Journeys to discover perfection in art and in life: Painting Guernica by Pablo Picasso and Hollywood movie Civil War (2024)
I am writing after a long time as my mind has been dwelling on the wars of the wider world happening right now and a suspected war brewing somewhere else as well. Who knows these wars could bring humanity to extinction very soon as the nuclear arsenals of these rogue nations come into play with these wars being the first of the early 21st century as were world wars 1 and 2 in the 20th century. If not this war who knows what nature has for us, humans in this year being the hottest in record for everywhere on Earth. I am still being a little hopeful talking about journeys of perfection in art and life even in this critical time for human existence.
Guernica the painting was painted by Picasso in response to the aerial bombardment of Spain by various countries in the 20th century and which resulted in his native country have wide scale death and destruction that was unprecedented in those days. It was the first in the human history that happened in Spain, that led Picasso to draw this huge painting regarding the atrocities of war which we human seem never to learn from to keep on waging war upon our own species since thousands of years. Here was Picasso at the top of his artistic career by launching modernism in art through the movement of Cubism that he was expressing himself to powerfully express his disturbance and regret about our violent human nature. When I saw it for the first time, a few months ago, it even disturbed me seeing Guernica.
The same disturbing sense inspired me to write this article today about journeys to discover perfection in art and in life. I just watched the movie Civil war released in 2024 about a predictable real Civil war that might happen in America anytime soon since a reflection of that has already been seen in the aftermath of their last Presidential election. Filled with gruesome violent scenes of Americans killed by their fellow Americans "What kind of American are you?"; it disturbs you about the coming violent prophecy for America that their Presidential elections seem poised to bring soon. Art has a way to awaken us to the sensitivity of the contemporary issue it seems, whether it was 20th century art Guernica or the 21st century movie "Civil war". The perfectionism of these artists whether the painter, writer, director or actors; this is what creates in a true sense a life worthy of living for us human it seems.
We here at Voyageride are also about that sort of perfectionism that refuses to compromise on our endeavors and we propose to you such journeys as these great artists have shown in their works of painting or movies; that help you discover the perfectionism in you regarding your art and also life. In this world, it seems, nobody likes perfectionism as I googled books on perfectionism and all the results I got was about how to remove or reduce or treat perfectionism. But in real life, I believe and I have observed that it is the perfectionism that commands the greatest values whether it is the paintings by some of the greatest perfectionists like Leonardo Da Vinci or any movies with perfectionist directors like James Cameron who has directed Titanic, Terminator and Avatar movies or Stanley Kubrick or whoever's movies you have found to be memorable. I may have missed other forms of art in mentioning right now but I guess I am writing on a painting and a movie today, so please bear with me for that negligence. Ride the voyage, Voyageride.