Joy is the essence that imbues our actions with meaning.
In the quiet of dusk, where doubts may stray, Tomorrow's dawn beckons, with a clean slate to display.
The sun rises daily. There are seven days a week, you work for five and may be take a day or two off. Everyone of us have the same twelve months a year. We usually wake up at the same time of day, look at our screens in the loo, get ready and commute to work honking on everyone who's ahead but slow, and cursing the one who's behind but flashing to get past. We reach office and sit at the same desk, does almost the similar job, talk to the same people, wait to complete nine hours, return home swearing the traffic and the city administration. Then distract ourselves saying it was a overwhelming day. What we see as a fresh start is just a spoke on the bicycle wheel that keeps coming back to the point where it started rotating.
A new day is not a new beginning, change of a calendar is not a new creation, moving to a different city is not a new life, the same round bread with a different topping is not a new dish(pizza).
Has there ever been a day when you jump into your bed at the end of the day and said, "I did something significant." If the answer to this question is a YES, then you had a new day.
While we navigate through the mundane activities for the day, we forget that each day gives us a clean slate to write the story that we want to write. Build something that creates a positive impact in someone's life. Talk to a stranger. Heal a long strained relationship. Learn from someone's experiences. Look for interesting problems and build interesting solutions. Ask, "How are you?" and wait to listen. Offer an unsolicited help.
Adding Joy to what we do is way more easier than seeking happiness. The only thing that enriches our lives are those that don't wither themselves out.