Journey of Indian Cement Industry - 1
Cement cost in India is less than 6 Rs. per Kg which is lowest among all the commodity in the market even lower than old newspaper (Raddi) , Cement business is the business of volume so you can say that Cement Business is the logistic business
Due to this thin margin business Cement plant are always in the mode optimization & try to reduce their production cost, logistic cost, fixed cost…etc
Also among all high energy consumption industries Cement Industry is highly efficient & active compare to other players (Aluminum, steel, Fertilizer…etc) as far as energy is concern. Cement industry use their waste gases in raw material drying (Lime stone, coal, Fly ash), power generation..etc. waste gases discharges from the stack are below 130 deg cen.
1930-1950 – Wet Process Cement Kiln up to 500 TPD Kiln (Cement under government control)
1950-1970 – Semi-wet process Kiln up to 1000 TPD (Cement under government control- Quota System).
For grinding open circuit ball mill was used (Coal , Raw material, Cement)
1980-1990 – Dry Process Cement Kiln up to 2000 TPD (De-controlled)
- Kiln feed, Cement Silo filling through Air-List no elevator available for this height
- Four stage preheater only
- Open circuit two chamber mill with cylpebs
- Only static separator available in VRM, Mills are without external re-circulation
- 100 % OPC production
- ESP for smoke gases, no RABH concept
- Many plant are without calciner & only single string PH, Riser duct firing
- Coal with direct firing with fine coal storage
- No CPP Concept, Run with grit power or DG set …etc
- Highly sold out market
1990-2000 – Dry Process Kiln up to 8000 TPD
- Six stage preheater concept
- Dynamic separator in Raw Mills & Cement Mills
- Bucket elevator for feeding
- Bag house in place of ESP
- Third generation separator in Cement Mill
- PPC Production started with Fly ash addition
- CPP Concept for power
- Multi string in Preheater
- Highly sold out market
2000-2010 – Dry Process Kiln with WHR
- Roller press in Raw material grinding
- Continuous emission monitoring installation
- Cost consciousness due to lower market demand
- Reduction of Variable cost for increasing EBIDTA per MT cement
- Plant operation in Auto mode (Logic control & PID)
- VRM in Cement Grinding
- Split grinding unit installation increase
- Increase usage of PPC & PSC
- Reduction in limit of SPM from raw mill stack
- Replacement of ESP to bag house compulsion due to reduction in SPM limit
- New plant installed with WHR arrangement
- PAT applicable in Cement Sector…..etc
2010-2020 - Dry Process Kiln with ILC only with WHR/SNCR/AFR (SLC calciner, Grate cooler out)
- Pet-coke as fuel usage increase in Cement Plant
- NOx & SOx limit implemented
- CEMS data connected to PCB server
- AFR Usage & system development increase
- SNCR for NOx reduction installation
- Composite cement & PSC market share increase
- Inorganic growth concept increase in Cement Industry
- Manpower restructuring & reduction of fixed cost
- Lime stone mines auction initiated
Next ???????????????????????????? Part 2
7 年That's a great information... It should needs to know everyone whoever is working in process industries.