Journeys to heighten the intuitive senses suppressed by general objectivity: Rembrandt and his painting - Belshazzar's Feast
Seems I am so inspired with Rembrandt's works, as is the whole world, I might write a few pieces on Rembrandt and his works now. The Rembrandt bug has bit me too may be. And why not? There is a portal of possibilities opening in front of me whenever I am seeing a new painting by Rembrandt and as I hear the context of why these were painted.
Rembrandt was a painter unheard of about touching the realism of every day. I found out his works inspired, the salon, the romantics, the realists, the impressionists and paved the way for modern day painting of everyday things. Why not write about such an inspiration received even today by ordinary people like me seeing the works of this 400 year old painter whose sketch works also sell for 100 million dollars now if they are proven to be Rembrandt's? He opens to me a world of possibilities unheard of and they might open to you as well to immortalize you as well as they have started the process in me of immortalization peering into the portal of creative possibilities staring at his works bring. They elevate my senses, my intuition and my inspiration.
A painter who lived his whole life in the Netherlands in the same town he was born in near the Rhine and yet someone who transcended the space and time in his universality of covering the ill-visaged Jews and usurers, the beggars and bandy-legged cripples, the gross slatterns and even corpses. This painting that I am talking about today Belshazzar's Feast is about how Rembrandt was intuitively guided as all great artists are towards their excellent work pieces, as I am guided by intuition too. Menasseh ben Israel one of Rembrandt's neighbors used to have long conversations with Rembrandt and in these conversations he heard of the deadly prophesy seen by an ancient king of Babylon Belshazzar during a feast when stolen utensils by his father Nebuchadnezzar from Jerusalem were used to serve the guests. A hand wrote in Hebrew that Belshazzar's kingdom would be finished and his kingdom split between his enemies. Belshazzar died the same night he heard the prophecy. In today's political climate, this painting might create a political statement to the conflict between Israel, Palestine and Iran now getting in. But when it was painted 400 years ago, did Rembrandt not cross space and time to paint it so that even now we can relate it with a conflict happening in Israel right now.
I don't know what inspired Rembrandt to paint this painting on that prophecy which was realized but made me cringe how powerfully this thing called intuition works and what makes us paint those stories and they appeal to generations and generations of inspired masses. Do we all humans not deserve that intuition sense in a powerful way? It makes me worried that this complete sense of objectivity has hindered our development of power intuition to transcend space and time in today's world so that we are almost never able to transcend space and time like Rembrandt anymore. Our mission here at Voyageride is to change that to propose journeys to our friends which will heighten the intuitive senses suppressed by general objectivity so that all individuals who decide to come on this journey will realize the means to immortalize themselves which is as much a possibility and right of every human as it was with Rembrandt work to still be sold for hundred of millions of dollars and be marveled at four hundred years later by people like me.