Journey With Jesus Led by Tour Guide Dr. Jan: Easter Series 2022, Day 3 "The False Narrative"
Journey With Jesus Led by Tour Guide Dr. Jan
April 9, 2022
Easter Series 2022
Guilty and Presumed Innocent
Day 3? The False Narrative
I just read an article this week from an individual that states, “The Bible is Fake News”.? We are currently and have been for longer than we know a battle over the Narrative.? The question is who’s narrative?? Narrative of God, or narrative of Evil?? Ephesians 3:6, 10-11, 12 is confirmation of God’s intent to bring all who believe back into family relationship with Him.
Question, “Why can’t being good get us to Heaven?”? When we put our hope in what we can do, we are not really putting our trust in God…it is trust in ourselves.? That takes us again right back to the Garden of Eden.? Adam and Eve thought they knew (through the temptation) that God was a killjoy and that by choosing what they wanted they would rise and become like God.? Remember, I am speaking from my experience as a PK (preacher’s kid) growing up in “the church” with plenty of do’s and don’ts.
That is the same temptation that lures humanity away from God for all of history.? Humanity has been subject to narratives created by media, education, religion, and government.? In my opinion, the false narrative of God portrays His plan for humanity as one of slavery and dictatorship, rather than the true narrative of God as a loving Father.? Through the false narrative the wonderful reality of family has been destroyed.? How often people compare our Heavenly Father to the earthly fathers that fall short of being loving, merciful, and gracious.? Our perspective needs to change so that we discover that God is absolutely good and His glory is far above all that we could imagine (Ephesians 3:20).
Here we are again at a “selah” moment (pause and think deeply).? Remember, the title of this series is “Guilty and Presumed Innocent”.? This is the first choice point for everyone.? Do we believe that we fall short of the Holiness and Glory of God?? And, if we do agree that we fall short, Do we agree on the? need of a Redeemer to place us back into right relationship with Father God?? Can we change the narrative in our soul that God is loving and waiting with open arms for humanity as a prodigal who is living in a far off land squandering His blessings on selfish willful choices contrary to God’s protective lifestyle (household rules)?? Once we can realize that we need to run back to our Heavenly Father and that He is running toward us, will we let go of the shame and pride of trying to make it through this life by ourselves?? God never intended that we needed to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps.? He provides us ALL we need (Philippians 4:19) and blesses us with more than we deserve.
To better understand the loving extent God provided through Jesus to redeem and restore humanity from the original sin of accepting the false narrative that plagues humanity, read the following 1 John 2:1-2:?
My little children, I am telling you this so that you will stay away from sin.? But if you sin, there is someone to plead for you before the Father.? His name is Jesus Christ, the one who is all that is good and who pleases God completely.? 2 He is the one who took God’s wrath against our sins upon himself and brought us into fellowship with God; and he is the forgiveness for our sins, and not only ours but all the world’s.
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