A journey from C player to A player
Supply Chain Solution Provider, Solving Customer supply chain challenges
Nowadays we are living in a world of competition. In every industry the team members are categorized to A player, B Player and C player based on the performance. This scaling is essential for the organization for the growth and development.
As per my point of view there is no B or C players its is the attitude of yourself which is bringing you to that circle.
Once Winston Churchill told “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference”.
Some of the points which will help in your journey from C to A is as follows
ü Love what you do.
ü Take ownership.
ü Aspiration to learn and develop.
ü Being Proactive.
ü Take accountability.
ü Observation.
ü Sharing Ideas which will be a addon for the organisational growth.
ü Planning the objectives.
ü Be sure on the goal and results.
ü Think smart work hard.
ü Search for the solutions which will make the process simple and effective.
ü Love your work place.
ü Understand the organisation Goal and set a goal for yourself to play a major role for the organisation goal.
ü Be positive.
ü Respond rather than reacting.
If you face an issue don’t get disappointed find out a solution which will help you to overcome the issue. Understand the problem analyse it, Sort out a solution. Never ever get demotivated by your failures. Failure is the stepping stone of success. Edison made 1000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb.
Laziness is a silent killer never think that you can’t do it till you use your full dedication and try for it.
“Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.”