The journey from being an Introvert to an Extrovert
Meenakshi R.
Mindfulness & Manifestation Coach. Ho'oponopono and EFT healer, NLP coach, Law of Attraction coach, Author @ Futurezen | Coaching & Therapist. I help individuals to heal their Inner Self & Manifest a Life of Abundance.
Have you ever found yourself dreaming about someday speaking in front of large audiences, being the life of a party at a networking event, or working closely with teams of people to complete a big project; only to later think to yourself that perhaps this fanciful idea is unlikely because, well…you’re shy?
Want to Learn How to Become an Extrovert?
If so, maybe it’s because you have introverted tendencies, but extroverted ambitions.
Say what?
Look, all I mean is that you probably like to keep to yourself, you don’t really enjoy being in large group settings, you don’t fancy small talk, but, you do aspire to achieve big goals and grand achievements. You know, the kind that seems to favour those with an outgoing and gregarious personality.
If this sounds like you, don’t fret, you are not alone. In fact, there are heaps of people who are in the same boat. Thousands and thousands of people want to know how to overcome shyness too. The great news is, that your vision of success and ambitions don’t have to be put on hold just because you are an introvert.
I used to be an introvert. I still am actually. I’ve just found a way to camouflage my introverted inclinations. Put another way, I’ve learned some interpersonal and social communication strategies that allow me to “cloak” my introversion. I’ve learned how to become an extrovert.
And the great news is, anybody can do it.
“There is no such thing as a pure extrovert or a pure introvert. Such a man would be in the lunatic asylum.” – Carl Yung
The Outgoing Introvert
These days, most people would think of me to be an extrovert. I’ve been called gregarious, outgoing, social, and even the life of the party before. If I were to believe what others have said about me, I would have to consider myself an extrovert.
But the truth is, I know myself, and I am far from it. I have had my moments in the past where I’ve let loose and just let my guard/hair down. You know, just going with the flow and letting my voice be heard.
It was in those moments that I learned through the eyes of others, my ability to be an extrovert, even though I wasn’t one at heart. I say this, because, for the most part, I really am a low-key individual.
I am the type of person who has no problem keeping to himself all day long and getting lost in my work. And typically, I still prefer to not attend large social events. Networking is not much fun for me, and I still find myself avoiding group events (from time to time), especially if I can get away with it.
Fortunately, in the instance that I must “get social”, or when I must speak in front of large groups of people, I can now do it with ease and in a way where others actually suspect me to be some type of social butterfly.
“Introverts are capable of acting like extroverts for the sake of work they consider important, people they love, or anything they value highly.” – Susan Cain
To help you overcome shyness and become an extrovert, I’ve put together this small list of the key methods most useful in helping me make my transformation.
7 Simple Tips to Help You Become an Extrovert
To read the detailed article, click on the link below
Thank you for reading.