn from them, and keep them from happening again. We frequently act irrationally and with scant regard for morality. We occasionally lack the expertise, know-how, and abilities needed to complete a task successfully. We frequently disobey or break the rules. Failure is punished, while success is rewarded. Systems can fail in organizations, or they might follow the wrong models. When stressed, worn out, or under time constraints, people are more likely to make mistakes. When they attempt to do too many things—especially complex ones—at once, they frequently make mistakes.
There are three main kinds of human errors:
Slips are when you don't do what you're supposed to do, while lapses are when you forget to do something or lose your place in the middle of a task. They appear in very common activities that we perform on a daily basis, like driving a car. One example of a slip is forgetting to complete a task, such as forgetting to bring your shopping list to the store or forgetting to turn on the kettle while making a cup of tea. When a floor board is not nailed down, that is an error. Mistakes based on knowledge, procedure, and rules frequently occur in the workplace. Examples include failing to use the correct tools or working without permission. Intentional mistakes or "deliberately doing the wrong thing" are violations. One of the most frequent reasons for accidents in the workplace is the disregard for health and safety regulations. When a worker takes off his safety goggles because they are uncomfortable is an example of a violation. The main reasons why people make mistakes are as follows:
Ravana made a series of mistakes. His human fallibility was that he thought that forests would be great cover for him and his army. He was too confident in himself and used a disguise to learn more about his surroundings. He never thought that trade with the Aryan colonies would be the best way to establish friendly relationships and then move on to turning it into a military base. He thought that the only way to convince people was through fear. By throwing meat and bones in their religious worship, they were abducting them and later killing and eating them, which was the most inhuman thing and did not suit the king who rules Lanka. Instead of mingling with the people and sharing their joys and sorrows and trying to make their lives better, he hired Tumburu to conduct his dirty work. He ruined Soorpankha's life in the battle of Ashampuri by killing her boyfriend and husband, Vidyutjibha. She was looking to avenge his brother. He ordered his conquered enemies to spread terror throughout the land. He completely overlooked the rules, policies, and regulations that made him come face to face with the most revered sages of Bharata, who had influence even greater than any king at that time: Vasistha and Viswamitra. They were south of where Ravana and his army were stationed. In due course of time, Vasistha became the chaplain of the Suryavanshis, which were at that time ruled by King Dashratha, the father of Prince Rama. Vasistha was also connected with Viswamitra. Viswamitra married his sister, with Richik. Richik was a very learned man. He had mastered mantra, yantra, and tantra. His power was immense. He gave several divine weapons to Viswamitra. The notables among them were the danda-chakra, the kala-danda, the karma-chakra, the vishnu-chakra, the indra-chakra, the bajra, Shiva's trident, the brahmastra, and the ishikastra. These were all divine weapons and could be summoned and used only by mantra. He also taught him two famous mace-fighting techniques that were prevalent during those days: the Modaki and 'Shikhari-Bhed. He also gave him the knowledge of Dharmapasha, Kalapaasha, and Varunapasha. With his knowledge of yantra, he taught him Pinakastra, Narayanastra, Agniastra, Vyavastra, Hayshir, and Kraunchmahaastra. Mushal and Kinkani Astra were also given to him. Vidyadharastra, Nandanastra were also given to him by Richik. There are two types of divine swords, which were also given to Viswamitra by Richik. Paisachatra, Prasvapanastra, Mohanastra, Varshatra Shoshastra, Santapanastra, Vilayanstra, and Bhaavanaastra, which were also celestial weapons, were taught to Viswamitra. Due to these supreme and powerful weapons, Viswamitra became the most powerful sage in all of Bharata.
Ravana sent Tataka and her son Mareecha to terrorize the sages and ascetics in the Naimisharanya forest, just like he sent Soorpanakha to the Dandakaranya forests. This was the forest where Viswamitra had his ashrama. Viswamitra taught all these celestial and powerful weapons to Shree Rama and his brother Laksmana, who used them to kill Tataka. When Ravana went back to the Naimisharanya forest, all of his military camps were destroyed, so he sent his minister to find his generals, Subahu and Mareecha. His ministers searched the whole length and breadth of the forest in search of Mareecha and found him hidden in a cave in the mountains. He sounded very weak and badly wounded. Ravana consoled him and asked him what had happened.
"O my Lord! What should I say? "I can only summarize the whole thing by saying that only I am alive and all the rest are killed."
"Killed!" "Who killed them?" "How did this trouble befall my army?"
"Rama and Lakshmana."
"Who are they?"
"They are human princes, and they killed all the demons."
" To which kingdom do they belong?"
"I have heard they belonged to the kingdom of Kosala."
"Is Naimisharanya Forest their land?"
"No Sage Viswamitra brought them here."
" I have heard of him; he is the son of Richik I guess."
"No, he is his brother-in-law."
" But I have heard that Vasistha is associated with humans?"
"Yes, that's true, but now both of them have joined hands against us."
"Whose sons are the princes?"
"King Dasaratha of Ayodhya."
"I know him; I have heard how valiantly he fought in the battle of Shambar." "But did the princes come with huge armies?"
"No, they were alone; they were only accompanied by Sage Viswamitra."
" I understand that Viswamitra is a great archer himself; he is the student of Richik, and I know how powerful Richik is, but how come these three humans destroy a horde of such powerful demons single-handed?"
"This is a shameful incident, O King!"
"Did Viswamitra live nearby?" "
Yes, he lived in the nearby town of Kamyavan. "We destroyed the sanctity of his ashrama and destroyed his religious ritual with alcohol and animal flesh, but, surprising, he did not revolt and did not take arms against us."
"No, he does not, after he became a sage."
" Is that the reason he brought those two human princes, my lord?"
"Yes, that is the reason. "What is their name, did you say?"
"Rama and Lakshmana."
"Are they so valiant?"
"Yes, they are, my lord; just with one arrow, they flung my mother Tataka several kilometers away, and she died vomiting blood. When I and Subahu attacked them with our armies, they skillfully killed all of them. "I somehow survived and sheltered myself in these caves, waiting for your arrival."
When we make plans in either our personal or professional lives, just like Ravana, we are certain that they are mistake-proof, but mistakes happen. So where do mistakes happen? They happen everywhere.
Ravana's objectives were to conquer Bharata, but instead he traveled through the land, creating more enemies than friends. His arrogant and impatient nature made him fight several unnecessary battles, thus wasting his energy and Lanka's coffers. He never used his wealth judiciously. His lust for women made him fight King Kartiveer, who imprisoned him; he also fought Bali of Kiskindha, who also managed to imprison him. He thought that prisoners of war would be loyal to him just because he managed to kill their leader. The battle of Ashampuri was a useless display of naval power just because his sister eloped with her lover, who belonged to his rival clan. He strengthened one position in the forest of Dandakaranya but left the other weak at Naimisharanya forest. The whole burden was on the shoulders of Tataka and his son Mareecha. He thought that all sages and ascetics were weak and cowards; they would never fight back for they have denounced the world and are easy to terrorize, which was proved completely wrong by Agastya and Viswamitra. Ravana failed to become a role model for his army and the people he wanted to conquer. He was very impractical. He believed that no one could match him, and when someone did, he tried to befriend them or end them. He was never present beside his army men when they needed him for motivation. The selection of Tumburu was not justified. He was not a warrior; he never fought in any war; he was just a cursed yaksha who lived a nomadic life, and he never gave it a thought that anyone could kill Tumburu. His availability was very unpredictable.
Ravana contined,
"Wonderful, unimaginable, and admirable are these young princes! I congratulate those human children! "Now where are those teenagers?"
"Sirdhwaj of Mithila established his power in Janakpur." The swayamvara of the daughter has been arranged. Vishwamitra and the young princes have gone there with him."
"Is he some great king of the Aryans?"
"He belongs to the human clan."
"What about his daughter?"
"She is the most beautiful woman in the three worlds; Sita is her name." Sirdhwaj got him through agricultural sacrifice."
"Your words have increased my eagerness; I will surely go there to see Sita and the two young princes."
"There is one more reason you must go."
"What is it?"
"The pinaka bow of Lord Shiva." Janka has vowed that "one who can lift the bow, string it, and shoot an arrow with it will marry his daughter Sita to him."
"Will the ceremony be attended by many kings of Bharata lands?"
"Probably all will be there from Bharata and Aryavrata lands, along with the King of all demons, Banasura."
"Wow! The King of all Demons, Banasura, will also be there! "What a coincidence!"
"I have heard so."
"I will go there too, meet Banasura, and see Sita and those two princes."
"Will you take your army?"
"No, I will travel alone in disguise."
Ravana gave important instructions to ministers and left his army at Naimisharanya forest and moved to Janakpuri.
What happened there? Read my article titled, "Miracle Maven Of Ayodhya": https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/joy-nath
Ravana may be a mythological villain, but his mistakes are real. We all make such mistakes in various fields of our lives. Ravana could not reverse his mistakes, nor could he prevent them from happening, because his mistakes are an important part of the story of the Ramayana.(Journey of Rama). But you surely can.
A healthy attitude toward errors is one that views mistakes as teaching opportunities. Errors can be avoided by lowering workplace stress. A methodical approach to problem solving, root cause analysis, and incident reporting are strategies for minimizing errors. Controls and checklists have helped to reduce errors in both aviation and healthcare. In humans, redundancy serves as a backup plan in case one or more of our major organs fails to keep us alive. High-reliability organizations prepare their staff to identify and handle errors because they anticipate making them. They work in fields that are extremely dangerous, but they are almost error-free. When working under stress, mistakes are more likely to be made than when working under less stressful conditions. Low stress levels can cause boredom and a failure to complete a task with the necessary diligence and care. Caffeine consumption, according to studies, may reduce human error. Coffee consumption following a nap significantly reduced human error among shift workers. A serious thought or consideration about something is called "reflection." Reflection-in-action is the critical examination of a process such that it can subsequently be changed in line with new information. The key to developing new products is to be able to learn from previous steps and act on that information. Coaches should move away from a directive style of coaching to a collaborative style that facilitates meaningful learning. To create set pieces and the desired results, practice sessions should be planned, evaluated, and managed. The players' playing ability, motivation, and learning experience are all enhanced by a learner-centered approach to coaching.
Self-esteem and confidence can grow as a result of the joy of self-discovery. Players should be actively questioned and listened to by coaches, which will encourage open discourse and debate. Coaches should be encouraging and supportive in order to help players accept responsibility for their own mistakes, according to Sven-Goran Eriksson. The process is easier to remember if you use the acronym TEA (thoughts, emotions, and actions). As soon as a negative thought enters your mind, you should immediately replace it with a positive one. Positive thinking is crucial because negative thoughts may be contagious and self-feeding. Positive emotions and behaviors are the results of positive thoughts; negative emotions may produce poor performance.
Another useful acronym used in sports psychology is known as the?"3 Fs." It is used to prevent athletes from thinking negatively.
Your future successes are influenced by your past failures. Failure inspires you to reach your objectives and be successful in the future. The main ingredients of success are having frequent goals, planning, being persistent, and being determined. Success in sports, as in any area of life, depends heavily on one's ability to believe in oneself. In the end, your self-confidence will carry you through. Analyze your mistakes and see how you can avoid them in the future. Make use of failure as a source of inspiration to keep moving forward. Making errors should be acknowledged as a necessary component of learning. Mentally preparing for and reflecting on events will help us learn from them. We should outline our expectations for what is likely to occur prior to an event. We should reflect on the positives, negatives, and areas for improvement after an event. Find the resources, expertise, knowledge, and information that will prevent you from making the same mistakes as others. You will have a clearer understanding of the situation if you write down the answers to these questions. A simple to-do list, for instance, might be helpful if you are prone to forgetfulness and inattention. Employees must feel secure enough to acknowledge and report errors. In a culture where there is no place for blame, it is crucial to be responsible and accountable. It is acceptable for junior staff to challenge decisions made by more senior staff. Workload constraints and psychological barriers to accepting responsibility are obstacles to reporting incidents. The environmental safety team at Board Longyear established an accident-management database system to monitor, document, and promote a secure working environment. Employees are instructed to report any incident, no matter how minor, whether it involves a gas cap missing from a car or a worker getting hurt while using a wrench. In the long run, incident management systems boost output and maintain efficient and effective operations. Important data is gathered and disseminated to alert workers to potential risks, thereby lowering the risk of injury or fatality. The time and money invested in incident management systems is negligible compared to the lives and equipment saved. Documenting errors and assessing potential pitfalls are helpful in project management for lowering risks. To improve learning and control, it is necessary to codify experience in project manuals. For this purpose, the US Army created a technique known as after-action review (AAR).
Every project should have two distinct goals: to successfully develop the project and to advance the learning of the organization. "Holistic means encompassing the whole of a thing and not just a part of it. Effective interventions include designing safer infrastructure and incorporating road safety features into land-use and transport planning. When we do something, we should reflect on it, observe the consequences, and consider how we could do it better next time. We can also model our behavior on the skills of experts by examining their techniques. The knowledge, skills, and wisdom of our more experienced colleagues can be passed on through instruction manuals, mentoring, and coaching. Many medical errors would have been avoided if physicians just listened to their patients, their families, and their colleagues. Consultants often display too much hubris for their own good. Leaders should establish and reward a climate of openness and support facilitating discussion and the reporting of errors. Innovations at 3M are fostered by a culture of leaders and management that is tolerant of mistakes. Misdiagnosis can be reduced if physicians keep up with new discoveries in medical science. In the aviation industry, improvements in aircraft systems can advance safety by making aircraft more robust. Well-known techniques for preventing mistakes include root cause analysis and scenario-based training. In IT project management many organisations are now conducting project post-mortems or post-implementation reviews. A key objective of a post-mortem would be to determine what went right, what went wrong, and make recommendations.
By performing preventive maintenance, equipment and aircraft are made safe to use and fly. The use of total quality management (TQM) and asking for customer feedback are well-known methods for finding errors. In both medicine and aviation, simulators are used to train surgeons and pilots in life-threatening or emergency situations. An investigation is conducted to confirm that everything is in order and in accordance with due diligence. It assists buyers and investors in ensuring that the asset or investment is free from any unforeseen issues. When a company is acquired, the formal due diligence process can be complicated. When making an acquisition, a company needs positive synergies rather than negative ones. Illness, medication, stress, alcohol, fatigue, and emotion are all abbreviated as "IM SAFE." This was created in the aviation sector as a helpful self-evaluation method. Every few months, a pilot is detained before a jet takes off somewhere in the world on suspicion of intoxication. When he crashed a Japan Air Lines DC08 cargo jet during takeoff in 1977, the American pilot was intoxicated. 88 people were killed in 2008 when an Aeroflot flight within Russia crashed during the landing approach. The 1990 Northwest Airlines flight from Fargo, North Dakota, to Minneapolis is one of the most notorious incidents. In hospitals, patient organizations have been established to act as defenders and advocates of patients' rights. Laws, rules, policies, procedures, regulations, and checks are the types of controls that we need. Failure to regulate was one of the factors leading to the banking system's collapse. The airline industry has proven that checklists are essential for safety. To cut down on errors, medical staff should standardize work procedures and use checklists. Before an operation, nurses should go over a checklist of procedures. The majority of accidents are caused by teams rather than by individuals. A suitable system can be created in a corporate setting to identify errors and prevent them from happening. A time-tested but economical method of error prevention is cross-checking by a neutral third party. For air crash investigations, cockpit voice recorders and flight data recorders are essential tools. A variety of tools and services, such as disaster recovery plans, antivirus programs, and firewall technologies, are available to manage risk. You are always better prepared to handle improbable situations if you have practiced backup plans in place. Prior to a server crash or a phone outage, your staff should receive training on what to do. Before investing significant capital and revenue expenditure resources in a full-scale launch, it is always preferable to test something out in a small-scale setting. There should be a system in place to record mistakes, including those that result in serious harm or near-misses. Near misses are less emotionally charged, and there may be fewer barriers to confronting them. Developing a corporate culture that learns from experience is the goal of knowledge management. It is crucial that the appropriate individuals have access to knowledge at the appropriate time. In order for businesses to learn from their mistakes, information technology systems can be used to compile a database of mistakes and incidents.
The consequences of these mistakes are huge. Had Ravana not made those mistakes, he could have conquered the whole of Bharata and Aryavrata lands. His mistakes made him come face-to-face with his nemesis, Rama. He should have traveled to Ayodhya, where the princes came from, and understood the kingdoms there and their social, political, economic, and social processes; instead, he wasted his time visiting Janakpuri. His defeat at the hands of kings like Bali and Shasraarjuna did not encourage him to rectify his mistakes. These useless wars weakened his resources and army, which were fighting several hundred kilometers away from their homeland.
You should not repeat it. Rectify your mistakes before it is too late. If we fail to learn from our mistakes, we will keep repeating them. No one progresses in their career without making mistakes and learning from them. If people fail to acknowledge their mistakes, they will not take responsibility for them and will try to hide them.
To prevent fraud and mistakes, we require checks, controls, and balances. Scandals have resulted in the loss of innocence and a rise in skepticism in all spheres of business and public life. You can't really learn from your mistakes unless you own up to them and accept responsibility for them. People must be able to talk about their errors without worrying about being mocked or punished. Managers should model humility by owning up to their mistakes and encouraging others to do the same. Instead of focusing on "who did it," the focus should be on clearly understanding what occurred. Gaining knowledge from both successes and failures can significantly boost productivity and competitiveness. Small errors are early indicators that people or systems are not operating as they should. It will assist us in reducing and eliminating errors if we have access to a centralized database of mistakes. Keeping an eye on and managing one's weight helps people who want to lose weight achieve their objectives. Small changes added together over time have an impact and can lead to significant weight loss. They experiment with different diets until they find one that works for them, and they modify their way of life to fit more eating and exercise into their hectic schedules. Managers must improve their emotional intelligence and recognize its significance. Managers will need to understand their staff members' perspectives and empathize with them. At all levels, innovation should be promoted, but for this to happen, managers must be able to hear what their staff have to say. Due to inadequate planning and strategies, poor marketing and financial management, and missed opportunities, many businesses fail. Even some businesses are unaware of their own distinctive vision, mission, and value proposition. When making decisions, we must learn to accept uncertainty and be ready to make the occasional, unavoidable error. A lengthy courtship does not ensure a more stable union; however, a happy marriage does. In contrast to turbulent courtships, which portend problems and choppy waters ahead, turbulent courtships are typically a sign of a happy marriage.
American management expert Laurence Peter created the Peter Principle. People move up the hierarchy when they perform well in a particular position. When someone is promoted to a job they're not as good at, they stay there until the process is repeated again. People are promoted in some bureaucracies not because of their skills but rather to get rid of them. An employee's proficiency is assessed by their superior, not by outsiders. If you are promoted to a high executive level, you could do a lot of damage to the company. Today, the Peter Principle is regarded as the benchmark for executive failure. It's been called the "ongoing gift that keeps on giving": business mediocrity. Eddie Lampert, the CEO of Sears, didn't have much experience in traditional retail management, but he was put in charge of the company anyway. Managers need ongoing training and development to prepare them for the different roles they are meant to play. This needs to be given via official corporate training and on-the-job training, including coaching and mentoring. Organizations shouldn't promote people until they show they have the right knowledge, skills, abilities, values, and attitude. The competitiveness, growth, and success of the company are significantly influenced by its culture. It includes the company's mission, vision, values, culture, standards of conduct, expectations, attitudes, and goals. Leaders make the biggest mistake when they lack objectivity and think they can't make mistakes. You should pay attention if another business is providing customers with better service than you are. Never undervalue your competitor's business savvy or inventiveness. Knowing a competitor's past and why it makes the decisions it does will help you figure out what their strategy is. While its rivals did, Blockbuster did not give its customers' needs enough consideration. Pay close attention to every piece of advice you can get, especially from salespeople. Leaders must take responsibility for bad decisions, failed product launches, and lost market share, even if it means they could lose their jobs. For a company to succeed, its business practices must be moral. Enron's senior executives deceived the investing public into thinking the company was doing well by engaging in fraud, deception, and dishonesty. It is much easier to remember things with the help of pictures and diagrams, which can lessen the reliance on memory. Standardizing shift change handover procedures is a great idea because it helps to avoid misunderstandings and poor communication. The standardization of tools and forms can aid in staff training. A company with a bad reputation will struggle to hire employees of the right caliber.
Unlike Ravana, your mistakes can lead to unexpected benefits too. Thomas Edison is credited with making the light bulb after more than 1,000 failed attempts. Sir Joseph Wilson Swan came up with the theory, but he gave up after only three attempts to make it work. Edison, on the other hand, overcame all problems and worked hard to make the first light bulb that worked. In the 1980s, when Citibank suggested offering credit cards to students, experts criticized the idea. It turned out to be a huge success for the bank, though, and many other banks have since adopted it. Other goods and services were frequently inspired by these "mistakes." Pfizer Laboratories accidentally created the first erectile dysfunction medication, Viagra. As an unexpected side effect, men who took it reported firmer, stronger, and longer-lasting erections. Ritalin was first made to help people with depression, but it has also been found to help people with ADHD. A chance observation was the beginning of a long journey that led to the discovery of insulin. Flies were swarming around a dog's poop when Joseph von Mering and Oscar Minkowski noticed them. Louis Pasteur is best known for the pasteurization method, which bears his name, but his work on vaccination is less well known. Alexander Fleming made the discovery of penicillin in 1928. On his Staphylococcus bacteria colonies' petri dishes, he noticed mold had begun to sprout. Actually, the mold secreted something that prevented bacterial growth. In the 1940s, penicillin was developed, helping to usher in the age of antibiotics. The implantable pacemaker was first developed by Wilson Greatbatch. His success with the pacemaker shows that Pasteur was right when he said that luck favors the ready mind. With the invention of anesthesia and the use of laughing gas, surgery has changed in a huge way in the modern world. In 1867, Alfred Nobel received a patent for dynamite. He is now recognized as the man who established the Nobel Prize. The award is given each year to those who have made the greatest contributions to the fields of science, literature, physics, chemistry, medicine, peace, and other related fields. A French scientist made the initial scientific discovery of safety glass in 1903. It wasn't used for automobile windshields until 1927. Goggles, security screens in banks, windows, and doors now all use safety glass. Jacques Brandenberger, an inventor, made the discovery in 1908 while creating a stain-resistant tablecloth. Under the trade name Tefal, Marc Gregoire developed the first pan with a Teflon nonstick resin coating in 1954. The "Super Glue," which is incredibly stable, was created by Harry Coover. The vulcanization process was created by Charles Goodyear after years of study and good fortune. To promote his goods, Goodyear went to a general store in 1839. It took Goodyear another five years of testing to perfect the procedure that would later become known as "vulcanization." His "Aha!" moment came at this point, and he went on to create the first profitable cash register. Russian chemist Constantin Fahlberg made the accidental discovery of saccharin. He neglected to wash his hands before eating because he had been working with coal tar and its derivatives. As a result, he discovered a synthetic sweetener with enormous consumer potential. Radiation that was left over from the beginning of the universe's history was found by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson. This provided evidence against the steady state model and backed up the idea that the universe is expanding. The finding piqued cosmologists' intense interest and brought them the Physics Nobel Prize.
We all make mistakes in our lives. There is nothing special about it. What makes them special is how much we learn from them. The following points should be kept in mind:
#india #reading #elearning #covid #online #preschool #vocabulary #parenting #teachersofinstagram #bhfyp #learningthroughplay #leadership #follow #college #learningathome #homeschool #quotes #goals #technology #studygram #university #learningisfun #community #skills #nature #happy #development #homeschooling #coaching #like #learning #education #learn #school #motivation #english #love #study #teaching #kids #students #teacher #knowledge #student #fun #training #success #children #art #instagram #science #life #inspiration #instagood #onlinelearning #business #teachers #language #linkedin #growth #mistakes #love #life #motivation #quotes #instagram #mistake #success #inspiration #motivationalquotes #learn #learning #follow #lifequotes #quoteoftheday #mistakesarelessons #yourself #instagood #sorry #quote #memes #poetry #positivevibes #happy #sad #loveyourself #b #inspirationalquotes #art #me
Absolutely, mistakes are our greatest teachers. ?? As Henry Ford once said, "The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing." Keep embracing those learning moments with grace and curiosity! ?????? #GrowthMindset #LearningJourney #EmbraceMistakes
Marketing Automation Specialist at Paradigm
2 年A truly significant milestone that speaks volumes about you! Congrats.
Founder & Mentor at Crème Talent. Trying To Shape a Better World.
2 年You proved everyone wrong and got the job done. Congrats!
CEO & Founder @TechQilla | Start-up Leadership | LinkedIn Coach
2 年Wow, a remarkable accomplishment achieved with determination and hard work.