A Journey of a Life Time
John Phillips
Published Author, and Speaker/ Instructor @ Hillsborough Community College: Freelance writer & writing coach
Come with me! Let me take you on a journey. A journey of a life time, well several lifetimes of people you will want in your life for as long as possible, and love them being with you.
This journey will have just as life does; some ups and downs and some twists and turns, but this family and friends stay together and offer support and love to each other. Unconditional love and support, throughout
Will you experience happiness? No question. Will there be times of desperation and loss? Sorry yes. Will you ever be alone? Never, you have so many who love you and will always love you, on this journey.
Join me on this journey and feel every emotion of love, loss, fear and happiness.
The Dark Hurts by John Phillips, a journey of life, like you have never experienced before.
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