Joy & Enthusiasm, and the “as if” Principle

Joy & Enthusiasm, and the “as if” Principle

One of the most difficult challenges for a sales professional is staying positive. Think about it, if you’re doing your job the right way, you are rejected more often than any other corporate professional in the world.

The question becomes how you manage through it. How do you keep going when the going gets tough? Often your prospects and customers not only reject you, your bosses reject you as well.

When you consider the entire sales cycle, the most difficult part is at the beginning when you are working hardest to get an appointment with a decision maker or key influencer.

How many phone calls do you have to make before actually getting in front of a qualified buyer? How many emails will you have to write before your customer tells you, one way or the other, to come on in, or never call again?

To get through these difficult moments so that you can earn or continue to earn the income to take great care of your family and enjoy life requires that you discover joy and enthusiasm.

Now, I know some of you, and me too at times, may think this kind of thinking is hokey. So let me dig a little deeper.

The word enthusiasm, from the Greek ethos, means “God in you,” or “full of God.”

Enthusiasm is lively or eager interest in, or admiration for a proposal, cause, or activity.

Enthusiasm contains the power to work miracles in solving problems for you and your customers.

Here is the great news, according to one of my favorite authors, Norman Vincent Peale, “you can deliberately make yourself enthusiastic, to change yourself into whatever type of person you wish to be.”

Here is what he wrote in his book, Treasury of Joy and Enthusiasm, which was first published in 1981.

  1. First, decide specifically what particular characteristic you desire to possess.
  2. Then proceed to develop it by acting as if you actually possessed the desired characteristic.
  3. Repeatedly affirm that you are in the process of self-creating the qualities you wish to develop.

In this way, you are making effective use of the “as if” principle.

Shakespeare tells us in Act III of Hamlet, “Assume a virtue, if you have it or not.”

I said all of that to say this about cold calling, when you need to find the courage to pick up the phone and call the next potential customer. Act ‘as if’ and embody the truth, that what you have to offer can change the lives of the people at the company you are calling on, and increase the odds of that company creating more value for its customer in the future. Stay focused on the particular characteristic you desire to possess.

But this requires that you know the value of the product and service you represent. For example, I know that every organization has computers running in their businesses today. I also know that the majority of those same businesses are managing their computers ineffectively and depending on how the technology is being utilized, their annual revenue, with 50 or 60 employees. I can save that same business over $200,000 dollars annually on their IT expenses.

With this knowledge, it is not difficult for me to take on a particular characteristic. For me that characteristic is modeled after the CNBC TV show “The Profit.” After only a few questions, “The Profit” knows that he can save a business and turn it around almost immediately with a few changes in how they operate on a daily basis. Just like the Profit, with a plan and a timetables I will save that business money just based on how they operate the computer technology within the organization.

You can do the same, but first you need to understand the “value” your products and services bring in terms of how it will positively affect their bottom line, and be in position to demonstrate how you will help them accomplish this.

Enthusiasm is an attitude of mind, and mental attitude in a difficult situation is an important factor in its solution.

In fact, attitudes are more important than facts, because enthusiasm changes the mental outlook from fearing facts to the solid assurance that there is an answer.

Let me give you a story, each time I go to my bank, there is a very enthusiastic banker woman that is so animated and she always ask, “How are you doing today?” “Thank you sir, I will be right with you!” “What can I help you with?” “Yes, I will take care of that right away. Is there anything more I can do for you?”

I respond, no, I’m all set today, thank you.

Ok then, we have excellent rates on credit cards, and business loans today. So if you need us, just come on in when you are ready.”

I always say to myself, that lady is full with joy and enthusiasm and she makes me feel better for having gone to the bank that day. She has so much enthusiasm and joy I believe maybe she could work a miracle for me, banking or not. For some reason I want to work with her. I know she will take excellent care of my needs, just based on her attitude.

I tell you what; she will be the last person they fired at that bank if it ever came to that.

Let’s move on.

The next difficult task you have to perform, whether it’s picking up the phone and calling a total stranger, or letting your customer know you won’t be able to deliver as promised. Do it with enthusiasm. And you will come out on top.

I will leave you with a few self-motivators:

  • What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve!
  • Git Er Done!
  • I’m the best, I’m the best, I’m the best!
  • To be enthusiastic … act enthusiastically!
  • Super Fantastic, Super Fantastic!
  • I am the captain of my soul!

If you don’t have any self-motivators, write out a few right now, and repeat them throughout the day, all day to yourself and out loud.

This is the start of embodying the principles of The Motivated Seller, and you are on your way!


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