The Journey of Finding My Inner-Calling
Aneesha Syed
Passionate Digital Marketing Enthusiast | Seeking Dynamic Digital Marketing Internship Opportunities
I always wonder how does one find out his/her “passion”. I have been searching for my inner-calling for a long time. I seem to have interest or passion in various fields but once I try it out for a few days, the interest apparently vanishes. Fortunately, I am a persevering person otherwise I would have given up searching for my inner-calling a sometime ago. Nevertheless, I have learnt a few things in my journey to find my true inner-calling.
1. Try out different things to find out your passion. Some people would have already known their inner-calling without having to do any experiments. But if you are like me, you need to first try out different things before finding your true passion. People may think that you give up too quickly or that you have no commitment to work; let not their words get to you.
2. If you have some idea on what you like, start your journey of finding your inner-calling with that. For example, if you had liked teaching your friends definitely give a try to take tuitions or work part-time as a tutor, if you still have that interest then start your career as a teacher/professor. But if you feel like you are having a hard time tutoring, know that the world isn’t void of inner-callings (niches).
3. Finding your inner-calling may be a long journey. You need to know how much time you can risk based on your situation. If you cannot afford much time, first take a job to be on the safer side and use the rest of the day to try out different things to find your inner-calling.
4. One of the easiest ways to find if you have interest in a particular area, is internet. Watch YouTube videos or take short courses or browse and research on that topic and see if you feel that rush.
This is your life; you are the one who is going to be stuck with the work (career) you are going to choose. Don’t rush, shut out people’s noise. You do you. The only way to achieve financially freedom is for you to be in love with your work (niche).