Yashodhan Katkade
Not freelance ,but FREE OF COST writer ,thoughts cannot be seen & so even prictag is invisible !
Of fans providing wind to their travelling across the globe more than wind itself-
Saw on tv the other day and remembered as to so many instances where i had seen folding fans and researched it the other day and cannot believe how it has evolved into so many of different utilities. I just read on the net and found these facts about. The use of Chinese fans dates as far as 3000 years ago during the Shang dynasty. The earliest known fan at the time was known as Shanhan. It was different from the other fans. Instead of being handheld, it was tied to a horse-drawn carriage and used to protect the passengers from dust . Over time the Shanhan evolved to Zhangshan, a long handheld fan made of tough silk and bird feathers. Given that it was extremely costly to produce, these fans were seen as a symbol of wealth and authority. During the Zhou dynasty was when most people started using handheld fans as a cooling down tool. Some fans were made of feathers and hence were called feather fans. Sharing many videos of how today folding fans have found a place or are experienced by almost all ppl everywhere. The fans are also used for fight training purposes and sharing a vid of a seminar and after the stretching exercises it gets going at the 1.21 min mark. It would have been possibly used in hand to hand combats as secret daggers because if you put bldes in place of wooden plates and thick synthetic non cuttable material in place of cloth and with sharp sides then the fan becomes a cuttin machine .At 1.25 min mark she just opens the fan with a firm gesture its like making a statement that a warrior has arrived. She beautifully glides ahead cautiously and at the 1.41 min mark she firms her hand position and indicates now the cute fan is going to be used for something dangeros and she thrusts it with force and precisely and the ppl are doing the moves well behind her like as shown for few seconds after 2.06 mark. and then she thrusts in above direction also its like thrusting forcefully towards the neck of the opponent and seriously startle them and can result in single shot kl. The balancing technique she does is also very elegant at 1.48 mark extreme precision she signals with her fingers to bend the back a bit below and achieve the correct attackng stance and glides underneath at 1.52 mark like a beast ready to pounce and superb detailing at 2.13 where she at the start casually holds the fan then hardens it all of a sudden and thrusts it thus indicating it can be used for an unexpcted attck. Also later along with opening the fan she gets her hand firm showing that when in battl the word ready means each and every muscle if the body must be ready and also graceful sight of her practicing calmly in silence towards the end is also soothing. Also sharing a vid of making of a folding fan in the korean design language its diy meaning do it yourself and done at home with greeting card like colorful materials and it is drawn on paper and then made into a fan. Shared a professionally made cloth hand fan. It has very good colourful patterns also in same colour but different shades of it and also some beads or threads attached to the place of holding the fan is made into frills. and also is done methodically its shown with diagrams how to draw circle using circular by taking the centre on the centre of the cloth and with basic glue and its cool .Then stuck it to patterned paper or cloth on the other side to make it durable then beautifying the handle at the end which is called a tassel with decorative items .She does it in a wonderful manner at 3 min mark and while making directly if you roll the thread and make a bunch then it can get entangled in itself so for this she takes a small visiting card like object and rolls the thread over it many tyms and creates a thick bunch and then slowly slides out the card out and ties the bunch and cuts it on an end to make frills and adds colourful beads to it to make it its good and simple way and a tough thing made simple .Sharing a vid which shows remarkable effort of this girl growing on the ways of the outdoors where the girl also sources the raw material the natural way right from retrieving the wood actually and herself cuts logs and shapes and creates every fin and paints cloths. A very hardworking girl this she literally cuts with saw and i had never imagined seeing a folding fan that is made from these ingredients, she uses a technique to open the bamboo part and then slices it into proportions to fit as a fin at 1.06 mark and sometimes its used for getting onion slices from onion its pressed from above and due to pressure the onion opens and the slices all spread around which are then had by ppl with some dishes. Also a good technique at 1.33 mark where she is actually fine slicing the parts and rather than holding the wooden piece steady in her hand and rubbing the sickl knif from the other hand on it, what she does is she holds the sickl steady with a hand and with the other she pulls the bamboo part back and forth on it pressing it on the knif all the time which also shapes the wood. I think this way is very quick saves time for sharpening of wood but she does it with a lot of strength and pressure more than what is seen when carpenters do it the normal way sliding knife on the wood but is quick for sure i dunno it is tricky like if you do it the girl's way you save time but strength is utilized and can get tired and need a break and if done by normal way it is less hardwork but it takes time so other pieces cannot be completed that day. I think the girl's technique gives more malleability more than sharpening it is useful for shaping the log as while holding the knnif steady and rubbing the wood it is possible that if a greater part is to be cut from inside then if the wood is rubbed halfway and then if pressed while moving, it also easily cuuts into it and slices because the log already is in motion and moving with speed sometimes with less strength required since the momemtum of the wood cuuuts it easily. But if the normal way is used then while rubbing the knnif the entire knnif needs to be held and positioned properly while in movement which is tough and also the weight of the knnif can end in slicing a bigger than needed part or inaccurately. Moments later she measures with seriousness and slices in the normal way also. Then i think she is using a polisher but made of very strong metal pieces to really smoothen it tough work this. She then binds the logs with a metal part and hammers from both sides. It all is so natural and feels like apart from the song what she is doing the sounds of it even it feels like a sound of nature and intertwined into it and i think it is because she manually cuuts and rubs and slices hence it sounds very mild and machine tools are not used hence her manual working like sharpening of wood sound i feel gets blended with the environment it sounds like somebody walking in muddy stream or dragging a stick along which makes the sound on touching the ground and it is peaceful. The beautiful house structure is shown and she then paints it too and is sitting calmly striking open the fan with the cup sipping in style the video is very soothing for me i have a habit of spending meticulous hours at a stretch somedays while cooking more things and seeing her do a different thing is good and i cant say i am that skillful in making a fan but i might take another thing when spending time on myself along with the world as well. Very nicely made video and the various sounds of cuttin and environment are just clear and awesome. Also shared a video which shows different patterns and the types of fans made. The lady also shows different colours good shiney night patterns like at the start adds mystique with various types also which is a fan whose fins spread out all around to form a circle while being small to still be able to provide wind or breeze to the user like the big fans or cover the area of the big fans and were aimed to be easily carried or some show an entire image on opening it thus telling about a monument or structure. At 1.21 mark its so delicate and looks really expensive and small shiny reflective material is stuck on it and embroideries looks ancient. Also entire complete images are made on the fins when opened it shows the complete picture like a dense forest at 1.43 min mark, at 2.2 min mark it is like multidimensional image made of glossy material and tells a story of a girl and appears to move nicely done i think if modern professional graphically designed images are acquired and added to fans and this is what it looks like a blend of new and old. Also in another every fin is used to incorporate a face of individual thus telling about people and different iterations are shown. At 2.45 fans of plastic or metal material are shown and make a really strong sound when clapped open it kind of just awakens or alerts but a really sharp sound and i think when you handle or flap the fan open it visually looks like it happens very sharply and gives a good effect to the viewer but the holder of the fan doesnt come to know or see but when there is a strong sound with it, it gives the feeling of having done something like in boxin when you hit and the bag moves thus a reaction happens and it gives a feeling of accomplishment makes the action worthwhile and the folding fan with a strong opening and closing sound does that i feel. It makes the holder feel that he just did something. All the cool fans are shown in the end and the collection is really off the charts and must say she is a very serious conoisseur of fans and also good title of vid my fan collections because why not, its a good thing to pursue an abstract hobby with courage in leisure time and it is important to interact with people as well like i am doing and i felt i should have done it earlier and it feels nice. Earlier and now also cadbury chocolate bars they came in a metallic cover like a very shiny foil and as a kid used to go at my friend's place and he had an elder sister and she had the hobby of collecting the foils of chocolate and she used to place it in between pages of a book and flatten it like people kept leaves in a book and the leaves would wither away leaving the beautiful delicate framework of the leaf intact. Then she used the foil for decorating greeting cards i guess or making any creative stuff or some which were very artistic she kept it to show friends and some foils due to pressure really looked like a solid sheet of metal without any wrinkles and very smooth shiny and beautiful. Even i have a bag full of pokemon tazos actually they came with a variety of things and collected them along wuth many other things will someday write its cool. Also shared how fans are a part of culture and are revisited through depictions of incidences through plays or fests. Shared a big video of music fest if i would have known the language it would have been great to understand its like storytelling through plays instances which is done in various forms in every country in the world like they have sets in which they portray varied people and in performances beautiful landscapes are used someday ill translate it but if some ppl are reading who understand it then can watch some of the story i can make out actually from gestures but at 31.52 min mark the woman sings really bolldly and she snaps or claps the fan open and claps it back along while singing the note of the song and carries it effortlessly so everywhere where gestures were used and i think a story is told there like somebody came in a beautiful place and while wondering about something opened a fan and the locations are very picturesque. Sharing a vid where fans were used to convey feelings and its fun. It had gestures in pictographic form the making of the video is cute and with good music which keeps you involved without taking attention away from what you are seeing. The fans are shown quite differently like bringing it near to lips cute elegantly to convey you wanna talk but is quite subtle .Also shared a very nice video of it being shown in real. At a min mark when she says she is single and must say quite a logical way deviced to convey when she flaps the fan real quick all over perhaps in a way signifying the enthusiasm or inquistiveness of a single boy or girl so when you wanna fall for someone or when having met a person and are eager to know more about being in love you get excited and that excitement and eagerness is conveyed nicely. I am shy but willing is also nicely shown it is used to hide parts of the face to superbly bring the attention to the part which can best convey that emotion and it can be any part in a gesture and here when she says i m shy but willing she blocks out other features and smoothly conveys that with blinking of eyes and in a way signalling him to come near her or calling him near by looking in a different direction .Also a very cool thing she does not cover her face at all at the start seeming like she is ready to talk and wants to talk and then suddenly yet subtly covers her lips meaning she cannot be very comfortable with you or is shy to talk more. I love you is she opens and holds it over heart its like my whole heart is yours or your name is written all over it .The gesture meet me outside is also expressive when she waves the fan slowly and looks around like finding somebody in the crowd and then looks fixatedly on him and also waves the fan in a beautifully patient way showing the question mark from the fan movement as to what is he waiting for and she convinces him through face to take a chance or come outside and meet but still a bit unsure whether he will come or no or rather requesting him through eyes beautifully to come. If ever these actions were done in a charades game where a person does gestures and other person has to identify what he is saying, still i would come close in identifying some but some are really well performed it would have been tough to recognise. What is jolly today would have been effective means of communications back then even when current mediums were not there i am sure ppl in those times would have had real lots of fun communicating like this .Also i think the places where folding fans were in use those people had an added advantage in terms of talking because if anybody from the outside came there, and if something of importance had to be told, only the people of that place could tell each other and i am sure if any of the outsiders would see two individuals waving folding fans periodically at each other from afar as well, the outsiders would have been clueless as to what is coming or happening. I think the same would have been used in a romantic setting, if two people loved each other and if told not to meet by their ppl, then seeing each other from the windows or the street ahead they could talk with fan gestures. But a unique way really. Also fans were used in different parts of the world as well and shared a vid which shows leaves were used as fans and it must be true because dense tree branches were used as shelters and walls of houses and also provided protection from wind and the same dense leaves could also be used to provide wind or breeze. It also shows that in paintings in egypt back in the day some are seen holding a pole with cloth attached to it and on both sides thus indicating that they were used for cooling manually. It also shows how the fan travelled across territories and its fascinating how in a different land, the same product can have a new application and what was a necessity for cooling or used differently for communicating in china japan and korea ,when fans travelled from here to other nations, folding fans found an altogether different access to peoples' lives and it was in terms of clothing accessory and fashion. Now again i wonder that in places where folding fans were used for providing breeze or communicating, nobody must have thought that it can be used for anything other than the purpose which they were invented for. It must have taken the mind of an inventor to take a product used in a certain way and device other ways to use it or develop a product from scratch. If i have to give an example, i would say not many people might be knowing and even i was not knowing that occupations of those times were very different. Like before when bulbs came into existence, lanterns and candles were used at night. Also, people had to walk on the streets or use carriages while coming home from workplaces in the night and that time as well there were street lamps but the only difference was that the street lamp was in a literal sense a street lamp, meaning today's street lamps are called lamps but they function on electricity and bulbs, but that tym the street lamps actually had lamps inside them like on top of the street post there was this glass compartment and inside a flame was burnt under which the area below became visible. I have not read that much but i think this is the very reason that the word street and the word lamp came to be used and which carries till day. But this is not what i wanted to say oh my God my thoughts are dragging me again sorry lolz. Now i read like past month and does anybody know that there was a profession or a job whose profile was to climb the lamp post using a ladder and turn the lantern on. So every night at a designated time this person came in with a ladder placed it on the post and got the lamp running inside the glass compartment and after the area underneath was visible he again climbed down picked the ladder and moved to the next pole in line in the street and this was the way the entire streetlamps of the whole street came on ! And then people and horse carriages utilised it because i guess industrial age was just starting and machineries were coming into picture. I think the streetlamp individuals must have divided streets because nowadays due to electricity it is possible to switch on the lamps of an entire city in a jiffy just by the turn of a switch, but back then if only a single person would climb and then down and again then to turn on the lamps of the whole city the entire night would have passed hence there was these professional job and many people lived a lot of their lives using this means of livelihood. I am not entering the debate of how modernisation happened and the lamps went away and so did the lamp men, because the population of entire world has increased since then and so that means that the kids of the lampmen found newer work in companies and industries but i just wanted to say that in every phase work is based on the things that are available globally at that time so those are the careers of those times but good effort by people who worked those jobs and its great. Today's jobs are pretty luxurious and relatively less physically enduring and maybe it could be i mean i was just thinking that now autonomous machines or robots are used like its already in use in industries where robots create something part by part. Now there was a show called jetsons where flying cities were shown like the buildings structures were suspended above , the people lived in them amidst the clouds, they used vehicles which looked like jets to fly and reach workplaces in the sky itself. I read into it and flying vehicles are there already and i read that in dubai or in an arab place air taxis are there meaning machines with propellors on all sides to make it float slowly from a place carrying passengers to another place. Now entire cities in skies and flying machines and again if autonomous tech is added to it then what do we get. I saw that machines are being developed which do not need drivers and is enabled with interactive technology that is controlled from a control center and the machines automatically carry the passengers on the set programmed route. I saw a documentary where they attached sensors to machine prototypes meaning a machine which is in development and another part of sensors were located in the ground all around and when the prototypes passed through the place and it came close to the machine ahead of it , the sensors alerted it and turned the prototype and then with sensors in the place around also the prototype reached automatically turning and finding its way. Now this tech is available in many machines today and also collision avoiding technologies i am sure you might have seen vids of big trucks flaunting their advancements in the brake systems meaning the truck is going at a speed and it brakes and stops quick thus proving its efficiency and its there in all machines. But what was different in the documentary that along with machines being autonomous, also the machine in front of it had sensors both on its front bonet and back area as its called dikky i guess. So what happened is whenever any machine came close to the prototype ahead the back sensor of that prototype signalled the prototype behind it and the prototype behind automatically changed speed and thus they were showing that how the machines of the whole street basically were operated by robots or technology or automatically .Now i know its still afar and that tech is still under development and for so many millions of people all over the world to use it i dunno if it ever would happen or no, but if these advancements are included with flying cities and flying machines like air taxis and so that means air taxis if induced with autonomous tech and sometime like many many decades or a century later if this all comes to reality like what they had shown in jetsons, then i guess with automatic flying taxis why would anybody need drivers anymore and might be they will have to change the profession just like the lampmen did. Because if machine prototype or flying taxi takes you to and fro automatically then would you need drivers ?But when i think of it i feel that tym newer professions would be added and flying taxis and flying machines environment would require flying signal structures. Because if like jetsons personal flying vehicles prevail then i dont think millions of machines all over the world can be regulated like flights or ships where there are towers and they tell the ships to dock or port but if everybody on planet earth has a ship and like jetsons in air if the whole world is living on water then now what and how many signal towers would be needed ? I think countless. Hence i thought if jetsons ever become reality, the signal towers like street signals would have to be erected in the skies as well so as to show way to so many people. So thought if the job of the machine drivers go due to autonomous tech, then perhaps in flying cities teams would be needed for maintenance of this flying signboards or flying signals and these could well be the jobs of the future like i am saying a century later. I feel that i should watch jetsons as to what more was shown in it thatll give an idea as to how life would be that tym. Now just like the application of fans when in new land it was used for something different, similarly when streetlamps were in use, Thomas Alva Edison invented the bulb and electricity was there and so he thought why not utilise this technology in making street lamps more effective because i suppose many a tyms the manual streetlamps it might happen that after the lamp person turned it on and then a breeze came and something happened and the lamp turned off and what if natural causes affected it and many birds flew and sat on top on the lamp posts glass compartments and what if it fell down then somebody would call the lampmen and they would again have had to take a compartment climb the ladder and again place the lamp in strong winds and wait for it to turn on and stay on for the night quite a tough task this. Also could be that the oils in the lamps would have been needed to be monitored and i think it would not be possible to keep so much oil in the lamp that would enable it to work all night long because the space in the compartment would be normal and so i guess lamp ppl would have had to keep refilling it from time to time and i just thought too much oil would have been needed for making the entire lamp posts function. Although i feel the design of an old lamp post looks cool and adds a very different feel to the streets because it is seen in so many pictures on net and movies and many ppl have photographed it and still they are there all around but i guess in electric form and not manual. But it would be cool to experience lamps or lanterns in lamp posts which when the lamp would flicker the view under it would flicker and while walking the vicinity would be visible in beams in very pristine natural form. I think in a setting where it is a park or a museum or inside it or outside if the theme of a place is traditional or an ancient place is recreated to give the users an experience, there real lamps are justified and i know much oil would be needed but would be a memorable experience and revisiting the good old times with structures of yesteryears and machinery and the things of yesteryears that powered them in all its glory and on a lighter note they are wireless as well. So when Thomas Alva Edison invented the bulb, so the lamps were fitted with bulbs and with a click the street came to life. Now great inventions great thinkers their great ways of striving to add value to life does not stop here. Now when bulbs were fitted to streetlamps and wires were drawn from below the ground or above i dont have knowledge on that but wires carried electricity to every post and now the famous inventor Nicolai Tesla took the game a level ahead and said there are street lamps with bulbs now, and now he had deviced wireless technology which could enable the lamp posts to turn on even without wires. My mind just wondered and its a little ironic that progress is not always the change in visual state of way of life or lifestyle. When we say wireless is progress , i want to add in case of manual streetlamps of earlier times, those did not have electric wires running to them they had just lamps and so technically those lamp posts were wireless too ,then came wire powered bulb operated street lamps and it was progress, and then nikola tesla proposed wireless machinery and then it was futuristic and progress ahead of progress and it was like a feat or achievement. I know its good but i think on a literary scale solely from a writer's perspective , the world just went from wireless to wired and wireless again lolzz !!Now is that progress or its like a ghhost walking ahead with feet turned behind as its shown always .I said it in lighter vein but yes i must say that there is a huge technological difference between manual wireless lamp posts and wireless machinery inclusive lamp posts because in today's tech it is possible to turn the lamps all at a time programme them with tech which was not possible in manual lamp posts and lampmen i guess anyways. Just thought would add a comical thing and thought of an on the spot poem which is 'the journey from wireless to wireless, call it progress. Although the names same its a different game. ' Adding more to the jocular vein i must say in this instance i think the wires which were used for the wired streetposts would be feeling really betrayed like before them there were manual wireless lampposts and after them as well there were machine operated wireless lampposts and so wires were there for a short number of years but on a serious note today as well all over the world wired lampposts are still in use but it would someday happen that if the whole system goes wireless and where will so much wires find use then or they will perhaps become obsolete or not in use anymore i dunno .Adding a theme song of jetsons and also of air taxis in dubai as to how it is marketed and also a video i found and its very practical where the concept is being tested in china and the vid has a lot of things but shows as to how to make it cost effective and its fun when they ask people about it and they get replies like i dont have insurance yet, or some say during pregnancy safety is first, a person says that he is afraid of being all alone out there suspended and what if it malfunctions and a girl gives a funny reply that in less money you reach a designated place faster than the air taxi, you just have to take the highway straight lolz perhaps this is because where she wants to go that place must be near to highway and inside the city so she reaches fast and i dont think she considered traffic actually but yes she is just saying in a lighter sense and i think people feel the age of such vehicles would not come and i think after a big number of years it might someday. Coming to folding fans, so when fans were used for giving breeze or talking that was considered as its purpose and hence using the accessory in the same way for years and due to getting accustomed to it ppl might not have thought of how else the product could be used and when it travelled varied perspectives arose and different ways were found to utilise fans. China sent spices all over the world and folding fans reached Europe with it as well and and it was gifted to Queen Elizabeth and then everybody came to know of it and people took to it and started using it in Europe as well. Soon fans became a fashion accessory as well and I just normally thought on it and found that some fans were made of silk and this might have made somebody think that clothing material is used which means it looked like a part of their attire and then it is possible that somebody while taking the fan along with them or holding them at a party, they must have matched it to their clothes as the materials were same and this might have started a whole new culture of using fans as a clothing accessory like a matching tie or a purse and many patterns would have been made in order to match with their outfits .Also it is nicely explained that how when something arrives in a different territory, the culture of that territory and artistic ways which are the definition of beautiful in those territories, how it affects the products arriving in their territory and again the product is sent to the country that sent it before as well thus taking the culture of a nation to the culture of another nation through a product and so the Europeans not just utilised fans as a clothing styling utility but production of folding fans was also undertaken but with the things that were available in Europe at the time and the result was again sent the world over thus creating a new product on a previous product's framework or adding beautiful things how they have explained in the vid. The birth of impressionism is mentioned meaning a time came when there was a rise of artistic painters and painting culture came into existence which was different from the earlier and added to it and this new type was based on drawing objects from real life environment with accuracy and measurements like how today miniature scale models are available of any big object where if it is a small replica of a bike for example and it is said that the distance of its parts from each other is same as in the real world big size bike it is only that the overall proportion is small meaning if in real bike the distance between parts is in feet then in miniature model the distance is in mm or centimeters it is used as decoratives but i have seen a type of clever photography vids as well on the net where they actually click miniature models but in zoom and you cannot make out whether its the real bike or its replica model they are so accurate in measures. So do read and see more about impressionism and search for the beautiful paintings. i saw on the net the painting of a fisherman in a boat in a lake and the accuracy is good small fish and even bldes of grass are also clearly shown it is very detailed. I also sometimes like the abstract paintings or splash paintings where the objects drawn do not mean or resemble any object of the world and such paintings also leave a lot of scope to the imagination of the viewer. Like if some shape like a cloud is drawn a person would take it as a cloud, another who has memories attached to lakes would take it as the lake thinking of the shape of the clouds as ripples in water another would take it as some other structure so the possibilities are limitless. Whereas in paintings drawn from real objects the story is already presented to you like a person is fishing in a boat but still in it also the viewer can marvel at the fine detailings and also can relate like if somebody has gone fishing in their life and they will remember it or memorable instances on seeing the painting. So what happened is paintings started to be done on fabric and this fabric was used in making of folding fans as well along with their attires and people liked the vibrant patterns and had clothes made out of it and must have been utilised in anyplace where fabric could be added or any object which contained a part of fabric. And so they had chinese structure of folding fans but when opened it had a fabric which was painted with European flora and fauna, its landscape and locations and people on fans this blend also must have found its way to china as well again i guess if Europe might have sent something to China and then it is possible it would have been spread all world over and every country added their own impressions to it. I must say Europeans added their flair in another way as well and in operas and theatrical shows they use varied types of feather fans a type is called ostrich feather fans and i saw it it is so long and delicate and not dense but is very fine and so weightless it glides on wind so it must not be for providing wind but for enhancing the look and elegance and glamour. So feather fans also found a way in dance culture as well. I have seen dresses involving feathers that women used to wear in those times and perhaps these feathers were added in a way like fabric was added to sticks to make colorful folding fans and then used for performing or styling self in photos or is it the other way round like looking at fans feather fans were created and then featheres were added to outfits and everywhere which happened earlier i do not know. I dont know whether they were introduced to the world that time or not because i had seen that previously even crowns had feathers in it and in ancient greece olympia games romans wore crowns which had feathers but they were crowns and not fans. I am reading as to how feather fans came in the picture or were a modification of versatile chinese folding fans but either way it is good they came and utilised in dance or in movies also were wrapped around by actresses to convey delicate emotions or soft dialogues. Some work for the readers now and thats see cool paintings, read about feather fans and how to make them. I think feather fans is quite a unique beautifying accessory so i guess should be bought only rather than making as per dress or choice because it is made of different materials and sizes as well. Sharing a performance which uses feather fans which is an european iteration developed from the chinese japanese and korean art to suit European culture or to be able to fit in their art. A video of carbaret dance using feather fans and i dont know who must have thought it ,to make folding fans with their own material and then also creating feather fans in big sizes and types of feathers and further utilising them in dance forms and theatre and movies all over to convey feelings and it is truly the unabridged advancement of artistic flow of thoughts and the song is superb its i am feeling good and excellent way of flowing with the words when he says river at 1.06 min mark and the lady elegantly moves the fans like ripples and shows the waves of the sea and the words blossom on the tree and the lady shows herself as the tree and uses the feathers around her vertically like branches and leaves coming from the side and at the 1.39 mark the words butterfies having fun she herself denotes the butterfly and flutters the fans delicately thus signifying the butterfly or nature but also with subtle jerk like move which also bring the attention to the dance form as well so its well executed as wings and when music is fast she adds vigour and good mischievous naughty moments like at the 2.06 min mark when she lays down and shakes the feathers above with speed accelerating the viewers' emotions or like something is happening inside the feathers. I think like in martial arts as well where agility is a plus, dance also inculcates agility and i feel the styles of execution is also similar and great jolie papillon has mastered it and like at 2.20 mark she swings the feathers as if they were ddly swrds or bldes like in wwartime situation and also at the 3.29 min mark she does it quite fast like with the vigour of having become a warrior with cuttiin machine but with grace also she subtly ends it in dance moves making it seem that the whole move was part of a dance but its gives good effect of martial arts as well and she is beautiful. Very very skilled and difficult well executed performance and music and singing blended well and feather fans it looks as if they are floating clouds literally and the lady also she just floats with finesse .The art form also includes an exotic form which is a bit of an adul form like performers iris lemour and its adul versn but it also includes fans. Also shared a vid on how customized folding fans were used in wwaartime scenarios and in japan they were used and its shown that fans were used to deflect arrows and it would have to be done with extreme speed i suppose and the vid shows jackie chan and also martial artists handling it real fast. Also it is shown that fans were used as a shield also and i think it is possible because if you open a fan and are afar from the individual so it cant be thrusted on touched or if the other individual is carrying a long wpn like a spear or a swrd then reaching the person might be a task cuz his wpn has a greater physical range and so when folding fan is opened and its big and held in a hand if angled in a defensive way it could well be utilised as a shield as well. Sharing a movie scene which shows the use of folding fan with superb effects and the actress just deviates the arrow gns and while jumping and the scene is nice but folding fans were used in variety of purposes and like for wearing fabric was added and for martal arts they were made with different materials as well. Quite a travel of folding fans i must say and its cool.