The Joy of Healthy Living, Part 1
Melanie Newton
Women's Ministry | Bible Study Author | Lifestyle Disciplemaking Training
What steps do you take to prevent physical infection? Are you as diligent to stay away from spiritual infection? Did you know that spiritual infection will make you weak and dissatisfied? The answer to all spiritual infection is biblical truth.
The key to spiritual health is to dwell in truth you can know, humbly accept what you cannot know or understand, and discern all teaching through the complete revelation of God’s word. The book of Colossians shows us how to pursue healthy living in Christ today and stay spiritually healthy in an unhealthy world. Ready?
In this newsletter, we will cover half of the Colossians articles already posted on my LinkedIn page. Be sure to follow “The Joy-Seeker’s Guide” newsletter so that you will be notified about each new edition.
Post #1—TRUTH Is the Prescription for Healthy Living
What steps do you take to prevent physical infection? Are you as diligent to stay away from spiritual infection? Did you know that spiritual infection will make you weak and dissatisfied? The answer to all spiritual infection is biblical truth. The truth of God we have in Jesus Christ gives us a strong immune system to fight and prevent spiritual infections. Read More
Post #2—Tame the “Look-Imagine-See” Dragon
Healthy spiritual living depends on understanding how to read and discern truth in the Scriptures. The "look-imagine-see" process of making the Bible match what someone wants it to say is dangerous. This article addresses that. Read More
Post #3—Escape the Cultural Captivity Infection
Have you become dependent on the culture to satisfy your heart needs more than depending on Christ? Are you more likely to side with your culture rather than with Christ or the Bible, even on those religious practices or cultural issues clearly addressed in the Bible? If you answered “yes” to either of those questions, you have become infected by the culture! Read More
Post #4—Resist the “Tyranny of the Urgent” Infection
Do things crop up in your life demanding your immediate time and attention? Do you have a hard time saying “no” to events or tasks because someone puts their expectations on you??This article helps you to overcome that "tyranny of the urgent.” Read More
Post #5—Stop the “Jesus Is Not Lord Over All” Infection
Do you find yourself taking on the responsibility of saving planet Earth? Do you have a hard time considering Jesus as God? Even if you believe He is God, do you let cultural “issues” distract you from devotion to Jesus as Lord? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, you are dethroning Jesus as Lord over all of life. Read More
Post #6—Conquer the “Manipulation by Guilt” Infection
Do you think that Jesus’ death was not sufficient to pay for all your sins? Have you been taught that you can maintain your salvation through your own good works? You may have succumbed to the “Manipulation by Guilt” infection that is deadly to anyone who catches it. Jesus will help you conquer that. Read More
Post #7—Flee the Spiritual Substitutes Infection
What happens when you get tired of waiting for God to answer your prayer? When you lose confidence in God’s power to manage whatever is burdening you, do you look for something that will work, such as formulas for “success,” religious experiences, and checklists to earn God’s favor? Those substitute power sources will make you spiritually sick. Read More
Follow My Newsletter
I will cover the rest of my articles on the book of Colossians in the next newsletter. Be sure to follow “The Joy-Seeker’s Guide” newsletter so that you will be notified about each new edition.
Related Resources
Looking for a Bible Study covering the book of Colossians?
We offer a wonderful study for women called “Healthy Living” that covers the books of Colossians and Philemon in just 11 lessons. The issues faced by the Christians back then are very similar to what we face today. The choices they had to make to stay spiritually healthy are just as important to us.
Like listening to podcasts on Bible topics?
We have a series of podcasts highlighting specific spiritual infections addressed by the truth in the book of Colossians. Search on your favorite podcast station for “Satisfied Podcast by Melanie Newton.” The Colossians series is “Series 3.”
Keep dwelling in the truth of God’s Word so you can stay spiritually healthy in an unhealthy world!
Living joyfully,
Melanie Newton