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Isis is the most popular goddess in Egyptian mythology. Her name comes from the Egyptian Eset, ("the seat"), which referred to her stability and also the throne of Egypt as she was considered the mother of every pharaoh through the king's association with Horus, Isis' son. Her name has also been interpreted as Queen of the Throne, and her original headdress was the empty throne of her murdered husband, Osiris. Her symbols are the scorpion (who kept her safe when she was in hiding), the kite (a kind of falcon whose shape she assumed in bringing her husband back to life), the empty throne, and the sistra. Her parents are Geb and Nut, while her siblings in her first life were Horus, Osiris, Nephthys, and Set. Set said that Isis is dishonest and manipulative. She wants power and gets angry with Horus because he hasn't let her fully "let loose" in centuries. Despite this, she is regularly portrayed as the selfless, giving, mother, wife, and protectress, who places others' interests and well-being ahead of her own. She was also known as Weret-Kekau ("the great magic") for her power and Mut-Netjer, "Mother of the Gods," but was known by many names depending on which role she was fulfilling at the moment. As the goddess who brought the yearly inundation of the Nile, which fertilized the land, she was Sati, for example, and as the goddess who created and preserved life, she was Ankhet, and so on. Over time, she became so well-known that all gods were seen as just different parts of Isis. She was the only Egyptian god that everyone worshipped. She and her husband and son replaced the Theban Triad of Amon, Mut, and Khons, who had been the most popular trinity of gods in Egypt. Osiris, Isis, and Horus are referred to as the Abydos Triad. Her cult began in the Nile Delta, and her most important sanctuary was there at the shrine of Behbeit El-Hagar, but worship of Isis eventually spread to all parts of Egypt.

Isis possesses all the standard powers of a god, but she also has potent magical abilities and is adept at both healing and creating poisons:

  1. Divine Wisdom: As the Egyptian Goddess of Wisdom, Isis is extremely smart and crafty.
  2. Superhuman Strength: Like other Nephesh, Isis possessed incredible superhuman strength, the likes of which allowed her to lift far in excess of 100 tons. She was one of the strongest Egyptian Gods.
  3. Mystiokinesis: As the Egyptian goddess of magic, Isis has absolute control and divine authority over Egyptian magic.
  4. Divine Omnilingualism: Isis was believed to be able to speak every known Divine Word, which enabled her to create and control the elements. As an immortal, she was also knowledgeable in spells that were lost long ago.
  5. Elemental Magic: Isis had the ability to summon lightning.
  6. Possession: Isis typically uses a human body to interact on Earth due to the colossal size and radiance her true form has.
  7. Portal Manipulation: Isis is able to create a door or a portal to transport herself to any location she wishes to go to. However, she can only accomplish this if she is fully merged with a magical human host, and there was an Egyptian artifact nearby. As a goddess of magic, she could open one in her true form without any requirements.
  8. Secret Name Manipulation: As Isis knew the secret names of Rao (the most powerful Egyptian god) and Set, she possessed incredible power, though not necessarily more than either of them.
  9. Healing Magic: Isis was able to heal Rao from the snake venom. She claimed she could heal the body, mind, and soul.
  10. Magical Energy Projection: In a state of pure rage, she was able to unleash a beam of concentrated magic, as well as when she was armed with a staff.
  11. Divine Sight: Isis was able to see into the mortal world from the realm of the Egyptian gods. She was also able to see Lucifer's true form and described it as magnificent.

Men and women worked as priests and priestesses for Isis, and it's likely that her worship rituals were similar to those for other gods. For example, a temple was built to house her statue, and the priests and priestesses took care of this image with respect. People in Egypt were told to go to the temple to make sacrifices and pray, but only the high priest or priestess were allowed to go into the sanctuary where the goddess statue was kept. Beyond this, though, not much else is known about the rituals that are used to worship her. Like the Eleusinian Mysteries, the Cult of Isis grew into a mystery religion, promising the secrets of life and death to initiates, who were then sworn to secrecy. It is known that the cult promised eternal life to those who were admitted to its secrets. The people who worshiped her throughout Egypt may or may not have been full initiates into her cult, and, either way, they left no record of how the goddess was honored.

Isis's popularity is because of her story. Osiris married Isis and, as the firstborn, assumed rule as Lord of the Earth, with Isis as his queen and consort. The royal couple took their responsibilities so seriously that soon the humans had a paradise to live in with cool, rushing streams, plenty to eat, and a perfect climate. There was no injustice in the land, all women and men were equal, and everyone was at peace. Set was jealous of his brother's power and prestige, however, and so conceived a plan to get rid of him. He had a beautiful coffin made to Osiris' exact height, and then threw a grand party where he presented this box and told the guests that whichever of them fit in it most perfectly could have it as a gift. When Osiris lay down in the coffin, Set slammed the lid on, fastened it shut, and threw it into the Nile, where it was carried away toward the sea. Isis was distraught when she found her husband missing and went searching for him all through Egypt without success. Osiris, on the other hand, went out to sea, and his coffin ended up in a big tamarisk tree near Byblos, which is in Phoenicia. The tree grew quickly around the coffin until it completely contained it. Malcander, the king of Byblos, and his wife, Astarte, went to the shore to look at the tree and smell the sweet scent that seemed to come from it. He had the tree cut down and brought to his palace to be used as a decoration for the court. Osiris stayed in the coffin inside the column until he died. Isis had meanwhile left Egypt in search of her husband and eventually came to Byblos, where she sat down by the shore and cried for her missing husband. The maidens who attended Astarte came to the shore to bathe, and Isis taught them how to care for their hair and plait it. When they returned to the palace, Astarte admired their new hair styles and the beautiful scent that seemed to float around them. She asked how they had thought of plaiting their hair, and the maidens told her of the mysterious woman by the shore of the sea. Astarte sent for Isis, who was disguised as an older woman, and asked her to tend to her children at court. Isis became particularly fond of the younger child, Dictys, and thought to make him immortal by burning away his mortal weakness in a holy fire. When Astarte came into the room one night and saw her nursemaid putting her son in the fire, she screamed. Isis, who was also startled, changed into the beautiful goddess she really was. Astarte and Malcander were terrified they would be killed and offered her any gifts she wanted. She requested only the pillar, which he swiftly granted her. The image of this pillar holding the dead god who would come back to life was later shown by the Djed symbol, which is a column with a wide base that is crossed by four parallel lines. The Djed symbol is often used in Egyptian art and architecture to show stability. After leaving the court, Isis cut Osiris from the tree and carried his body back to Egypt, where she hid him from Set in the swampy region of the Nile Delta. She left him to go gather herbs to make a potion to return him to life, leaving her sister Nephthys to guard the body. While she was gone, Set learned of his brother's return and went out to find his body. He managed to get Nephthys to tell him where it was, and when he found it, he hacked it into pieces and scattered it across the land and into the Nile. When Isis got back, she was shocked, but she quickly got herself together and got to work finding her husband's body parts. With Nephthys' help, she recovered all of the body parts except the penis, which had been thrown into the Nile and eaten by a fish. Isis still was able to revive Osiris, and, once he was alive, she assumed the form of a kite and flew around him, drew the seed from his body into her own, and became pregnant with a son, Horus (thereby becoming a virgin mother). Even though Osiris now lived, he was incomplete and could no longer rule the land of the living. He withdrew into the afterlife, where he became the Lord and Judge of the Dead. Isis, fearing what Set might do to her son, hid Horus among the swamps of Egypt until he was grown. At that time, Horus became a strong warrior and fought Set to take over the world. In some versions of the story, Set is killed, but in most, he is defeated and driven from the land. Set had caused a lot of chaos in the world, but Horus put things back in order. He then ruled with his mother and Nephthys as his wives.

Isis had a lot of faith in herself because she worked through all of these problems to bring her dead husband back to life. This confidence becomes an essential factor for us in our day-to-day operations. So what is confidence? It’s a word we often hear but rarely explain. If we are to look at the word itself in this context, the Oxford Dictionary defines it as "the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something."

Awareness is key. In a world where we’re always pushing forward with very little time left to stop and ask ourselves, "Why do we do these things?" "Are we still going in the direction that we like?" "What are our best qualities?" or "Which of our flaws stands out more?" It is hard to understand why things don’t work because we don’t really stop to become aware of who we are and what we are after. We seem to be following a formula: you do x to get to y, and that’s how you will measure your success. But this formula doesn’t apply to all, and you can see that more and more often in our generation. One thing to note is that everyone has a purpose, and just because it’s not as mediatized as some purposes like "changing the world" or "gaining 1 million dollars," no purpose is too small. A purpose is something that fulfills your values and that you can apply in all areas of your life. There is a misconception that the person we are at work should be different from the one we are in our personal lives. Professionalism at work shouldn't get in the way of your purpose, because at the end of the day, your life at work and outside of it should always follow your purpose, in different ways and probably on different timelines, but the first step to enjoying work and being confident in it is for it to fulfill you. The reason why most people aren’t confident in the workplace is that they don’t know all of these things: what is it that they enjoy doing, what are they looking to get out of this workplace, and how this will further their career? For many years, getting a job was just another thing to tick off the list of things to do along with getting married and having kids, but because it was seen as just that, more people than now didn’t enjoy their job; it just "paid the bills." As a result, people never developed the confidence to aim for more or to even understand what they should aim for in order to be fulfilled.

A lot of the time, especially now when progress is always being made, companies do create the space for women to be confident at work, or we create it ourselves if we choose to be entrepreneurs. However, there is still an invisible barrier: we have to believe that we can be confident and know how to be confident at work in order to take advantage of a good environment and grow. This is why understanding your values and your purpose is so important because they always bring your awareness back to who you are and what matters to you so that you can take that into the workplace and create a work environment that you enjoy and where you feel confident to evolve and grow, both as an employee or employer but also as a person. The main thing to remember here is that the most important relationship you could ever build is the one with yourself. You are the only person who has been, is, and will be there through everything, hearing your every thought and feeling your every heartbeat. So the key to confidence is to always prioritize this relationship. And as with any relationship, it starts with the words we use when we talk to ourselves. We are our own best friends. Yes, we might be lucky enough to encounter amazing friends, but most of them enter our lives at a certain point. The bottom line is that no one has been there through everything with you, even if they have indeed been there for you, so you have to learn to show yourself the same level of care and love that you would show a friend. Therefore, from now on, as you have become aware of the way you speak to yourself, whenever you catch yourself speaking badly about yourself, criticizing yourself, or being harsher than you would be with your best friend, reframe. Stop yourself and instead say something nice or something that you would like to hear your best friend say. It will not be easy, especially at the beginning, but it will make you aware of how much the language you use to speak to yourself has impacted you. Its effects go beyond just feeling down in the moment of criticism or harshness; these words create a narrative that you then believe and apply in all aspects of your life: your opinion of yourself, your opinion of your physical appearance, skills, abilities, etc., the way you behave in interactions with others, in your relationships, in your workplace. Your confidence starts and ends with you: with the way you speak to yourself, with the way you care for yourself, and with the way you see your place in the world. So start treating yourself as you would treat someone you really want to see thrive, and you will see yourself thrive.

Isis had shown us that there should be no place for self-doubt in our lives. Self-doubt is inevitable, even for gods, as can be seen when Isis came to Babylos and sat on the shore crying for her missing husband. She never thought that all was lost. She found an opportunity in the maidens who came to bathe. Those maidens were of Queen Astarte. She taught them to care for their hair and plait it. When this news reached the palace, Queen Astarte desired to meet Isis. Isis reached the palace in the guise of an old woman, but she needed to get to the pillar. With the help of Prince Dictys, she finally reached the pillar where her husband was trapped. The moment it becomes a problem is when self-doubt creeps in and overstays its welcome, when it starts being at the forefront of our decisions, when it stops us from taking advantage of opportunities, or when it affects the way we interact or conduct even our day-to-day lives. A lot of our way of being can stem from or have a great deal of self-doubt for various reasons. For one, there is a lot of societal pressure to be a certain way, look a certain way, and perform a certain way, and that on its own is enough for self-doubt to make a permanent home in us. When mixed with other external factors such as, but not limited to, family pressure, peer pressure, body image issues, etc., it can be harder to get rid of self-doubt if self-confidence isn’t present to reassure us we’re on the right path regardless. When we were born, we had no knowledge of this world; we learned what we were shown, we imitated behaviors, and we developed in a certain way. Somewhere along the line, for some of us early on, for others it could have taken years, something changed, and we started doubting ourselves. From being that toddler that would fall, get back up, and run like nothing happened, we started being more cautious, more afraid of falling, and slowly started walking instead of running until we stopped trying altogether to avoid the fall entirely. The goal is to get back to that blind self-confidence you were clearly born with, which, paired with your now rational mind, can make you unstoppable in your career and not only. Once we start working on our self-doubt daily or consistently, those external factors will start to be blocked by a new and shiny shield of self-belief, which will rationalize why whatever triggers our self-doubt shouldn’t spin us into overthinking or believing it right away and therefore doubting our abilities or way of being.

When it comes to tackling self-doubt, the following points can help:

  1. The first step is to tackle your negative self-talk, question it, and reframe it into helpful thoughts that uplift you instead.
  2. In the same way that our muscles stay at a certain level only through consistent training, that applies to our mind as well. So, speaking kindly to yourself won’t come easy the first time around if you’re a harsh self-critic, but with practice and patience, your way of thinking about yourself will shift. Try to give yourself a daily compliment for starters; it’ll work wonders.
  3. The longest, the purest, and the most fulfilling make sure you know that. Make sure you tell yourself that often, but also make sure you nurture it. Here’s another way in which consistency helps, because, just like with any other relationship, if it’s not nurtured, if there isn’t any consistent effort being put in, it won’t be as strong. So work on your relationship with yourself and work on getting yourself into a place of self-love, and once you do, make sure you keep putting the effort in so you can maintain that level.
  4. A major factor in self-doubt is fear. What can happen if I fail? What if it all goes wrong? What if they are right and this is a mistake? What if my work isn’t good enough? What if pursuing this means wasting time? What if, what if, etc. These are just a few classic examples that would spiral us into negative self-talk and send us straight into a self-doubt trap. Most of the time, these "worst that can happen" fears do not actually materialize, and the best way to make sure they don’t is to change your attitude about them. Because once your attitude is "I am looking for opportunities; I am looking for ways this will work," you will find loopholes and solutions because your mind is open, and you spend all that time that was before wasted worrying about solutions looking for ways to make it work.
  5. Impostor syndrome is that feeling that makes you think that you are not good enough for a certain job, project, task at hand, etc. Impostor syndrome is normal. But you have to acknowledge it. When you have that feeling that you will not manage the task at hand, even though you are perfectly capable of doing so, you know that what you are feeling is impostor syndrome and that you are not an impostor, so you will go ahead and do that task; furthermore, you will excel at it because that’s just what you do. If you don’t believe you are amazing, you won’t be. You will still do the things you have to do, but you will not be able to perform at your best with all these doubts racing through your head, so your self-confidence has to be louder than the doubts that creep in every single time. That’s how you perform at your best. You started this project for a reason. You were hired for a reason. You were given this task for a reason. Someone saw that you are perfectly capable of doing this and encouraged you to do it. So if others can believe in you, the least that you can do is believe in yourself as well.

We can summarize these points above as "SELF," where S stands for "speak differently," E stands for "exercise daily," L stands for "love yourself," and F stands for "fear less."

The problem does not start or end with self-doubt. It travels in full circle. From self-doubt it moves to demotivation, from demotivation to procrastination, and from there it ends in being hard on yourself by setting unrealistic goals. To break this cycle, using ACT is advised. ACT is so named because that is mainly what you need to do: take action. You take action by becoming aware of what demotivates you (which you have just done), taking control and finding out what motivates us, and lastly, by making sure we’re staying true to our purpose behind needing motivation. So how do we take control? We find out what really motivates us. We find out the "why" behind our actions. Because once we know our why, we can then find out what we need to do to achieve that and how to make it happen. And this could be a reason we are unable to be motivated sometimes: because we do not take a step back to understand ourselves, to understand why we need that motivation, what would make us motivated, we fast forward to how I can be motivated in this moment instead. Once you’ve established your goals and your reasons for them, how can you stay in that motivated mindset? by believing in yourself. It’s all about—surprise, surprise—the confidence you have in yourself when it comes to achieving these goals. Because all the rest is either external factors or time management, but when you truly believe you are meant to do something and you know how great you are at it and how amazing that satisfaction feeling will be once you achieve it, there’s no going back. So once you catch yourself having demotivating thoughts, become aware of them, remember your reason for wanting to achieve your goals, and increase your confidence by telling yourself one of the above thoughts for extra motivation.

You might think that is pretty clear from your job title, but that is not always the case. Even if your job role is that of an executive, your positive attitude or great ideas could be leading the team on stressful days or directing it towards new ventures. At the same time, due to the increased opportunities of our generation, the grind culture that has emerged is often focused on telling us everyone is a leader, which is detrimental to people who aren’t and don’t wish to be. But it’s almost becoming shameful to admit that maybe leadership is not something you are interested in, which I believe shouldn’t be the case as people’s interests vary. Some of the best leaders thrive based on having excellent executives, and neither should make anyone want to be the other, but instead trust themselves in following their desired path as either a leader or an executive, because both are equally important and needed. Executives are very comfortable being given tasks. They don’t particularly wish to lead a team, but instead prefer to focus on their tasks and projects and bring ideas and contributions to their end without having to worry about the implementation or how the new tasks would be assigned to the team. The executive is keen to focus on one aspect of the project or the company while leaving the big picture planning to the leaders. Understanding your position at work gives you the confidence to recognize your skills and makes you less likely to feel like a fraud, not know how to negotiate, or not be able to explain all your responsibilities properly. The leader, on the other hand, is very much focused on the big picture and is able to delegate specific tasks so as to focus more on making sure the entire project runs smoothly and on time as opposed to concentrating on small details. The leader’s confidence lies in great problem-solving skills and impressive people skills. For the project's or company’s success, the leader must understand and praise people’s strengths and assign tasks based on these strengths, as well as create a place for them to work on their weaknesses. In other words, a leader’s focus is on the team, or the executives, if you will, and on the way the project is presented and delivered, not so much on the specific details of the project, leaving these to the executives themselves. Understanding the differences between the two and how they treat matters will help you understand the members of the teams you would be working with and, therefore, their strengths and abilities that could make your project or company advance. But it's very important to know when, as a leader, you should act.

A massive part of the awareness that allows you to become confident is the focus on your daily life, and most specifically, your habits and your ability to set boundaries. Even if your goal is to improve your confidence in the workplace, to do so, what changes is your mindset, and that change does not pause at the office door when you leave, and quite often, it is the mindset we nurture and keep outside of work that builds and strengthens our beliefs and allows us to perform at our best when at work and therefore achieve the best results. Creating new habits is something everyone dreams of but doesn’t enjoy. New habits require us to get out of a comfort zone we’ve so carefully built over many years; they require us to live aware of our actions so as not to give into our bad habits; and they also ask of us that we live in constant change so as to be able to evolve. We all have dreams and goals that we want to achieve, and we want to become more confident and motivated. We're ready to reap the benefits, but if we don't have the right habits to keep us growing, we won't get there. Make the list as short or long as you want, but include as many details as you can, like a rough time estimate, a location, how long your habit lasts, etc. Once you’ve detailed your usual day, it is time to write a goal. And once you have, ask the question ‘Does this help me achieve this goal?’ in line with each activity in your daily life. Use the yes, no, and not applicable metrics to measure it, and take your time to think it through. After you’ve gone through each of them, it is time to rewrite your day as an ideal one where the habits that do not help you achieve your goal become habits that can indeed help you. Now this is the part where we all become science fiction writers and add in one hour of exercise, one hour of reading, and not using our phones after 6 p.m. type of actions, but the key is to be realistic. So when you do rewrite your day, make sure the changes you suggest are something you can sustain and that will not frustrate you in the long run and make you run right back to the habits you do not want to keep. It's true that not all habits will help us reach this one goal, but we won't be able to reach most of our goals if we don't look at everything we do, because what we do every day affects us more than we think. Another important part of being able to achieve our goals and being confident about this ability in the first place is knowing how and when to set boundaries. People sometimes think of boundaries as a sign of selfishness or arrogance, but they are anything but that. Boundaries help relationships get better, people do their best work, and people keep their healthy habits. If what you’re struggling with is defining them, you can look back at your list of values and your list of goals and the obstacles you face when looking for motivation, understand what it is that keeps you from fulfilling your values or achieving your goals, and start there. If what you find hard is keeping your boundaries, this is where you need to do some work. Why do you want to create these boundaries? To become a better person, to grow and change, to put yourself first and meet your own needs before anyone else's, and because if you don't, you'll be stuck in a never-ending cycle of trying to make other people happy and won't have much time or energy left for yourself and your goals.

Creating healthy habits and strong boundaries is the task; keeping them is where your confidence steps in. Build the confidence to say no to what or who doesn’t support these habits or respect your boundaries, and that can be at work, at home, or when it comes to specific projects or teams. Especially at work, we don’t realize that when we’re employees or sometimes even when we run our own projects, we set the tone for the time we put in, the expectations of us we create, and the way we manage our time. Most jobs these days have at least one aspect of self time management, and that is where you can take your power back and organize yourself based on what you want to achieve within the team or the company. All this to say that you actually have more input than you think because, at the end of the day, the company needs you as much as you need them, and a healthy working environment should understand your boundaries and support your developing habits because it is rooting for you to become the best version of yourself. Because when you are the best version of yourself, you perform and deliver at your best, and therefore everybody wins. All the twists and turns, and sometimes full roundabouts, that brought you to where you are today have been because of you. Yes, circumstances play a part, but truly, life is made of small decisions, and those small decisions created big moments and ultimately created the life you have today, which, whether you are content with it or not, has brought you to this moment here where you’ve learned that in order to make it even better, you already have everything you need, you just need to become aware of it all.

Part of being aware is being able to see where you still need to work on yourself. But the other part is acknowledging yourself here and now: how far you’ve come, the skills that brought you here, the projects you had a great input on, that idea you got randomly but that worked really well, that moment of courage that got you to turn your life 180 degrees, and the list goes on.

Isis was completely aware of herself and what she was doing, despite the danger from Set. She cut Osiris from the tree and carried his body back to Egypt, where she hid him from Set in the swampy region of the Nile Delta. She left him to go gather herbs to make a potion to return him to life, leaving her sister Nephthys to guard the body. Unfortunately, Set learned of his brother's return and got hold of his dead body. He hacked it into pieces and scattered it across the land and into the Nile. When Isis came back, she was shocked, but she never doubted herself. She also never lost motivation or put things off. She "ACT"-ed, and with Nephthys' help, she recovered all of the body parts except the penis, which had been thrown into the Nile and eaten by a fish. Even then, she never let self-doubt overwhelm herself. Isis still was able to revive Osiris, and, once he was alive, she assumed the form of a kite and flew around him, drew the seed from his body into her own, and became pregnant with a son, Horus. Horus emerged as a mighty warrior and battled Set for control of the world. In some versions of the story, Set is killed, but in most, he is defeated and driven from the land. Horus took control of the world and put an end to the chaos that Set had caused. It was all possible because Isis never lost confidence in herself. This amazing confidence of hers had made her popular not only in Egypt but around the globe:

  1. Isis was also associated with Demeter, especially through the similarities in their stories of Demeter's missing daughter Persephone and Isis' missing husband, and details from the two separate stories blended together. The Eleusinian Mysteries, the most important religious ritual in ancient Greece, elevated Demeter to the supreme position as keeper of the mysteries of life and death, and Isis eventually came to take on this same role.
  2. Isis dominated the religious sensibilities of the people at the same time that Christianity was taking form through the evangelical missions of St. Paul c. 42-62 CE. The concept of the Dying and Reviving God which had long been established through the Osiris myth was now made manifest in the figure of the son of God, Jesus the Christ. In time, epithets for Isis became those for the Virgin Mary such as "Mother of God" and "Queen of Heaven" as the new religion drew on the power of the older belief to establish itself. The worship of Isis was the most stubborn of pagan beliefs to rival the new faith and continued longer than any other.
  3. In India Tamil Goddess Pattini is Isis. Pattini’s story is one of apotheosis; a human who becomes a Deity. Pattini was originally a human woman named Kannagi who was happily married to a man named Kovalan (or Palanga). Everything was wonderful until Kovalan strayed and spent all their money on a famous courtesan. Yet Kannagi forgave him and provided him with the last bit of their wealth, a gold anklet. Kovalan was to trade it and rebuild their fortune. But at this same time, an anklet that looked just like Kannagi’s was stolen from the queen. Kovalan was accused and brutally butchered. Kannagi searches for Kovalan, eventually finding him dead. Mourning, she proves that Kovalan was innocent, but in revenge, tears out one of her breasts, dashes it to the ground, and a huge fire breaks out in the city. Kannagi, showing herself to be the epitome of wifely duty and chastity, is deified as Pattini.

She became aware of herself, took control, and stayed true to her goals. Isis gives everyone, especially women, a clear message which is as follows:

  1. Women have the same mental capacity as men and can do whatever task they put their minds into
  2. Some people are always at the forefront of any gathering. They command respect whenever they speak, and people hold their opinions in high regard. Many of these people are not necessarily the smartest, but they are the most confident, and it is confidence that moves people to show respect.
  3. When you are not confident, you lose your ability to make meaningful contributions and climb higher on the ladder of success
  4. Confidence is said to be an essential element of internal wellbeing and happiness and a necessity for a fulfilled life
  5. Men display dominance, especially in the workplace, and so, certain characteristics of confident behavior, such as assertiveness, are sought after and even expected.
  6. Confidence is not just about feeling good about yourself or affirming that you're great, perfect, or strong.
  7. Confidence can also seem like a fleeting quality, coming only once in a while. A person who is confident enough to speak in public might not be confident enough to write an essay. This explains why some women feel confident at home but not at work. Confidence is also built on mastery. The more work and progress a person makes, the more skilled they become at overcoming hurdles. This makes a person more confident to take on tasks of similar nature in the future.
  8. The confidence that comes from mastery spreads to other people around you and to any future skill that seems difficult for you.
  9. Self-esteem, optimism, self-compassion, and self-efficiency are often used interchangeably with confidence.
  10. In a world where almost everyone is going through a lot, self-compassion connects us to other people and pushes us to be confident.
  11. Confidence is not a game played by your mind. It is a real thing; you have to create and use it. Confidence is life's enabler and applies to any area of life. It provides the basis for action based on a belief in one's ability to do something or succeed.
  12. It's no use trying to exude fake confidence so others can like you, you'll experience an epic fail because people can perceive fake confidence from a mile away.
  13. While we may be born with a more positive disposition towards confidence, our environment still plays a major role in determining whether or not we are confident.
  14. With right training, people born with less genetic confidence can develop solid confidence.
  15. Confidence requires a growth mindset because believing that you can learn a new skill leads to you doing it. It encourages risk and supports resilience, even when we fail.
  16. Failure isn't life-threatening. One failure means courage for other tasks.
  17. Our confidence can allow displays of vulnerability and mistakes and turn our weaknesses into strengths.
  18. Confidence and success come from identifying your different strengths and values. It comes from being in the midst of others while standing up for yourself and making your voice heard.
  19. Confidence is the game changer, and women need it in their business, family, and personal lives.
  20. Confidence comes from stepping out of your comfort zone and working toward goals that come from your values and needs—goals that aren't determined by society.

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John B.

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2 年

Looks like you've got one more follower

Manuel De Vits

Elevating committed & conscious founders with Lead Generation, Tech Headhunting, Digital Marketing & investments | Let us amplify your impact ??

2 年

Your content is extremely helpful for all the people here. Keep posting!

Keith Gill

B2B Growth Marketer for SaaS | USAF OEF Veteran | B2B Demand Gen | ICP Data | Workflow Automation | Cold Email Infrastructure | Lead Gen, Analytics & Marketing Ops for B2B SaaS

2 年

You will share more, wont you Joy?

patricio morena

Responsable projet numérique

2 年

You are a magician with words.



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