The Journey from Anger to Empathy: Transforming Communication in the Workplace.

The Journey from Anger to Empathy: Transforming Communication in the Workplace.

In the early days of my career, I struggled with anger and impatience during meetings. I often found myself unwilling to listen to others, over-talking, and aggressively emphasizing my ideas. I would frequently jump to conclusions before the other person had finished speaking, convinced that I knew everything there was to know about the topic at hand. This behavior not only stifled productive communication but also created a toxic environment where my colleagues felt disrespected and undervalued.

It took me an enormous number of years to recognize and rectify this destructive pattern. Training my brain to change this habit proved to be quite challenging, but the journey was immensely rewarding. Here’s how I managed to transform my communication style from one of dominance and anger to one of empathy and active listening.

Recognizing the Problem

The first step in my transformation was acknowledging that my behavior was problematic. I realized that my tendency to dominate conversations and dismiss others' ideas was rooted in a lack of respect for my colleagues. This realization was painful but necessary for growth.

The Turning Point

Understanding that my behavior was driven by a combination of anger and impatience, I decided to take a proactive approach to change. I began to observe how my actions affected those around me and noted the negative impact it had on team morale and collaboration.

The Technique: Biting My Tongue

To address my habit of interrupting and over-talking, I developed a simple yet effective technique: biting my tongue. Whenever I felt the urge to interrupt or jump to conclusions, I would literally bite my tongue to prevent myself from speaking. This physical action served as a powerful reminder to stay silent and listen.

Pausing to Reflect

In addition to biting my tongue, I made it a practice to give myself a few seconds to think before responding. After the other person finished speaking, I would take one or two seconds to process what was said. This brief pause allowed me to consider their perspective and formulate a thoughtful response, rather than reacting impulsively.

The Challenges of Change

Training my brain to adopt these new behaviors was not easy. It required consistent effort and self-discipline. There were times when I would slip back into old habits, but I reminded myself that change is a gradual process. Each successful interaction where I practiced active listening reinforced my commitment to improvement.

The Results

Over time, I noticed significant positive changes in my interactions with colleagues. Meetings became more collaborative, and my relationships with team members improved. By showing respect for others' ideas and giving them the space to express themselves, I created an environment where everyone felt valued and heard.

The journey from anger and impatience to empathy and active listening was transformative. It taught me the importance of respecting others and the power of effective communication. While the process was challenging, the rewards were immense. I not only became a better listener and communicator but also a more empathetic and understanding colleague.

For anyone struggling with similar issues, I encourage you to take the first step in recognizing the problem and committing to change. Simple techniques, like biting your tongue and pausing before responding, can make a world of difference. Remember, training your brain to adopt new habits takes time, but the effort is well worth it. The path to effective communication begins with a willingness to listen and a genuine respect for others.

Babu Mather

Project Controls Lead

4 个月

Very informative

Elsa Cordahi Fatté

Impact-Driven Entrepreneur | Founder of Catalytic Intelligence | Executive Leadership & PQ??Coach | NLP & Emotional Intelligence Master Practitioner & Trainer | Empowering Business Leaders Building Sustainable Legacy.

4 个月

Kudos to you Shijas M. your article is a true testimonial of how much vulnerability is linked to courage- something I strongly believe in. Thanks for sharing and inspiring ??

Sajana Binil, Business Analysis Coach, NLP Practitioner

Founder | IT Career Coach| Business Analysis Coach| NLP Practitioner

4 个月

Shijas, truly inspiring article


