Journey So Far..
After 15+ years of experience in Trading firms, looking back my journey, I had hands on experience in
i) Fundamental Buy side Research in US Consumer Non-Durables and Retail
ii) Automating fundamentals to quantitative scores
iii) Dis-aggregated judgement approach scores for portfolio, Issues in general
iv) Learned Advanced Excel and R to quantify scores, Learned python a bit
v) Ran two indices
vi) Debt modeling for few companies
vii) Worked as analyst quantifying trader input creating intraday strategies running an exposure of 40 Crore in Nifty/BNF futures
viii) Created a Long-short rupee, sector, cluster neutral pairs trading strategy scaling up to 40 Crore in exposure from 4 Crore in 6 months and eventually closing by 2019 June when DD reached 10% when Pairs strategies under performed globally
ix) Created another strategy partnering with colleague from back test to paper to running up to 50 Crore exposure book (Still Running)
x) Created a momentum strategy in Indian index futures which has a decent risk reward and scalability
xi) Interacted with over 100 traders, analyzing their strategies to see which of them will fit the firm's expectations
Apart from the above
a) Learned real estate plotting, right from reading documents, to liaison, to plot and selling of our own land
b) Created a monthly option selling strategy making (1-3%) a month. [Thanks Youtube and the free option strategy teachers]
c) Have varied exposure looking at Litigated lands and how to approach about it
d) Learned how physical commodity trading happens, particularly Copper and Oil
e) Started learning how industries scrap work
f) Learning about quarrying and crusher business, its challenges
g) Invested in an IoT start up
h) Built a commercial building
i) Have a long-short rupee neutral strategy based on momentum signal and back tested and have confidence on Two Long only Strategies (Joel Greenblatt's Magic formula and Seasonal Odds)
j) Hands on experience in petrochemical plants operations in Spic and Reliance involving lot of cost saving projects.
k) Helped a lot of people
Looking Back, the journey is satisfying. Hope the future is kind enough to help me to help others with whatever experience I have and uplift me and others