Journey the Pathway to Self offers tools to guide users to their place of feeling the root of their emotions. Many people have found increased happiness in their lives by taking the journey. Encompassing; Emotion, Mental, Physical and Spiritual
Journey the Pathway to Self is an accumulation of many years of research, practice, professional, and real-life skills. Offering users privacy with the speech bubble guidance combined with adaptable tools within the site. - The first two modules [INTRODUCTORY and THE MEDICINE WHEEL] are FREE. Users are required to move through these two areas prior to purchasing the entry into JOURNEY THE PATHWAY TO SELF.
The tools within the site will benefit all users as we all have dynamics that occur in our lives. Seeing a professional is not always affordable or time appropriate for an individual's busy life. Often I hear from people after waiting months for an appointment share disappointment as their professional just could not connect with them and after months of trying they left with their same issues.
Journey the Pathway to self deals with every issue a human being can endure. It's an exciting journey as you are provided your privacy throughout the journey. One on One is available as well. It is best viewed on a computer screen. A mobile site is also available for smartphones. [mobile: Click on the top right three lines, ENTER Journey the Pathway to Self and from there you will be prompted] Once in the Medicine Wheel page it is best to start the recording while viewing the picture. Both the Introductory and the Medicine Wheel are requirements prior to entering the additional fee-based Parts. The additional Medicine wheel information is not a requirement in the download area. Users can return to these two pages for free from the Home Page at any time by clicking on the Journey button.
Enjoy the journey! Rediscover a smile from within...
***Recently added is the JOURNEY POWERPOINT for free