Journey To The West
Hi There,
My name is Max, and this will be the first time that I'm actually writing about myself.
To be frank, I'm kind of worry at first, feeling excited though but also worrying as well as I do not even know where to start off with...LOL. But I thought, maybe I would first start off from when I was still a toddler. And Yes! That would be me below.
I used to live in a kampung before, I suppose I'm one of the very last few batches that led that lifestyle. I love the feeling when I was leading that kampung lifestyle, everyone was so close together regardless of who they are, what religion they are, it really doesn't matter. everyone was like family, happily helping one another when anyone needs help, really enjoy being in that kind of environment, playing with fireworks and all the crazy stuff, haha..which is why I'm always looking forward to "Baleh Kampung", " Going Home", a place where I kept my childhood memories. I always felt living in a kampung spirit community brings me to be what I am doing today.
The woman in the picture is a very important person I respected a lot. I called her "Super Granny". She always gives me an impression as a strong woman, I know how hard it was for her to raise up up family of 13 kids with her bare hands and that includes my Dad who is the second eldest child of hers. I always enjoyed her company where she will always prepare my favorites, "Curry Chicken"; and more food delights.."Yummy" hehe... But everything starts to change when she passed on during her mid-70s...We still miss her till today. I used to be very playful when I was young, I can still remember myself going to her whenever I run into any trouble with my school. She is my heroine and always be remembered in our hearts.
My Mum and Dad do not have much education but they feel no matter how hard life is, they have to work hard to ensure the best education for me, I think every parent will do the same for their children. Everything went well during my primary school days as I put my heart and soul in my studies. But like most other kids, I did not do well in my studies thereafter.
Like most other kids, going to school is generally a usual routine for all young individuals, and that includes me, but I never liked going to school. Being the only child in the family was not easy for me, I'm always being compared to other cousins of the same age. I could still remember that even when I top in my grades in my early school days, it was never within their expectations. Studying became a stressful chore for me instead of something interesting. Things got worst during the start of my secondary was kind of an unpleasing experience for me as I'm always the target for the school bullies, all that beating up, been made fun of, and money extortion made me hated going to school a lot. That went on for almost 3 years in my secondary school life which later affected my studies. It had left a deep scar in me, losing all that trust for people. I was getting picked on everywhere I move into the school compound. I was getting bullied everywhere, during class, in the toilet, canteen, staircase, anywhere! I became an introvert and stop speaking to others. After going through many betrayals on trust and relationship issues, that further lock me down internally, people would often take me for a mute and that limits my social circle.
1998 - 2008
It was in the year 1998, I signed on as an Air Force Regular and started working for government agencies for a decade. I got married to my wife in 2008 and with my new-born daughter, Janice and that moment made me realized what I am earning that time was not enough to support our livelihood.
It was in the year 2008, I started my own family, It was through a matching session though which is what I least expect I would do though. My wife was pregnant that same year with our current daughter, we named her "Janice". Understanding my salary will never be enough to support my family's livelihood expenses, therefore it was in 2008 I left Air Force, having that hope it will be greener pasture in the outside world.
I could still remember I had a few struggles then, it took me lots of courage to make that decision for a better life. But what I least expected was the "wrong timing", it was chaos everywhere due to the event of the "Asia Crisis" and "Lamen Brothers" causing an economic downturn. It was not easy for us, with all those bills, livelihood expenses, and flat repayments, all these depleted all our savings while searching for job employment. It was only eight months later, I finally got into an interview and started working for a new recruitment firm set up without much hesitation.
With urgency, I started my sales career since then without much education and low English capabilities. I had to make non-stop cold calls every single day which was not easy at all, 3 months passed but all I got were hang-ups and rejections. It was only in the 4th month that I started making my first sale. That allows me to stay on in that industry for over 7 years fetching a good 5-digit income every month thereafter. My ego started to build up and it was not a good thing at all, I started being overconfident of myself and it started controlling my senses. I started thinking about running my own firm as I always wanted, to have a business of my own. Working for someone, climbing the corporate ladder is not what I aspire to be anymore. Came Year 2015, the recruitment market went slow, many of my clients winded up their business and left Singapore due to high operating costs, and getting the right staffing has always been a challenge for employers. I started looking out for other opportunities as my income was sky falling. I knew the time has come for me to make another life turning decision.
My parents were never supportive of me starting my own business and most people would experience the same analogy, "We were always told to go thru a proper education roadmap, getting good grades, and having a good future ahead".
But trust me, how many people in our social circle managed to make it there, and how many had contributed so much to building someone else's dream working for a company and got laid off thereafter due to economic recession. Throughout my years in the trade, I had seen just too many. I knew I had to make a decision then, either to stay put and eventually get replaced by the market instability or else I changed the rules of the game.
Came an offer for a joint venture in Taiwan, to set up a firm and apply my experience and knowledge in a much bigger market. After some consideration, I took the offer and flew to Taiwan. I started preparing for everything that was necessary, setting up the office, talked to the ministry for collaborations and all these took me almost a year, but everything looks promising to me, I knew things are not going to be the same anymore... but shit happens. What I least expected was "The General Election" in Taiwan made me from hero to zero. All contracts that were promised and signed earlier were void, all efforts went bust and I lost everything overnight.
That hit me hard, I flew back to Singapore. With the minimum I had, I chose to stay outdoors as I couldn't bring myself to face my family. It was not long after, I had to sleep in parks, MacDonald's benches. Ego did not stay long with me. I was too hungry that I had to start eating food leftovers from coffeeshops. It was the worst of my life I could ever imagine. I thought of ending my life but I just couldn't bring myself to do it, I had my family and I miss them. It was 2 months later I decided to return home. I kept quiet and treated everything as normal but my actions gave me away later. Due to the massive stress, it got me into depression. I could not stop myself from eating, that was the only way I knew. In short weeks, my weight shot up to almost 100kg.
My health deteriorates further and one fine day, I went into a mild-stroke condition which the doctor told me thereafter. I was in a stagnant mode and I could not move my limbs or even shout for help. No one was at home, thoughts start pouring non-stop in my mind, memories from childhood till that moment I failed, I then realized there is so much more I have yet to accomplish in my life, and my family, "What would they do if I'm gone"?
Tears start pouring down my cheeks, I started praying to myself in my mind... " I was a free thinker then but I just don't want to die, there are still many things I have yet to do, I call out to most of the religion I had a special encounter with and said in my mind..."Please save me! anyone and I will obey and follow." And to my surprise, I started moving again. From that moment onwards, I started following the teachings of Buddism.
Frankly speaking, that was not my first encounter with life and death. In my life journey, there were 3 including this one. The first one happened in 1999 during the days where I was an RSAF Regular. I was studying at the Air Force School then. My usual routine would be taking a bus to the interchange. I could still remember that I was rushing home as usual after class. The bus came, I remembered I did check clear before crossing the road, there came a car right behind and overtake the bus. Before I could even react, I got hit and flew almost 100 meters and I was on laying in the middle of the road. But what got me amazed was when I came to my senses moments later, I had no injuries on me, all passers-by were shocked including the bus driver and the driver who hit me. I am still clueless until today.
The second incident happened in 2016, I booked an evening flight to Bangkok, Thailand to get away from the stress from my work. I could recall it was already 4 pm, I was getting ready to leave the house for the airport but came sudden diarrhea and I missed my flight. What I did not expect that actually saves me. I later came to know through watching the news there was a bombing incident that took place in the 4 Faced Buddha Shrine at 830pm which was one of my travel plans to reach the shrine at 830pm to make my prayers before checking in. Another event in my life that I could not explain why it happens?
Back to the last incident after my doctor told me it was part of the mild-stroke symptoms. It was a pure miracle that I was able to move thereafter. It was that moment I decided I'm not going to let this happen again, never again! I went through a 3-months highly intensive training, going to the gym and I manage to cut down 28kg. I was happy with what I did. Now there are more important things I had to solve, my family life and financial issues. I started to take jobs, I was handling 3 jobs in a row, freelance consultancy services, coffeeshop helper, and a club bouncer in the night. I could barely have more than 3 hours of sleep every single day. But what I thought is to settle everything as soon as possible.
It was months later then I realized that was not the way to do it and I could not take the load any longer, having multiple jobs doesn't make any logical sense. I started thinking again about what I could do to rebuild myself. That's where I started on my journey to the west once more.
I started to look for an opportunity where I could work on brilliant ideas, a place where I could exercise my strengths and knowledge once more. Been through, done that, I came to realize I was always on my own in the past, to build great things, You can't do it alone. You need a team to go far, whatever it is you may be embarking on. That's when I started to look for mine. It was not long after I found it.
In 2017, I joined Buddy Holdings. The company concept was magnificently founded by my current boss Mr. Eddy Tan, who is the founder, who is also my mentor. Buddy carries an important meaning, that stands for "Be United, Don't Do It Yourself ". It was started based on a platform concept of re-building the economy using a unique loyalty and rewards ecosystem. We had more personal brand solutions built later on and was later evolved into a holdings company. We now called ourselves" A New Norm Constructive Technology Solutions Platform". The company is 3 years old now, I could still remember how hard we fought until today. Click here to know more:
There's a saying that goes like this: Life will only be complete when you have gone through all sorts of challenges in life. For myself, I had gone through different challenges in my life journey, gone through many failures in relationships, friendship, entrepreneurship, Life and Death struggles, and many more. But I do have my happy moments as well, my earlier career success in HR consultancy work, and my family who stood by me always.
I came to understand whatever that happens, it's part and parcel of life, and another way to make us understand certain things, eventually making us stronger if we manage to pull through. For me, I came to learn a few things:
- Never be controlled by greed. (Career)
- Greed eats up a person so that s/he is wasted away due to the heat of the bad traits it makes one develop such as selfishness, anger, jealousy, and unhealthy competition. It sucks up every strand of happiness and may result in death. Now I'm not saying money is not good, it's part of our essential needs for survival but never chase it and end up losing the sight and started making wrong decisions and end up into more trouble. Instead, we should put more focus on doing the right things and money will come the right way.
How to Overcome Greed: 15 Ways to Develop Generosity
- It is more blessed to give than to receive. ...
- Remember those who have been generous to you. ...
- Remember those who have not helped you when you were in need...
- Do not live only for yourself. ...
- Think about your loved ones or others who might be needing help. ...
- Know that you cannot bring your wealth when you die.
2. Focus on solutions rather than problems (Problem-solving skills)
A well-defined problem often contains its own solution within it, and that solution is usually quite obvious and straightforward. By defining problems properly, you make them easier to solve, which means saving time, money, and resources.
Why is it important to understand the problem?
Problem-solving gives us a mechanism for identifying these things, figuring out why they are broken, and determining a course of action to fix them. ... Problem-solving helps us understand relationships and implement the changes and improvements needed to compete and survive in a continually changing environment.
Do not just react, take the time to fully analyze the problem then make a list of possible solutions.
- Identify the problem(s)
- Identify what you did before in a similar problem. ...
- Change what doesn't work.
- Find and use resources.
- Decide which solution is best.
- Put that solution into play.
- Build on each successive step.
3. Learning How To Let Go (Fall Forward)
Letting go can be hard because it means letting go of aspects of your past – aspects of you. It also means letting go of your expectations of how things should have been. Letting go hints of being wrong or allowing someone else to be right (when you know that what they did was wrong).
How to Let Go of Things from the Past
- Create a positive mantra to counter the painful thoughts. ...
- Create physical distance. ...
- Do your own work. ...
- Practice mindfulness. ...
- Be gentle with yourself. ...
- Face the reality and allow negative emotions to flow. ...
- Accept that the other person may not apologize. ...
- Engage in self-care.
4. Stay Positive Always (Mindset)
Be Mindful that there will definitely be up and downs in life when it comes to anything.
Why should you always stay positive?
You will be healthier. This is because when you are positive your stress levels are usually reduced. Therefore, If you are looking at the good things in your life and allowing yourself to be grateful for them you won't be able to be as stressed about the negative things going on.
How do you stay positive in a negative world?
If you could use a boost of positivity in your work and life, consider one of these ideas:
- Surround yourself with positive people. ...
- Watch your vocabulary. ...
- Infuse yourself with positivity. ...
- Focus on what you can control. ...
- Look for the good. ...
- Examine your daily routine. ...
- Choose to be positive.
5. Cherish everything around you that stays
Be grateful for what you have, especially after going through that much, you will come to understand what's true and what's not. Like Friendship, Relationship, Family. Cherish those who continue to stay on beside you when you have nothing.
6. Time is precious
We are taught from a young age to see money as our most precious resource. We are led to believe that we can make up for any of our shortcomings just by spending money. While money is a very useful resource; time is the most important thing a man can spend.
7. Facing Adversity
To conclude everything I had gone through, what impacts me the most is " learning how to face adversity " and there are important lessons in it. We all face adversity from time to time, but some of us are able to flourish when things get difficult, while others seem to struggle to get out of bed in the morning. Successful people have found a way to jump hurdles and navigate around roadblocks that would stop others completely.
How is it that some people can bounce back and find a way to overcome misfortune and defeat? For one, they don’t allow themselves to become overwhelmed with negative emotions or thoughts. They take time to process what they’ve been through, then they resume moving forward. Their mental fortitude lifts them up to seek opportunities instead of dwelling in despair.
Here are 10 ways successful people push through adversity and bolster themselves, even when facing disaster.
- Find your sense of humor.
They say laughter is the best medicine. It’s your body’s way of coping with stress, releasing the tension, and resetting your brain to be more positive. A good chuckle will release endorphins and dopamine, nature’s feel-good chemical.
- Be mentally prepared.
Always tell yourself “I am prepared for the worst, but hope for the best.” Being prepared means thinking though the worst-case scenarios and considering how you would react.
- Take stock of all you’ve been through already.
They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. The hardships and misfortunes you’ve been through can give you confidence that you’re capable of handling whatever comes your way.
- Adversity offers valuable insights.
Adversity is a great teacher. This is your chance to gain valuable insights; to truly learn from your mistakes so you’ll have a better chance of success next time. However, you will have to engage in some self-reflection. Where and how did things go wrong?
Take a hard look at your planning. Did you miss something key? Consider your preparations. Were you ready for the challenges ahead? Look at your execution. Did you put in a consistent effort? Focus on areas that are within your control and ask yourself what more can you do next time.
“With every effort, I learned a lot. With every mistake and failure, not only mine but of those around me, I learned what not to do.”
- Make peace with the situation.
Now is not the time to blame others for what happened. Moping around and feeling sorry for yourself will do you no good, and can actually sabotage your ability to come up with solutions and next steps forward. It’s important that you consider what mistakes or missteps you might have made.
Spend time processing what you could have done differently and take responsibility for your actions. Make peace with what happened. Accept the situation for what it is, and then move on.
- Embrace adversity as a chance for opportunity.
Life is full of adversity and struggle. It’s through difficult times that we learn the most important lessons in life and build resilience. Adversity often presents opportunities we might otherwise miss. Now is your chance to dig deep and face this obstacle head-on.
Hard times present you with the chance to change course, reinvent yourself or find an undiscovered bridge that will get you over this hurdle.
- Refuse to give up.
To overcome a crisis, you need to fully commit to finding a way forward. You must approach the problem determined and motivated. This will create a mindset where you look at adversity as something to be overcome and solved, not passively accepted. Sometimes dilemmas and obstacles are a chance to create alternative paths, to dream bigger, to push forward, and take even larger leaps.
- Have a purpose.
When life gets tough, it helps to have a crystal-clear idea of why you’re doing what you’re doing. If you have purpose and passion for your goals, you’ll be motivated to keep pushing through until you’re successful. Sometimes things happen beyond your control, and that can knock the wind out of your sails. But if you’re working on something meaningful to you, you’ll always find a way back to it.
In the journey of entrepreneurship, there will be more rejections than acknowledgments from the people you know of your brilliant ideas but then, it is always important to know why you started, it is that reason that will push you through no matter how hard it is and we have to stick through that faith!
The same goes for the platform we built, ? A NEW NORM CONSTRUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM AGGREGATOR that empowers every individual and business to adopt a unique strategy to SUSTAIN, GROW, and SCALE themselves in a disruptive market.
My name is Max Ang and it has been a pleasure for me to share with you my journey and I would love to connect with like-minded individuals and see positive collaborations we could build together. Let's connect via
4 年Thanks Mr Phua. Appreciated with thanks. Really love to have coffee with u one of these days.
logistics Professional | Warehousing | Transportions
4 年加油