The Journey Home
Lisa Shields
Passionate culture-builder, joy spreader, personal development enthusiast and peak performance coach committed to heart-centered leadership
Carl Jung once wrote, "The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are." Sounds simple enough, but how many people actually know who they truly are, and if so, also possess the courage to show up authentically in a world mired with pretense?
Sadly, most of us are long-lost strangers to our true selves and why we are here.? We have been so deeply programmed to focus our attention on other people’s WHYs (THEIR spoken and unspoken expectations, opinions, and advice) that we never bother to excavate the hidden depths of our own core to connect with our Truth--our why.???
I believe each and every one of us was given a unique gift to contribute to the world.? The fact that you crossed the fertilization finish-line first, beating 150 million other eager swimmers, is proof that you are someone incredibly special capable of accomplishing amazing things.? Most of you probably aren’t aware that the odds of you being born are one in 400 trillion!? Let that sink in for a moment, you have already won the freaking lottery called life! The question now is--What are you going to do with it???
If you won the lottery tomorrow, I’m pretty sure you would be stoked out of your mind and not waste a single moment finding things to spend it on.? Ironically, every day, we all are given an equal--and dare I say very generous deposit of 86,400 seconds into this bank account called LIFE.? And each day, we choose (either consciously or unconsciously) if we are going to spend our waking hours in meaningful creation or idly waste it in meaningless existence.??
Unfortunately, most of us are squandering away the most precious commodity we have--time--because we haven’t connected to our authentic selves and discovered where true happiness and meaning is hidden--in our purpose.?
The majority of the planet is living life like it’s a rehearsal.? We think that once we have that job, that partner, that house, then our real life will begin.? And as we wait for the promotion, or our soul mate to arrive, we sit complacently on the sidelines, mindlessly scrolling through social media, binge watching Netflix, or numbing ourselves with alcohol and food, wondering why we feel so unfulfilled and lost.??
Connecting to your purpose is the catalyst to reclaim your limitless potential and recognize that you are here to F some shit up.? You are here at this exact moment in the timeline of humanity to wake people up and evolve the collective consciousness.? You’re here to contribute, to leave your name on park benches, city halls and the hearts of generations to come. YOU!? Yes, I’m talking to YOU.??
There is a reason that you are reading these words today.? It is time to wake up to your own magnificence.? Embrace it, own it, feel it!!!? As Marianne Williams says, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.? Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.? It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?? Actually, who are you not to be?? You are a child of God (or whatever higher power you believe in). Your playing small does not serve the world.? There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.? It’s not just in some of us.? It’s in EVERYONE.? And as we let our own light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.? As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others.”
Stepping out of the shadows of conformity is scary, uncomfortable, and at times lonely. But it is also the single most liberating and empowering steps you will ever take in your lifetime, because it's the first one in a long journey back home to your true self. If you're ready to embark on this adventure, begin by asking yourself, Who Am I (really), and then watch how your life begins to magically unfold?
Happy travels my friend!
General Manager
2 年So powerful.