The Journey of Transaction Logs in Databricks

The Journey of Transaction Logs in Databricks

In a bustling data-driven world, a company named DataTech was at the forefront of innovation. They processed millions of transactions daily, from customer interactions to complex machine learning models. Managing and making sense of such vast amounts of data was no small feat. They relied on a powerful Data intelligence platform called Databricks, known for its ability to handle big data efficiently. But what truly kept their operations running smoothly, often unnoticed, were the unsung heroes of Databricks: transaction logs.

The Birth of a Transaction

At DataTech, data was constantly flowing in and out. Every time a user ran a query, performed an update, or deleted a record, a transaction was born. Each of these operations was captured in a transaction log. These logs recorded the detailed history of what had happened, ensuring that DataTech’s data remained reliable and accurate.

One day, the engineering team decided to implement Delta Lake, a powerful tool within Databricks that brought the transactional integrity of traditional databases to their big data ecosystem. Delta Lake introduced ACID transactions, ensuring that any changes made to their data were atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable.

To the engineers, Delta Lake seemed like magic. But underneath this magic, the transaction logs were working tirelessly to maintain order.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from delta.tables import *

# Initialize Spark session
spark = SparkSession.builder \
    .appName("DataTech") \

# Create a Delta Table
data = [("John", 34), ("Alice", 29), ("Bob", 45)]
columns = ["Name", "Age"]

df = spark.createDataFrame(data, columns)


This command creates the Delta table at the specified path. The table is now stored in Delta format, and no explicit output is generated at this step. However, if you query the data, you would see:

# Query the newly created Delta table
df_result ="delta").load("/delta/data_table")


| Name|Age|
| John| 34|
|Alice| 29|
|  Bob| 45|

The table is now created, and its transaction log has begun recording each operation.

Guardians of Data Integrity

Every operation in Databricks now passed through Delta Lake. When a data engineer updated a table, the transaction logs came into action. They recorded the old state, the new state, and every detail of the transformation. If anything went wrong—a hardware failure or an accidental overwrite—the transaction logs could roll back the changes, restoring the data to its previous state.

These logs weren’t just for rolling back mistakes, though. They also enabled versioning. If DataTech wanted to analyze how their data looked at a specific point in time, they could simply ask Delta Lake to retrieve the exact version from the logs. It was like having a time machine for their data.

Next, the engineers updated the data for "John." Transaction logs tracked this update to ensure data integrity.

from delta.tables import DeltaTable

# Load the Delta table
deltaTable = DeltaTable.forPath(spark, "/delta/data_table")

# Update a record
    condition="Name == 'John'",
    set={"Age": "36"}


No explicit output is produced here, but the Delta table is updated. To verify the change, you can query the updated data:

# Query the updated Delta table
df_updated ="delta").load("/delta/data_table")        
| Name|Age|
| John| 36|
|Alice| 29|
|  Bob| 45|

Now, "John" is 36 years old, and this change is recorded in the transaction log.

Time Travel and Auditing

DataTech soon realized that the transaction logs were more than just a safety net—they were a window into the past. With time travel capabilities, the team could query their data as it appeared days or even weeks ago. This was a game-changer, especially when they needed to conduct audits or debug issues.

One day, a critical report was generated with a massive error. The CEO was furious, and the engineering team scrambled to figure out what had gone wrong. Luckily, they turned to the transaction logs. By traveling back in time, they quickly discovered that a misconfigured ETL job had overwritten key data. Using the logs, they pinpointed the exact moment of the error and restored the data to its correct state. Disaster was averted, and the logs once again proved their worth.

When a mistake occurred in one of the data pipelines, the engineers used time travel to query data from a previous version of the table. The transaction logs allowed them to see what the data looked like five versions ago.

Here’s how they did it:

# Read the table as it appeared 5 versions ago
df_old_version ="delta").option("versionAsOf", 5).load("/delta/data_table")        


Let’s assume that 5 versions ago, "John" was still 34

| Name|Age|
| John| 34|
|Alice| 29|
|  Bob| 45|

This feature allowed them to track down the erroneous change and restore the table to a previous version. After identifying the mistake, they could restore the previous data:

# Roll back to a previous version"delta").option("versionAsOf", 5).load("/delta/data_table").write.format("delta").mode("overwrite").save("/delta/data_table")


The table is now rolled back to its state from 5 versions ago. Querying the table will show:

# Query the restored Delta table
df_rolled_back ="delta").load("/delta/data_table")        


| Name|Age|
| John| 34|
|Alice| 29|
|  Bob| 45|

The rollback successfully restores John’s age to 34, as it was in version 5.

Optimizing Performance with Compaction

As time passed, the transaction logs grew larger with each operation. While they were essential, their size began to affect the system’s performance. Databricks, however, had a solution—log compaction. Periodically, Databricks would merge these logs, reducing their size and making it easier for the system to read and write data.

For the engineers at DataTech, this process was seamless. They never had to worry about the logs becoming a burden. Databricks handled the compaction automatically, ensuring that their data pipeline remained fast and efficient.

As the logs grew larger over time, the engineers needed to optimize their Delta tables to maintain performance. They used Delta’s optimize command to compact the logs.

Here’s how they did it:

# Optimize the Delta table to compact small files


No explicit output is shown here, but the optimization process reduces the size of small log files, making future queries faster. After the optimization, querying large datasets will run more efficiently.

Streaming and Real-Time DataGG

As DataTech expanded, they ventured into real-time analytics. They set up a continuous data stream that ingested and processed data on the fly. Once again, transaction logs were there, ensuring data consistency and reliability.

Here’s how the team created a streaming pipeline using Delta Lake:

# Stream data into Delta Table
streamingData = spark.readStream.format("csv").option("header", "true").load("/path/to/incoming/data")

streamingData.writeStream.format("delta").outputMode("append").option("checkpointLocation", "/delta/checkpoints").start("/delta/streaming_table")        


No explicit output is generated during the streaming process, but the Delta table will continuously receive new data as it arrives. Engineers can monitor the streaming job through Databricks’ UI, which will show incoming rows and their processing status.

To check the streaming data in real-time, the engineers can run a query on the Delta table:

# Query the streaming Delta table
df_streaming ="delta").load("/delta/streaming_table")        


| Column1|Column2|
|  Data1| Value1|
|  Data2| Value2|
Continuous Innovation

As DataTech’s data journey continued, the transaction logs remained at the heart of their operations. Whether it was performing quick audits, recovering from failures, or optimizing performance, the logs were essential.

The engineers at DataTech felt empowered by the flexibility that Delta Lake and its transaction logs provided. Here’s an example of how they used the logs for auditing:

# Check the history of the Delta Table


This will show the history of operations performed on the Delta table, like this:

|version|operation|      timestamp    |operationMetrics  | user               |
|     5|UPDATE   |2024-10-01 14:45:12|{rowsUpdated -> 1}| data_engineer@...   |
|     4|INSERT   |2024-09-30 10:20:45|{rowsInserted -> 3}| data_engineer@...   |
|     3|DELETE   |2024-09-29 08:13:23|{rowsDeleted -> 1}| data_engineer@...   |

This gave the engineers visibility into every change that was made, empowering them to audit or roll back the data when needed.


By combining the power of Databricks and Delta Lake, DataTech’s engineers were able to manage their large-scale data pipelines with confidence. The transaction logs were the unsung heroes, tracking every change, allowing for time travel, optimizing performance, and ensuring data integrity—all through the power of code.

With each query and operation, DataTech’s future was safeguarded, and the company continued to innovate, one transaction at a time.



