Journey of Reverence: No Matter Were We Are Located, We're Standing Upon Holy Ground!
Paula Andrea Pyle, MA Ed.
Chief Administrator at MODE of Cosmic Therapy School of Energy Research
We, are all on an immutable journey. One of which will yield untold 'fruits of our labors'. The secret to living a victorious joyful life is to discover and appreciate, through hourly walking, what lies beneath our feet each and every day.
Nothing is held back from us nor are our 'fortunes' hiding somewhere else other than where we are presently situated. All roads lead to the same place eventually: home.
"We are exactly where we need to be for reasons we can’t see." (MODE of Cosmic Therapy.) You can be no where else except where your feet are planted. We are where we are because we are supposed to be there and no where else. Can we get with that?
Our feet have brought us to this particular place in the here and now. Can’t run, can’t hide, can’t quit. That is not an option. This is it! We can be no other place, no matter what we’d like to tell ourselves.
Stop fighting. No use trying to run, hide or negate our present circumstances and situation. Our feet will never lead us to any place, situation, circumstance, event or involvement that we do not need to be in.
Our minds may try to tell us otherwise: dramatically declaring that we should be anywhere else but here, with anyone else but who we are currently involved with, doing anything else other than what we’re currently doing. But, the mind lies.
The feet NEVER do. Not only can we not trust your mind for the exact precise placement of our body, but our heart will lead you astray, as well.
Follow our feet. Never dispute them. They will lead and guide us in the ‘reality of truth’ we need to experience. Remember: our feet are aware of things we have no way of knowing. Until we wring out every smidgen of the water of understanding from our present state of affairs, {relationships}, we- in no wise-will be free to move on without duplicating the problems WE alone are creating.
Our feet will see to it that we complete the mission. We can not cheat. We can not jump ahead in line. We must remain where our feet have placed us.
We must come to terms with the fact that we can not be any where else today, this moment, other than where our feet have brought us. Period. We are apparently alive on this planet because we need to exist in THIS location, not somewhere else.
We were born to our parents, not someone else’s. We are here, now doing exactly what we are doing, not something else. We need the people, places, events, occurrences, situations, involvements, and experiences that are tied up in our daily walk. Each and every one of them, whether we believe it or not; we don’t have a clue as to what or how it all fits together perfectly for us!
We are so accustomed to thinking we can pick and choose the affairs of our lives but IF that were so, we know we would be inclined to choose only experiences that would make us feel good, wealthy, comfortable, important, special and loved.
We would certainly not choose events that are filled with pain, loneliness, disgust, fear, anxiety, financial difficulties, embarrassment, betrayal or humiliation. But, our feet KNOW the significance of what lies below the surface of these apparent unfortunate episodes. The feet are connected.
The feet are grounded. The feet are united with the source. The feet know that you need every person who crosses your path in the run of a day.
Every exciting and debilitating emotion we have ever experienced, our feet were right there with us walking us right into it, through it. Our feet knew we had to be in whatever situation we so unmistakably thought we “ended up, unfortunately or surprisingly.” Cease trying to make sense out of it with our minds.
Our feet have remained constant and steadfast with you throughout all of these events. Our minds and hearts may not have been present but our feet remained loyal and true. We can not isolate ourselves and guard against various events that we THINK we should or should not be involved in.
Our feet decide upon which course we will steer each day. Make no mistake about it: we need every occurrence and person that confronts us. There is no destination that we can purposefully decide to take that, IF our feet are not aligned to the journey and the lesson associated, (with added the insight it brings) will be missed and NOT come to pass.
TRUST the feet: they KNOW where they are going!
Chief Administrator at MODE of Cosmic Therapy School of Energy Research
7 年Thank you all sincerely and graciously!