JOY Intelligence?: The Key to Longevity, Creativity, and Global Harmony

JOY Intelligence?: The Key to Longevity, Creativity, and Global Harmony

Joy! Joy! Joy!

It’s in the air, and it’s not even Christmas. More than ever, that one essential and elusive panacea for the country and our populace has become the watchword of consciousness. And so it should be! Joy is electric, contagious, and greatly needed—now more than ever!

Ever since I first wrote my book Joy is . . . 365 Keys to Longevity, I have received a mountain of testimonials from people who have awakened to the importance of the joy factor in their daily lives. Many have had an epiphany about how joy is vital, not only for the sake of longevity but for a wide spectrum of factors that help humanity function harmoniously and for the greater good. Perhaps that is why my book went viral on Amazon and became an international best-seller in a matter of weeks. People hunger for joy; they need it like air, water, food, and love. But joy is often elusive and difficult to find in their lives. And even if one finds joy for a fleeting moment, it is most challenging to sustain that powerful energetic state of being once they do feel it.

In truth, living in joy is the key heart-centered intent at the core of literally every religion in the world. It is the goal of all consciousness movements and the aim of modern psychotherapy. Joy is the focal “élan vital” that makes life worth living. It is the panacea for global conflicts, political divisiveness, and economic disparities. Joy heals the body, mind, and soul. And, according to extensive research, it is most certainly the key to longevity.

If a person first makes the intellectual decision to focus on the quest for joy, there are a plethora of programs, workshops, and books that bring this powerful force into their lives. One of the most successful of these movements is Sheryl Lynn’s Chair of JOY? program. Her easy and simple process is sweeping the country with a practical technique to remind people daily to make JOY their intent—not only for that day but for their entire life. There is a powerful energetic shift manifested by doing the program, which radiates outward like a nuclear explosion as people go about living their lives. The Chair of JOY? process is an endorphin stimulus that doesn’t require running a mile to get that rush of “feel good.”

What most people don’t know is that there is something called JOY Intelligence?. The pairing of these two words doesn’t just mean that it is intelligent to seek joy, but that JOY directly affects our intelligence. JOY causes the secretion of “feel-good” hormones like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. Endorphins are not only partially produced in the hypothalamus, but they also positively stimulate it—just like the other two JOY hormones. Most interestingly, these hormones boost the activity of the hypothalamus, the very area in the brain that helps determine intelligence. The hypothalamus can support drive-specific motivated behavioral patterns that can help drive learning. The hypothalamus and the associated ventral circuitry in the brain can also contribute more broadly to adaptive behavior. The bottom line is that it is intelligent to seek JOY because JOY increases intelligence.

So, how do we get the ball rolling to increase our JOY Intelligence?? Psychologists have discovered that establishing helpful routines is difficult because we humans tend to get distracted by the everyday “suchness” of life. The mind’s imprinting from doing a “regular routine” is the most effective way to make any shift in behavior. A daily meditation, a daily exercise, a daily affirmation, or a daily ritual—such as the Chair of JOY?—are what it takes to improve one’s life, to make a shift, to succeed in having a better experience of every waking moment. Regularly practicing the Chair of JOY? not only makes you live longer, with more JOY, but it makes you smarter in the process!

How Fascinating:

Being JOYFULL actually increases our intelligence! How intelligent do you dare to be?



