The Joy of Giving
Dr. Prachee Javadekar
Founder of LIFE CEO Programme and Business Growth Enabler
Neha: Hey Arya, my birthday is coming up, I’m wondering where our group can go for dinner that day.
Arya: You know, this year, I have decided to donate the money I would have spent on a party.
Neha: Oh really, but why? Birthdays come just once a year, so what’s the harm in partying?
Arya: I agree that we should have fun too, but does that mean I shouldn’t also share my happiness with those who are less fortunate? See, it’s not as though I am going to donate tons of money, but I feel I should give whatever I can.
Neha: Sounds deep…and difficult to do.
Arya: Oh, I thought so too, so I browsed the internet for ideas and then saw a few courses about it. You should enroll for them too. In fact, I am going send the link to all my groups.
This is just a small example of how we are all responsible for giving back to our community and the society at large. This is called Individual Social Responsibility or ISR. It means that every one of us has a role to play in creating a better world. We can do this in various ways including volunteering time, giving money; or even taking a public stand for issues regarding the betterment of society.
Like Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) is about contributing positive ideas and actions.
For centuries, Indian culture and traditions have taught us to give back. It is a part of our DNA! The government has formalised both CSR and ISR with many schemes and initiatives to promote environmental sustainability and community welfare. Likewise, many NGOs, civil society groups, and even individuals have undertaken such projects.
We probably are like Neha, where the idea of ISR itself is new to us. Or we may be like Arya, having some idea about it but not sure where to start. In fact, the courses Arya registered for were none other than part of the Life CEO Programme where you can find a range of courses teaching various skills for life.
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